Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


182 (100%)
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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Well, just got my shipping notice from Fangamer for my Undertale standard Vita. I doubt it's going anywhere at 6pm on a Saturday night, but at least I know it's on the way. And they ship from one state over, so it should arrive rather soon, once it enters the tracking stream.

Never heard of Icey. likely an easy pass but I'll watch a video to see what the gameplay is.

There are still over 170 of each game from Friday. The last half of the day hasn't seen hardly any sales. It kind of reminds me of last year with the few titles that people reported as common in the blind boxes. Hopefully they sell before shipping starts.
Never heard of Icey. likely an easy pass but I'll watch a video to see what the gameplay is.

There are still over 170 of each game from Friday. The last half of the day hasn't seen hardly any sales. It kind of reminds me of last year with the few titles that people reported as common in the blind boxes. Hopefully they sell before shipping starts.
Absolute Drift and Chariot will sell out by the end of the weekend. Same shit happened for Lawbreakers and it still sold out and that was a game I doubt anyone in this thread wanted.

This will definitely sell out before shipping considering that LRG takes at least 2 weeks to ship their stuff.

ICEY Gameplay


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Been following Ackk Studios' twitter and it seems like they're almost done with YIIk. Is there still plans to do a LRG release for this game?

Icey is $10.99 MSRP on Steam and $14.99 on PSN :cry:

a bunch of people will buy it just because it has an anime chick on the front cover.
I genuinely want to play it. The anime chick is a bonus. Hope it impresses me as much as Dust did.

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Been following Ackk Studios' twitter and it seems like they're almost done with YIIk. Is there still plans to do a LRG release for this game?
They still haven't "fixed" their previous game (Two Brothers). Has a mostly negative review score on steam and got purchase-disabled back in 2015. I think LRG would be better off not dealing with that dev, honestly.

Icey is $10.99 MSRP on Steam and $14.99 on PSN :cry:

a bunch of people will buy it just because it has an anime chick on the front cover.
ICEY is legitimately good. It comes as the lead pack-in with PlayStation 4 consoles in China. User reviews are also super strong on Steam.
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The game looks great. The visuals have an almost Vanillaware-isque quality to it. Here is hoping that it plays as well as it looks.

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I got 4 tracking numbers over the past 5 days... cannot imagine how long the backup is before USPS/UPS picks up all of these.

It was really more hopeful ignorance than reality.



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I got my copy of Caladrius Blaze yesterday. Still waiting on Ys/Asdivine, but I have a tracking number (albeit there's no activity).

I'm surprised to see both of last week's releases are still in stock, but I'm sure they'll sell out soon. I ended up getting Chariot myself (no personal interest in Absolute Drift and I'm not going for a full set), and it was nice not having to be online right when they went live since I had a pretty busy day at work on Friday.

Just under 90 copies each of the games left as of this morning.  Nearly none sold since I checked yesterday evening.  I wonder if these will just get pulled so it can say "sold out" or if they'll actually stick around?  Whatever happens, it's nice no one really had to try hard to get the games if they wanted them.

I caught that video above of ICEY then read some reviews on Steam.  I can see the appeal but I don't think I want a physical copy of it.

I didn't know the game either but watched a couple of reviews and from what I understand it's one that really should be played through multiple times. That being said most of the LRG games I have played are definitely on the shorter side.
Yeah, that's the byproduct of most digital only games. As they are smaller and from indie studios, so no $100 million budgets for 50-100 plus hours of play. But I'm happy to get physical versions at $25 Vs. standard retail of $60. So I honestly expect most of these offerings to be smaller and shorter in length.

Just under 90 copies each of the games left as of this morning. Nearly none sold since I checked yesterday evening. I wonder if these will just get pulled so it can say "sold out" or if they'll actually stick around? Whatever happens, it's nice no one really had to try hard to get the games if they wanted them.
They are all "sold out" now.

Yeah, that's the byproduct of most digital only games. As they are smaller and from indie studios, so no $100 million budgets for 50-100 plus hours of play. But I'm happy to get physical versions at $25 Vs. standard retail of $60. So I honestly expect most of these offerings to be smaller and shorter in length.
Eh, for a short game that I'm not already a huge fan of, I'd rather pay $5 or less digitally. Like Brothers A Tale of Two Sons. I loved the game as a digital title on the cheap (PS+ Free)... but was able to easy pass getting it physical when that later came out. I think this is where (for me anyway) digital makes more sense.

They are all "sold out" now.
I wondered if they'd get pulled... guess we have the answer, unless they called some game stores and got them to take the extra stock or something.

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Alright, so now that that's over- what's on tap for the rest of October? 

And I still can't access LRG at work, but Vblank's store works (which is also Shopify I believe). This is gonna make LRG purchases tricky b/c my phone network is slow as hell at work... 

Just under 90 copies each of the games left as of this morning. Nearly none sold since I checked yesterday evening. I wonder if these will just get pulled so it can say "sold out" or if they'll actually stick around? Whatever happens, it's nice no one really had to try hard to get the games if they wanted them.

I caught that video above of ICEY then read some reviews on Steam. I can see the appeal but I don't think I want a physical copy of it.
I see the appeal too. The game looks cool. Since it's $11 on Steam and $15 on PSN I'd assume it's going to be sold for $20.

They are all "sold out" now.
Yup because it's Monday morning water cooler talk time now.

Alright, so now that that's over- what's on tap for the rest of October?
Agreed. NEXT!

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Lol...this is interesting: So my PAX Ys Origin variant copy is due in this week. While my other Ys Origin LE and Asdevine Hearts orders have a label generated for them...since October the 5th. No movement since. O....kay.  :whistle2:

Well, I guess we'll find out once the blind boxes hit... :lol:
Yeah, I won't be making that mistake twice. I didn't even know at the time they had removed inventory, and then included them within the blind boxes. I just thought they where left overs held for damages and lost orders(not unsold inventory no one wanted). So I was willing to take a gamble and see what I got, not knowing the deck was stacked before I even placed an order.

I know LRG gets a lot of grief from users over just about anything they do, but those blind boxes was the one issue I've personally had, and didn't care for one bit. I would recommend no one buy those unless a number count and a list of each title is given before hand.

So if there is 15 possible games, list those titles, and the numbers of copies each game has left, so people know their odds of what is being offered. Then if someone wants to take a spin of the wheel, I say go for it. But when I saw pretty much 99% of all buyers last year with the same titles, I swore those off right then and there.

If the tweet doesn't show up.

"Signed a NEW game for PS4 and Vita! ;) Also finalizing a contract for one of my dream Vita games!"

EDIT: Just to clarify, it's a port but was not on PS4 or Vita here!

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Yeah, I won't be making that mistake twice. I didn't even know at the time they had removed inventory, and then included them within the blind boxes. I just thought they where left overs held for damages and lost orders(not unsold inventory no one wanted). So I was willing to take a gamble and see what I got, not knowing the deck was stacked before I even placed an order.

I know LRG gets a lot of grief from users over just about anything they do, but those blind boxes was the one issue I've personally had, and didn't care for one bit. I would recommend no one buy those unless a number count and a list of each title is given before hand.

So if there is 15 possible games, list those titles, and the numbers of copies each game has left, so people know their odds of what is being offered. Then if someone wants to take a spin of the wheel, I say go for it. But when I saw pretty much 99% of all buyers last year with the same titles, I swore those off right then and there.
We were not holding back significant numbers of each title last year for returns/replacements. Blind boxes this year are spread out evenly from a bunch of titles. Just as many Night Trap will be blindboxed as Absolute Drift. Since we now try and hold 5 - 10% of a given run back for returns/replacements, it gives us a nice selection for blind boxes. The only thing you won't see in blindboxes right now is the Lili CE.
Awesome, as my wallet is still gasping for air from the last few months. The Vita titles have for sure been slowing down which is great, as I don't mind at all.
If schedule remained like this, like it was when LRG started, I think we'd all be relieved. I have a bad feeling about the end of the year though.....
Hey yall, again, if anyone (well, a majority) is offended by this, please do tell me to fuck right off and I'll stop posting them but -

I made an unboxing video for both the binder and the display stand! If you'd like to see! 

Not sure if stand/binder review or subtle B&C humble brag like most of these types of videos are.

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We were not holding back significant numbers of each title last year for returns/replacements. Blind boxes this year are spread out evenly from a bunch of titles. Just as many Night Trap will be blindboxed as Absolute Drift. Since we now try and hold 5 - 10% of a given run back for returns/replacements, it gives us a nice selection for blind boxes. The only thing you won't see in blindboxes right now is the Lili CE.
Well, that's good news I suppose, still doesn't change my experience from last year though, and the game I'm still sitting on that I can't give away. LOL But good to know the odds are much better for getting different games than what the majority ends up with.

If schedule remained like this, like it was when LRG started, I think we'd all be relieved. I have a bad feeling about the end of the year though.....
Yeah, I'm fearing the same, especially after so many things got delayed/pushed back due to that ESRB nonsense. My online sells are pretty good this time of year due to the holidays, but I've also had tons of other expenses that have been popping up here and there, so I may be OK, but maybe not. I guess it just depends on how much we get, and how often. As long as there is no Vita CE, I should be fine with a handful of $25-$30 releases. So I'll keep me fingers crossed.

bread's done