Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Can’t wait for Super Hydorah! I’ll buy any shmup so there’s that and the playasia Defenders of Ekron release right quick.

Still can’t believe I managed to score a Munch’s Odyssey CE in the second round this week. I’m still super tapped out from being out of work, but I’ve been borrowing minimal funds from my parents for the time being and squeezed in enough extra for the one game even though I wanted all three. That’s 4 games (six if you count PS4 and Vita versions) I’ve had to miss so far including that shmup the other week. I’m just going to have to try and trade for them later when I’m back on my feet or hope I can snag them at the end of the year sale. I got a job offer today so I’m on my way!

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And then it finally gets tracking info in 2 weeks besides Label Printed. :p
I almost wrote that exact same sentiment as my second sentence. But I figured after the wait we've already had, we can all do 2 weeks standing on our heads. LOL

EDIT: I spoke to soon, as my package is already on the move and is due to arrive Monday.

I got a job offer today so I’m on my way!
Congrats on the new job, and good luck!

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I read on the lrg forums they may tweak the ratio of CE to standard. It was apparently a mistake.
That would make more sense. I thought it was very odd that the standard edition was way more limited than the CE.

Holy shit, I actually got the shipping notice for Skullgirls Vita today. I never thought I'd live to see the day. LOL
Same here. I had to pinch myself to make sure it was real!

Doug's popped in briefly a couple of times, but haven't seen Josh post here on CAG in quite some time. Wonder if he's just busy or got tired of trying to explain everything to the small percentage of people who can't get off the hate train. While LRG is far from perfect, I really looked forward to all of the additional insight we used to get from Josh. My line of work is nowhere near similar to what game developers and publishers do, so I felt like I learned a lot from Josh's posts, even when it wasn't always good news. In summary, I appreciated his input far more than the typical Sony or Nintendo rep stating "we have no comment at this time" to every question asked. 

Doug's popped in briefly a couple of times, but haven't seen Josh post here on CAG in quite some time. Wonder if he's just busy or got tired of trying to explain everything to the small percentage of people who can't get off the hate train. While LRG is far from perfect, I really looked forward to all of the additional insight we used to get from Josh. My line of work is nowhere near similar to what game developers and publishers do, so I felt like I learned a lot from Josh's posts, even when it wasn't always good news. In summary, I appreciated his input far more than the typical Sony or Nintendo rep stating "we have no comment at this time" to every question asked.
Yeah, I had noticed he was MIA as well. I just figured he was taking a break, as most times he post, it just creates more issues than it was meant to fix(not Josh's fault). I do agree that the info was always appreciated, but as I've stated many times before, "some men you just can't reach".

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Josh is just taking a break to catch up on work!

We've been busy getting Nintendo stuff ready and prepping for GDC. 

He was worried that this thread went to hell while he was gone though haha. 

Josh is just taking a break to catch up on work!

We've been busy getting Nintendo stuff ready and prepping for GDC.

He was worried that this thread went to hell while he was gone though haha.
The trolls who enjoy shitting on releases typically only do it when they know Josh is around because they want to get a rise out of him.

But when he's not here, they go back under their bridge. ;D

Otherwise, the typical discussions and occasional gripes are normal. ^___^

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The trolls who enjoy shitting on releases typically only do it when they know Josh is around because they want to get a rise out of him.

But when he's not here, they go back under their bridge. ;D

Otherwise, the typical discussions and occasional gripes are normal. ^___^
So True^

So with skullgirls starting to be real, i went and looked at how many unfulfilled orders i currently have...4 orders, 7 games total.  

I want a limited run gag-gift style shirt that say "You'll get your shit eventually" in their font

Fingers crossed mine will ship soon. :*(

Heck, I'd settle for a tracking number at this point.

They can wait a week to ship it even, but just give me that damn number. T_____T

Doug's popped in briefly a couple of times, but haven't seen Josh post here on CAG in quite some time. Wonder if he's just busy or got tired of trying to explain everything to the small percentage of people who can't get off the hate train. While LRG is far from perfect, I really looked forward to all of the additional insight we used to get from Josh. My line of work is nowhere near similar to what game developers and publishers do, so I felt like I learned a lot from Josh's posts, even when it wasn't always good news. In summary, I appreciated his input far more than the typical Sony or Nintendo rep stating "we have no comment at this time" to every question asked.
I just like to hear from Josh because he is a longtime CAG who used to post here long before he even started LRG.

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I got my tracking# for Skullgilrs Vita+PS4 pack :D/
havent gotten mines yet. i think they are digging through their warehouse to find my Volume that i ordered with it. right now i dont care about Volume anymore since I got it during their first blind box sale.

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havent gotten mines yet. i think they are digging through their warehouse to find my Volume that i ordered with it. right now i dont care about Volume anymore since I got it during their first blind box sale.
This was one of their top qty's ever released, so I don't think all orders will be getting done in a few days. And as stated in the past, combined orders go out after the "singles", so it will ship, just not as quick as may be wanted.

So with skullgirls starting to be real, i went and looked at how many unfulfilled orders i currently have...4 orders, 7 games total.

I want a limited run gag-gift style shirt that say "You'll get your shit eventually" in their font
Lol now we're just adding another layer to the inherent issue. Now the shirts will take 11 weeks to ship out and the slogan would have to be changed to "you'll eventually get your shirt."
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Got a shipping confirmation for Skullgirls Vita and looks like I will finally have it in my hands on Monday. Wish I ordered the game on PS4 instead of Vita though, just don't see myself playing this much on Vita. 

Looks like Special Reserve is actually going to release Ruiner. This is great news and I hope it's a success.

Looking forward to seeing the LRG variant
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Eh, anyone that's getting these is overpaying.. you can get the "complete" edition on Steam or Switch cheaper. With the LRG release you need to buy both games for them to be complete.
Really? Will the Steam or Switch version play on my PS4 or Vita? Is the Steam version a physical disc?

Really? Will the Steam or Switch version play on my PS4 or Vita? Is the Steam version a physical disc?
No, but that's not the point. If they were going to do this release it should've been combined like it is on Switch or Steam. If you want a physical version you're better off getting it for Switch (either the standard edition or NISA's CE). If you want it digital, wait for a steam or PSN sale I guess. Buying it from LRG is just wasting your money. Doubt anyone's gonna buy this release to open and play anyway.

No, but that's not the point. If they were going to do this release it should've been combined like it is on Switch or Steam. If you want a physical version you're better off getting it for Switch (either the standard edition or NISA's CE). If you want it digital, wait for a steam or PSN sale I guess. Buying it from LRG is just wasting your money. Doubt anyone's gonna buy this release to open and play anyway.
Of course it's the point. There is literally no game that LRG or any of these other niche publishers has ever released that can't be found cheaper somewhere else. People are buying these for their collections or because they want to support physical media or for any number of other reasons. Buying games in general is a "waste of money" as these are all luxury goods and nobody needs them.

Of course it's the point. There is literally no game that LRG or any of these other niche publishers has ever released that can't be found cheaper somewhere else. People are buying these for their collections or because they want to support physical media or for any number of other reasons. Buying games in general is a "waste of money" as these are all luxury goods and nobody needs them.
Well duh. Everything on LRG is technically overpriced, but I meant that it's more overpriced than usual. That much was obvious and didn't need to be said.

If I were buying the game for collection purposes, I'd go with the Switch version as it's not a ripoff, and I don't even have a Switch.

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Of course it's the point. There is literally no game that LRG or any of these other niche publishers has ever released that can't be found cheaper somewhere else. People are buying these for their collections or because they want to support physical media or for any number of other reasons. Buying games in general is a "waste of money" as these are all luxury goods and nobody needs them.
Spoderman did say this in his comments, but just to reiterate there is a physical release available for pre-order that includes both games for $39.99 (pre- GCU and Prime benefits) on Switch. If you moreso want the combination of physical for PlayStation consoles, then yeah you're on the right track.

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It's really cool to see them get a game like this, but this is an AWFUL value compared to the Switch version. I can't believe that people are arguing with this point. Like, buy whatever the hell you want, but you don't have to be a blind LRG apologist in the process of doing so. 

Just got my Skullgirls and Volume shipping confirmation. All this time, I thought I skipped on Skullgirls.

I had been secretly laughing at the Skullgirls people, when in fact, I've been laughing at myself.

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Did anyone get a ship notice for Skullgirls? Wasn't it supposed to ship yesterday? 

I also noticed my order for the PAX variant of Nex Machine is unfulfilled- were those ever shipped out? I can't remember if I ever got it but I've got 2 months of games sitting/unorganized due to work.

I'm starting to realize I haven't kept track of shit so I'm taking a lunch break today just trying to see what's still left out there that I haven't received. 

Did anyone get a ship notice for Skullgirls? Wasn't it supposed to ship yesterday?

I also noticed my order for the PAX variant of Nex Machine is unfulfilled- were those ever shipped out? I can't remember if I ever got it but I've got 2 months of games sitting/unorganized due to work.

I'm starting to realize I haven't kept track of shit so I'm taking a lunch break today just trying to see what's still left out there that I haven't received.
You expected them to have all skullgirls shipped out in one day?

There are a few posts in the last 20 or so posts confirming shipping notices.
I think I will skip next week. Ill get Super Hydorah when it comes on Vita (hopefully). If not, Ill try to get it during Blowout Sale next year.

Hopefully the other March Releases can interest. And Im still waiting on Phantom Breaker.
Eh, anyone that's getting these is overpaying.. you can get the "complete" edition on Steam or Switch cheaper. With the LRG release you need to buy both games for them to be complete.
I should've specified. This release actually gives someone a real reason to buy both the PS4 and Vita releases since the story is different between the two.

You expected them to have all skullgirls shipped out in one day?

There are a few posts in the last 20 or so posts confirming shipping notices.
Honestly was just asking since I'm barely around these forums these days. Didn't mean anything by it. Like I said, just trying to catch up on stuff I haven't kept track of due to work/life- my bad for not taking a minute, I see a posts on this page saying they got confirms, a lot of posts looked like announcements so I figure that was the current discussions.

Thanks for the response.

It's really cool to see them get a game like this, but this is an AWFUL value compared to the Switch version. I can't believe that people are arguing with this point. Like, buy whatever the hell you want, but you don't have to be a blind LRG apologist in the process of doing so.
I can't believe you can't understand that not everyone agrees with your opinion. Not everyone has or wants to play these games on the Switch. Personally, I am getting all three versions, but if I could only pick one option, I'd go for the Vita and PS4 combo as I like playing handheld with the Vita more than I enjoy the Switch handheld. Similarly, I prefer the PS4 when playing on a television versus the Switch. It's not a fact that the Switch version is a better value than the PS4 and Vita versions, particularly since you haven't even played the Switch version yet. What if the port has issues? Also, people buying the LRG version will get two cases, a game disc and a cart, plus the art books/inserts and the Switch version will just be the one game cart in a case. Neither version is objectively a better or worse value and as others have pointed out, it all depends on what's important to you.

I can't believe you can't understand that not everyone agrees with your opinion. Not everyone has or wants to play these games on the Switch. Personally, I am getting all three versions, but if I could only pick one option, I'd go for the Vita and PS4 combo as I like playing handheld with the Vita more than I enjoy the Switch handheld. Similarly, I prefer the PS4 when playing on a television versus the Switch. It's not a fact that the Switch version is a better value than the PS4 and Vita versions, particularly since you haven't even played the Switch version yet. What if the port has issues? Also, people buying the LRG version will get two cases, a game disc and a cart, plus the art books/inserts and the Switch version will just be the one game cart in a case. Neither version is objectively a better or worse value and as others have pointed out, it all depends on what's important to you.
Thank you for confirming that continuing this conversation is the literal definition of pointless.

Remember, opinions are like ass holes--everyone does, indeed, have one. But some are hairy, smelly, and have dingleberries hanging off of them. Some of them are nicely waxed, no fecal remnants, and smell like a lilacs and daisies--both ass holes, but not of equal quality. <3

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If anything I just would like more people to play Fallen Legion, even if they don't like the pricing LRG has. Really quite a good game there.

Thank you for confirming that continuing this conversation is the literal definition of pointless.

Remember, opinions are like ass holes--everyone does, indeed, have one. But some are hairy, smelly, and have dingleberries hanging off of them. Some of them are nicely waxed, no fecal remnants, and smell like a lilacs and daisies--both ass holes, but not of equal quality. <3
Don't be so hard on yourself. You tried, but you just failed to construct a coherent argument for your opinion.

If anything I just would like more people to play Fallen Legion, even if they don't like the pricing LRG has. Really quite a good game there.
It does look like a really interesting little game. I really like the art style, which is what got me interested in it in the first place.

Thank you for confirming that continuing this conversation is the literal definition of pointless.

Remember, opinions are like ass holes--everyone does, indeed, have one. But some are hairy, smelly, and have dingleberries hanging off of them. Some of them are nicely waxed, no fecal remnants, and smell like a lilacs and daisies--both ass holes, but not of equal quality. <3
go on,

bread's done