Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I have no idea what Croixleur Sigma is, but I looked up a video and it looks delightful. I'll try and grab a copy of that when it releases.

Meh, and playing some of the older Bit Trips not the best honestly. Also Croixleur Sigma is extremely short for a play through. It's fun though. Easy, easy passes for me.

Meh, and playing some of the older Bit Trips not the best honestly. Also Croixleur Sigma is extremely short for a play through. It's fun though. Easy, easy passes for me.
Yeah, Runner 1 isn't good after you've played 2. Very dated, average at best. I liked 2, but if that's not in the collection then why bother..

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Holy moly, I stopped doing that after the first few PS4 titles came on the scene. I saw right away what mighty rabbit hole that went down, and just opted to stick with Vita. Now keep in mind, I don't have a PS4, so my buying there was to build it over time, so once I do have a system, I would have the games I wanted. Even just getting the games I wanted, it was going to be to much.

If you have both systems, it comes down to which system you would prefer certain games on. Some here buy for Vita in certain cases, and the PS4 in others. Then of course you have those who buy all games across both systems. If your asking, it's obvious you don't want to keep that up, so just go on a game to game basis, and select based on performance, extra's, or ease of use.
ftfy :D

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You guys make very legit points, but they still pretty much only fall in line for those who are buying every title, which is the collector. Ultimately, that crowd has already won the fight, as LRG has been saying for 6 months how they plan to get to only a few titles a month. And that the games offered will be considered "better" overall, than in the past. So what are you guys still fuck ing complaining about?

And why is LRG making someone "work for it", when they are the middle man, and not the creators of these games? The developers couldn't be bothered to offer physical in the first place, but LRG is the bad guy for signing a deal, bringing a game to market, and then get slammed because they didn't offer a bigger heads up to the guys complaining in the first place?

I honestly don't care how many games they release either, but if I was selling to someone who had this mind set, I sure as hell wouldn't be changing a single thing about my business to make that group happy, as they never will be.
While I'm a collector, I'm not going for full sets or buying every release from LRG. I only buy the ones I know I'll play. I have heavy expenses coming my way, so I'm cutting back on buying in general. My preference is more spread out releases and longer notice times, but I'm not going to throw a fit if that doesn't come to fruition, it's simply my preference. I also like when they release less desirable games as they really push that ideal that all games deserve to be preserved. Also, since I'm not going for full sets, if I don't want it, I just won't buy it, not an issue. Matter of fact, it makes things easier on me because that's a week that I don't need to spend money. Win-win. Even if it's a solid month of nothing but good games 2 a week every week, I'm gonna have to pass on games because my wallet can't handle it, but I'm not going to get mad at them because I don't have the money. It's not their fault, but I know that if it were spread out I wouldn't have to pick and choose, hence my preference.

I don't really follow your point on the second paragraph. I don't think LRG is the bad guy. I don't really feel that I'm being unreasonable in asking for a better notice on sales. I'm not saying they should announce all of their sales for 2018 right meow. It would be nice if we had maybe two or three weeks notice on a sale. Sometimes we get the response that they can't announce it before a certain date because of how their NDA is worded, and sometimes it's because it will take away from the hype of a different game going on sale sooner. It makes sense I guess, but it sucks for those of us having to plan out expenses for the month in advance. I've made the statement that maybe they should re-work future NDAs to allow them to give at least 2 weeks notice and I got severe negative feedback on that request. They're giving us a little over a week notice for Bit.Trip and maybe the other game next week, which I'm probably buying both because I think I know what title is going on sale with Bit.Trip. Two weeks for CS and Skyforce. That's fantastic, and I appreciate that I can now plan out the rest of my gaming expenses for the rest of January.

The fact that Doug replied just to openly agree with your statement tells me that there must be a very vocal and probably overly angry group of folks who feel that way, which I suppose is the real issue here.

tl;dr I'm on the wah-wah side, but I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch over it.

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The fact that Doug replied just to openly agree with your statement tells me that there must be a very vocal and probably overly angry group of folks who feel that way, which I suppose is the real issue here.

tl;dr I'm on the wah-wah side, but I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch over it.
Most of the issues around here, fall in to the "why isn't LRG like other developers?". That's just it, they aren't developers, Mighty Rabbit Studios is, but not LRG. It has been explained many, many, many times how their operation works, and the issues they have had since the start. They can't be one way when it suites buyers, and then be held to a different standard when they don't.

Having a firm release date is great, when a developer is releasing their own games, as they have schedules and certain things in place to make that happen. As I'm sure Sony works with those entities to make dates happen. LRG is not operating on that typical path. They work a deal, sign a contract and then do their best to meet the window given(best for them, best for developers).

When the time comes, they pay Sony to produce the carts, and then they get them back when Sony feels like it. They are producing peanuts, compared to games with 50,000-100,000 qty orders. So guess what happens to LRG games that are in line? They get pushed aside for the bigger pay day from bigger runs. That's just business, and I can't fault Sony for doing it. Hell, they have been great in allowing these smaller runs when others don't(MS/N). Be grateful for what we have, as we don't always get what we want, when we want it.

Now their dealing with a game having to be sold by a certain time, or else the contract becomes void. The games is sold, but maybe production didn't happen yet, as Sony is pressing millions of other titles, and not a few thousand for LRG. Now they may run in to several titles all falling in at the same time, as now Sony gets around to printing their games. People neither see these issues as part of what is being done, or they don't.

Now the same guys bitching about not enough advance warning, or now bitching that their games aren't shipping for weeks or months. Now here is an area I think could be improved, at least in regards to the current status of where a game is in regards to shipping. Maybe there's some issue for that as well, I don't know. It seems easy enough, but it ain't happening, so it is what it is.

If guys want retail benefits, you need to buy from retail chain developers. If you want some cheap niche physical games that don't have a lot of options otherwise, this is it. Every other company selling these limited games operates in a similar fashion. Play_Asia sells a game, and then a month or so later, it ships. Yes, maybe they give more advanced warning in regards to titles, but they are releasing very few games, which probably makes that possible.

LRG has mentioned they are working towards less titles, and better schedules. This has all been stated for a long while, but still the same guys are bitching about the same damn problems. They have also stated most of the current games had deals put in place years ago, and it is taking time to work to the better system, give them time, Rome wasn't built in a day. I remember early on when most guys asked for more games, as they didn't have many offerings at the start, well guess what? Be careful what you wish for! LOL

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The fact that Doug replied just to openly agree with your statement tells me that there must be a very vocal and probably overly angry group of folks who feel that way, which I suppose is the real issue here.

I only agreed because I thought it was a good post.

We are definitely truly working towards a slower release schedule, we just had a two-hour meeting yesterday on this.

Most of the issues around here, fall in to the "why isn't LRG like other developers?". That's just it, they aren't developers, Mighty Rabbit Studios is, but not LRG. It has been explained many, many, many times how their operation works, and the issues they have had since the start. They can't be one way when it suites buyers, and then be held to a different standard when they don't.

Having a firm release date is great, when a developer is releasing their own games, as they have schedules and certain things in place to make that happen. As I'm sure Sony works with those entities to make dates happen. LRG is not operating on that typical path. They work a deal, sign a contract and then do their best to meet the window given(best for them, best for developers).

When the time comes, they pay Sony to produce the carts, and then they get them back when Sony feels like it. They are producing peanuts, compared to games with 50,000-100,000 qty orders. So guess what happens to LRG games that are in line? They get pushed aside for the bigger pay day from bigger runs. That's just business, and I can't fault Sony for doing it. Hell, they have been great in allowing these smaller runs when others don't(MS/N). Be grateful for what we have, as we don't always get what we want, when we want it.

Now their dealing with a game having to be sold by a certain time, or else the contract becomes void. The games is sold, but maybe production didn't happen yet, as Sony is pressing millions of other titles, and not a few thousand for LRG. Now they may run in to several titles all falling in at the same time, as now Sony gets around to printing their games. People neither see these issues as part of what is being done, or they don't.

Now the same guys bitching about not enough advance warning, or now bitching that their games aren't shipping for weeks or months. Now here is an area I think could be improved, at least in regards to the current status of where a game is in regards to shipping. Maybe there's some issue for that as well, I don't know. It seems easy enough, but it ain't happening, so it is what it is.

If guys want retail benefits, you need to buy from retail chain developers. If you want some cheap niche physical games that don't have a lot of options otherwise, this is it. Every other company selling these limited games operates in a similar fashion. Play_Asia sells a game, and then a month or so later, it ships. Yes, maybe they give more advanced warning in regards to titles, but they are releasing very few games, which probably makes that possible.

LRG has mentioned they are working towards less titles, and better schedules. This has all been stated for a long while, but still the same guys are bitching about the same damn problems. They have also stated most of the current games had deals put in place years ago, and it is taking time to work to the better system, give them time, Rome wasn't built in a day. I remember early on when most guys asked for more games, as they didn't have many offerings at the start, well guess what? Be careful what you wish for! LOL
I don't know if you quoted a post from somewhere else or if that was your written response to my statement, but I'm not talking about the time it takes them to ship out games. I understand what's going on there and quite frankly I don't really care how long they take to ship me my games as long as they arrive eventually. It's nice to be kept updated on shipping schedules and stuff though.

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Well, easy passes for me (I have Bit Trip Collection on 3DS and like the 3D effect), so January saves me some money. It's nice to see people excited for Croixleur Sigma though, especially with it being somewhat outside of the usual LRG release style and culture wise.

Well, easy passes for me (I have Bit Trip Collection on 3DS and like the 3D effect), so January saves me some money. It's nice to see people excited for Croixleur Sigma though, especially with it being somewhat outside of the usual LRG release style and culture wise.
Damn, I actually forgot this is the same collection that already exists. I guess it's still nice to get it on another platform.

Well, easy passes for me (I have Bit Trip Collection on 3DS and like the 3D effect), so January saves me some money. It's nice to see people excited for Croixleur Sigma though, especially with it being somewhat outside of the usual LRG release style and culture wise.
I actually just sold my 3DS collection right before the holidays, so I'll for sure grab it up again for the Vita.

Just caught this....

Looks like we won't get an announcement for that first Switch game until they get another 14,000+ followers on twitter.   Ransom marketing is an interesting scheme.

Just caught this....

Looks like we won't get an announcement for that first Switch game until they get another 14,000+ followers on twitter. Ransom marketing is an interesting scheme.
Where have you been for the past decade? Tying announcements to a certain number of new followers is literally Twitter 101. Are you new to social media or are you just trying to look for another perceived sleight that doesn't exist where LRG is involved?

Looks like we won't get an announcement for that first Switch game until they get another 14,000+ followers on twitter. Ransom marketing is an interesting scheme.
So if 1/3 of their current followers made new accounts and followed...

I'm too lazy for that, but you guys go ahead.

Where have you been for the past decade? Tying announcements to a certain number of new followers is literally Twitter 101. Are you new to social media or are you just trying to look for another perceived sleight that doesn't exist where LRG is involved?
You don't think ONLY mentioning on twitter about getting 27.5% more followers is a little pointless?

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So if 1/3 of their current followers made new accounts and followed...

I'm too lazy for that, but you guys go ahead.
Yeah, I'm not on any social media, and I also don't care when they announce any NS titles(or any titles for that matter). If they announce it months before, or the week of, I'm cool either way. But I guess those guys who need to know what's coming, may want to follow your advice, maybe even do it thrice. LOL

So if 1/3 of their current followers made new accounts and followed...

I'm too lazy for that, but you guys go ahead.

You don't think ONLY mentioning on twitter about getting 27.5% more followers is a little pointless?
No, that's how Twitter works. The idea is that people that are on Twitter will retweet to their followers who will then follow LRG. It's not about making new accounts.

LRG can release as many titles as they they want. They are also devaluing their brand name with every subsequent month. TBH I'm pretty surprised that this house of cards hasn't come tumbling down yet, considering how long similar releases stay in-stock at other online retailers. But apparently there are still ~1-1.5k domestic "complete PS4/Vita collection" people out there.
Exactly this. It's a two way free market. LRG can take their business in whatever direction they please. The consumer has the freedom to consume what they want or the freedom to express what they don't.

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Exactly this. It's a two way free market. LRG can take their business in whatever direction they please. The consumer has the freedom to consume what they want or the freedom to express what they don't.
Yes and the consumers have spoken and the games keep selling out. Nothing you will say or do is going to have any impact on that and your trolling is totally unwelcome here.

I hope Doug touches my booty at PAX :D
WTF!? I guess that's something different than the norm around here, so proceed. LOL

If I ever buy a vinyl again it'll be separately from the games. Nex Machina vinyl is holding up my entire order. Lesson learned.
Yeah, more often than not, any thing over one game will do that. Even two separate games, as one may arrive on time, when the other didn't. You can always order each item on it's own, but the shipping cost is going to add up pretty quick.

I'm never in a rush for my LRG orders, as most games I already have digitally, so I just play those if I have an itch. Otherwise I just play one of the thousand other games I have that need to be played in my backlog. LOL

Im selling my Skullgirls 2nd encore limited edition if anyone is interested

What happened to the guy who said he would sell his for a penny? Is that you?
Yes that was him. I even messaged him after he said that months ago about selling it for a penny, and offered him a deal. He never replied back to me. And im still serious about it. Mesage me and see if we can work something out since your so bitter about it and want it gone.

Went from a newsletter to a magazine, that escalated quickly lol.

Yes that was him. I even messaged him after he said that months ago about selling it for a penny, and offered him a deal. He never replied back to me. And im still serious about it. Mesage me and see if we can work something out since your so bitter about it and want it gone.
Liars gonna lie. Didn't he also say something along the lines of he would do it and not go back on it just to prove a point? 😂😂😂😂😂
Doug or Josh, any updates on when DD4 and River City are going to ship? I'm usually patient, but I'm pretty excited to get these particular games. 

Doug or Josh, any updates on when DD4 and River City are going to ship? I'm usually patient, but I'm pretty excited to get these particular games.
Currently shipping GunWorld 2 orders. After GunWorld 2 orders are out they are shipping out the Standard DD4 and RCM orders. CEs for DD4 and RCM aren't ready to ship yet.

First Switch release announced for LRG 


Orders go up in March, should receive shipments Q1 2019

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And here i am patiently waiting for Claire and Windjammers Vita. And Ill probably get a goddam Silver card
Rare, gold, silver, it really doesn't matter; they all be cured up like tacos and destroyed within the year.

You can argue that's the point of the card sleeves, but I've seen baseball cards, from 40 years ago, flat as hell with no card protector. I'm not sure there's any excuse in 2017.
Rare, gold, silver, it really doesn't matter; they all be cured up like tacos and destroyed within the year.

You can argue that's the point of the card sleeves, but I've seen baseball cards, from 40 years ago, flat as hell with no card protector. I'm not sure there's any excuse in 2017.
It's due to foil printing which was not around in sports cards 40 years ago. Do a Google search for foil card curling and you will instantly find hundreds of links with videos, discussions, etc....It's not a unique problem to LRG's cards (in fact, it's a much bigger problem in Magic the Gathering) and it's due to the nature of the foil which expands and shrinks depending on humidity and temperature.

Rare, gold, silver, it really doesn't matter; they all be cured up like tacos and destroyed within the year.

You can argue that's the point of the card sleeves, but I've seen baseball cards, from 40 years ago, flat as hell with no card protector. I'm not sure there's any excuse in 2017.
All my cards are still flat. Whatever trading cards I have left, they're all still in good condition. so ymmv

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Has there been reports of LRG cards bending? These things aren't even a year old yet.
Yeah, I've seen it posted a few times, not sure how many have stated the issue though. All of mine have been fine, and most of them have just been tossed and laid wherever. I do have the LRG binder now, I just haven't bothered to put all the cards in it yet. It's on my 2018 to do list. LOL

bread's done