Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Has anyone's copy of Skullgirls shipped? 

Nice. Finally buying something from LRG after two months. 

Will buy both of the titles. 

Who cares about variants

The Twitter comments where LRG responded made it seem like there really are three covers. No mention of them being reversible.
The cover that mirrors the CE box is PSX exclusive. One of the other covers will be in the CE and the other is the standard cover. We'll probably put it up to vote on which is which - though I kind of feel like I know which will win as the standard cover. Nex Machina has full-color interior art printed on the reverse of the cover, so we did not go a reversible route here.

Has anyone's copy of Skullgirls shipped?

Nice. Finally buying something from LRG after two months.

Will buy both of the titles.

Who cares about variants
Nope - we've continued to receive address updates through today and we want to provide updates to as many people as possible since we can't replace copies sent to the wrong address. We've started packing boxes, though, and stuff should actually start leaving the office next week.

I’m super excited for Nex. Never heard of it before seeing it in this thread but now knowing it’s housemarque I’m all over it and the (4???) variants.

Great news for switch fans. I have one collecting dust on my shelf but if there are some good digital only games on the eshop then I’ll be happy to buy them LRG. Nintendo digital sales are the worst. 10% off a game I can buy on the shelf for half price or less? Yeah no thanks. I don’t even bother to check that thread anymore.

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Great news for switch fans. I have one collecting dust on my shelf but if there are some good digital only games on the eshop then I’ll be happy to buy them LRG. Nintendo digital sales are the worst. 10% off a game I can buy on the shelf for half price or less? Yeah no thanks. I don’t even bother to check that thread anymore.
Yeah, their digital model is the worst. Hopefully once they get their online program going, and the VC, they will step in to 10 years ago, and actually have some quality discounts. But I don't recommend holding your breath for that, but if it happens at some point, it will be a nice surprise.

So are we anticipating every LRG release from now on to be like Just Dance ? PS4, Vita, Switch, Wii U, PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP, Wii, etc.

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I need to get me a Switch. I've already got a few games for the system and I'm very interested in seeing what we will get from LRG.
Microsoft needs to jump on the train. I got my Xbox One before my PS4, because the new Killer Instinct was a dream come true, for me, yet my PS4 library is like 5 times larger than my Xbox One's.
So are we anticipating every LRG release from now on to be like Just Dance ? PS4, Vita, Switch, Wii U, PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP, Wii, etc.
100% don't doubt it. So I guess I need to decide now whether to collection Limited Run for Switch or keep collecting for PS4 like I have been since all of my previous LRG games collection is there and it seems dumb to buy two copies of the same game. How did you Vita and PS4 people ever justify it?

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How did you Vita and PS4 people ever justify it?
By holding out for Vita cart production to be stopped officially so we can move on to new platforms eventually. As long as they allow carts to be made, all these collector exploiters are going to keep quadruple dipping as wide as possible. Because really who else is still buying USA region Vita games besides USA collectors? The only companies that still even make Vita games are ones that target collectors. NIS, Iffy, LRG, etc.

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Microsoft needs to jump on the train. I got my Xbox One before my PS4, because the new Killer Instinct was a dream come true, for me, yet my PS4 library is like 5 times larger than my Xbox One's.
I'm in a similar situation. Although to be fair, I did get my PS4 first. My Xbox One collection is small, and staying that way. My PS4 collection is much, much larger. It's an easy sell for the PS4 when all the games run as good or better on it, and the overall selection of desirable exclusives is much larger.

The platform that my PS4 sees the most competition from is the PC. A lot of the Japanese-style games that used to be exclusive to the PS4 have these days been getting PC ports. And the sky is the limit on performance for most of those, so a decent gaming rig can usually outpace the PS4 when it comes to those titles.

My Switch can't really punch in the same weight class when it comes to third-party big-budget titles. But I can already tell that it's going to be the go-to platform for smaller indie titles. So LRG releases that have a Switch option will likely have me showing up.

Microsoft needs to jump on the train. I got my Xbox One before my PS4, because the new Killer Instinct was a dream come true, for me, yet my PS4 library is like 5 times larger than my Xbox One's.
I was planning to get a PS4 this holiday if the price was right, but funds are a little tight, so I may roll it over unless a super deal appears. I probably won't be getting a ONE for a few years, and the only game I think I would get sight unseen, would be Cuphead in some physical form. A Collectors edition would be awesome if done right. But MS doesn't seem to interested in smaller runs, and really didn't want to be doing physical at all, so LRG may break thru at some point, but not likely.

It's fascinating to me that csbaker complains more than anyone else about multiple platforms and variants and yet is also the one who most mindlessly just buy up every single edition of everything. If anything you only have yourself to thank for all the releases you seem to dislike so much. Loads of us buy the games to play. it's just a silent majority because we don't have as much to complain about since we don't feel obligated to buy every single game. The more platforms and games there are released the better it is for consumers!

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It's fascinating to me that csbaker complains more than anyone else about multiple platforms and variants and yet is also the one who most mindlessly just buy up every single edition of everything. If anything you only have yourself to thank for all the releases you seem to dislike so much. Loads of us buy the games to play. it's just a silent majority because we don't have as much to complain about since we don't feel obligated to buy every single game. The more platforms and games there are released the better it is for consumers!

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I think most of us have just learned to ignore csbaker. He quite plainly has compulsiveness issues and can't get his head around the fact that most of us don't spend even a second of our days worrying about whether or not a new release will make our collections "incomplete". It's pretty ironic that he's always complaining about Youtube and other media ruining collecting by over hyping things when he is constantly in a state of mental desperation as to what might happen with some new announcement or release that he just can't get to in time. I mean it's literally the kind of clinical stuff you see on cable shows about bizarre compulsions and the sad part is that he thinks most of us have the same issues when it's really just him.

Games are already up on the site:

Limited Run #89: CRAWL (PS4) $24.99
Limited Run #90: Nex Machina Collector's Edition (PS4) $64.99

The collector's edition includes the game on PlayStation 4 with unique collector's edition cover art, a CD soundtrack, four art prints, and an 18 x 24 inch poster - all packaged in a beautiful embossed collector's box.

Limited Run #90: Nex Machina (PS4) $29.99
Limited Run #93: La-Mulana EX (Vita) $29.99

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I mean it's literally the kind of clinical stuff you see on cable shows about bizarre compulsions and the sad part is that he thinks most of us have the same issues when it's really just him.
I was with you till the last line. I'd be inclined to agree that we are all compulsive about this crap or we would just save money and either buy digital or just play the digital versions we already own and be happy. If we weren't a bit compulsive there would be no complaints about games and the condition they arrive in let alone the size of the le box, a floating disc, or other nit picky compulsive stuff like tracking sales so we can buy more games many of which we'll never play. It's kind of screwed up and I have no problem admitting to buying physical games I already own digitally and can play without issue. The doom slingers that warn about games disappearing are only doing it to make money because if you look at the historical data for gaming you'd find pretty much the vast majority of games people actually like (regardless of having a physical version or not) are preserved digitally already.

What's even more screwed up is us folks (me included) that buy games that were originally free games. Like Cave Story. Why did I have no problem throwing my money at a physical copy for the Switch... well it's that same dumb compulsion to own crap because I've maybe spent 15 minutes ever playing the game in all the many years I've known about it before it even was packaged up and sold. And I'm sure a big part of that comes from the addiction of shopping (which I'm sure plagues a large number of us CAGs) coupled with making up for a childhood where getting games was rare so now that we can buy whatever there's so much less to stop us. The thought that there won't be any copies later to get adds into this mess.

So be careful dismissing the guy. Sure I think he's pretty far gone but it's just further down the path those of us with massive blacklogs have already blazed. Especially those of us (me included) that buy games with the intent to play them, build up nice collections, then eventually get bored or cash strapped and sell much of it off without evening opening all of the games and playing them even once. Add to this those that don't realize they have their own compulsive problem that will not realize what they are doing because it's not so bad that they actually break and see what they are obsessing over.

Food for thought.
Def in for Nex Machina & La-Mulana EX.

Awesome news about Switch games in 2018!!

What are some NS games people would like to see get a physical release??

These are some of the upcoming titles on my Nintendo Switch radar I hope LRG can sign:

Hollow Knight




Earth Atlantis

Dimension Drive



SteamWorld Dig 2

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura
Def in for Nex Machina & La-Mulana EX.

Awesome news about Switch games in 2018!!

What are some NS games people would like to see get a physical release??

These are some of the upcoming titles on my Nintendo Switch radar I hope LRG can sign:

Hollow Knight




Earth Atlantis

Dimension Drive



SteamWorld Dig 2

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura
I wonder what the base price will be for the switch. I'm assuming x 35 which is too high for these type of gsmes.
Switch releases are gonna be such a shit show. Yall know how Nintendo fan boys are and how the Nintendo scalper market is.

Hopefully high numbers or cross platform so I can just get it on Playstation.
I would think Battle Princess Madelyn would be one of the first, if not the first offered. As LRG is doing their physical offerings for that game. It's due out in early 2018, it seems the logical choice, and demand for that is going to be pretty high. So if "N" is asking for larger than normal numbers, 4000-5000 would seem feasible in that situation. I would also guess Wonder Boy could be the other first title, as LRG handled that already and also seems logical to do for the NS as well. Then of course it could be something not on anyone's radar, so time will tell.

Based on what the minimum that is being required here, we may see similar numbers to Vita/PS4, as even though "N" comes with the "shit show" as stated, the NS is at maybe half of the Vita lifetime sales, and no where near the PS4, so average games could do probably just as well in the 3000 range(give or take). Pricing is my main concern currently, as I don't see NS games costing $25. And I don't know if $30 is even possible. Don't be surprised if the base cost of these is $40, and most would still move with no issues, as it's "N" and "limited", so the skies the limit. LOL

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My games had a shipping label created on 10/05... still waiting to be picked up.  I'm not in a big rush but I find it a little ridiculous that it takes over two weeks to pick up a package.

I don't know about everyone else but I won't feel as compelled to buy Switch games as I do with PS4 games.  Price is a big factor;  NS games are already inflated.  The box art is tinier and the spines are all solid red.  PS4 just has more of a universal acceptance and demand.   Whereas the Switch feels niche.   It's going to have to be a pretty damn good game to get me to pull the trigger on buying it.  The extras are going to have to be nice and meaningful like Nicalis did with the Binding of Isaac. 

I'm becoming more accepting of a digital future when the games in question cost 60% or less than what they cost physically. 

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My games had a shipping label created on 10/05... still waiting to be picked up. I'm not in a big rush but I find it a little ridiculous that it takes over two weeks to pick up a package.
You might want to open a support ticket. I had that same issue on an earlier game and it turned out it hadn't been shipped and they needed to resend it.

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@Doomstink Any chance there will be pictures of the Nex Machina poster and prints included in the collectors edition before release so we can see what they look like?

I'm one of those crazy people that likes to buy all the variants LRG produces. I ordered two copies each of Wonder Boy and Ys assuming I would get both covers. At least that is how it went I got Night Trap. Well, I finally got my orders the other day and I received duplicate covers on both games. Kind of disappointed since this ruins my complete LRG collection.

Should I bother making a ticket to LRG support in hopes of getting an exchange? I haven't heard good things about their customer service lately, including that one case where someone returned a game and got one in worse shape than they sent back. My own experience with them did not go so well either. I tried to get the corrected Dear Esther artwork. I asked for it three times and never got anything.

I don't suppose anyone else is in this situation and wants to do a trade?

La-Mulana and Nex Machina are two games I am very stoked for. Both are homerun gets for LRG IMO. They are going to go very very fast.

I'm one of those crazy people that likes to buy all the variants LRG produces. I ordered two copies each of Wonder Boy and Ys assuming I would get both covers. At least that is how it went I got Night Trap. Well, I finally got my orders the other day and I received duplicate covers on both games. Kind of disappointed since this ruins my complete LRG collection.

Should I bother making a ticket to LRG support in hopes of getting an exchange? I haven't heard good things about their customer service lately, including that one case where someone returned a game and got one in worse shape than they sent back. My own experience with them did not go so well either. I tried to get the corrected Dear Esther artwork. I asked for it three times and never got anything.

I don't suppose anyone else is in this situation and wants to do a trade?
Just to make sure the correct information is out there, in the situation you're referencing, the person got a better condition copy back. They were upset that they didn't get their specific copy back - not that they got a worse condition copy.

We do generally try to ship unique covers to people who buy two copies but we can't guarantee it. We don't get an equal split from Sony. We also can't do it if you order multiple copies across different orders because we can't keep track of which cover went in which order. We can only do it if all copies are in a single order.

I don't understand how you weren't able to get the Dear Esther cover - did you request it through Freshdesk and get a response from Sarah or did you send an email and never see a response? We don't do CS through email - it was too hard to track open and resolved issues via email. As for Freshdesk - we sent out over 1,000 covers - I'm not sure how we missed your request three times. I'd be happy to look into it. We've stopped replacing covers at this point but if you have open support tickets that were never responded to, we can grandfather the request and get one to you.
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grrrr I sent in another ticket.   They better make good on these Dear Esther replacement covers. 

how you have "stopped replacing covers" is beyond me.

These should have been sent out automatically to everyone who ordered the game.  Don't want to spend the money shipping them? fine, I can get down with that.  But I needn't have to follow multiple other forums or social media feeds in order to hit the right time window (???) in order to request replacement covers.   I was the very first person to ask about this on CAG and you responded you were in the process of getting replacements. 

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I somehow missed the Dear Esther situation. What's wrong with the cover? And wtf was this not automatically fixed for people?

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grrrr I sent in another ticket. They better make good on these Dear Esther replacement covers.

how you have "stopped replacing covers" is beyond me.

These should have been sent out automatically to everyone who ordered the game. Don't want to spend the money shipping them? fine, I can get down with that. But I needn't have to follow multiple other forums or social media feeds in order to hit the right time window (???) in order to request replacement covers. I was the very first person to ask about this on CAG and you responded you were in the process of getting replacements.
Wasn't even aware of this issue but it sucks. I own every vita game they've released and this was never made aware by email to there paying customers.
I'm one of those crazy people that likes to buy all the variants LRG produces. I ordered two copies each of Wonder Boy and Ys assuming I would get both covers. At least that is how it went I got Night Trap. Well, I finally got my orders the other day and I received duplicate covers on both games. Kind of disappointed since this ruins my complete LRG collection.

Should I bother making a ticket to LRG support in hopes of getting an exchange? I haven't heard good things about their customer service lately, including that one case where someone returned a game and got one in worse shape than they sent back. My own experience with them did not go so well either. I tried to get the corrected Dear Esther artwork. I asked for it three times and never got anything.

I don't suppose anyone else is in this situation and wants to do a trade?
I also got duplicate covers, which one did you get? Maybe we can do a switch.

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Why wouldn't Switch games follow the same pricing that LRG uses of $10 over the digital price with a minimum of $24.99?  Doomstink had previously stated in this thread that Switch games basically cost the same as Vita games to manufacture.  There seem to be a lot of $20 and under Switch indie titles so there is no reason they shouldn't be priced $24.99 to $29.99 as physical releases.

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bread's done