Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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YIIK sucks ass though
I only referenced YIIK because it was a highly anticipated LRG release before the physical release was ultimately canceled... But yeah, I didn't realize how bad the reviews were until you pointed it out. Hopefully you can catch my drift, and fill in the blank with a better example.
Have they talked about the verification process of being eligible to even get the game? I mean how do they check this?

Take a picture? And what is stopping a person from just printing out a bunch of slip covers of their missing games and throw it in a case?

Have they talked about the verification process of being eligible to even get the game? I mean how do they check this?

Take a picture? And what is stopping a person from just printing out a bunch of slip covers of their missing games and throw it in a case?
Details are still not final, but it sounds like they will initially do a sweep of their sales records to determine who has bought every Vita release from them and then repeat for people that have bought every Vita release but one from them, everyone who has bought every Vita release but two from them and so on until they deplete their copies. So, I don't know that they are still planning to rely much on photo evidence.

Details are still not final, but it sounds like they will initially do a sweep of their sales records to determine who has bought every Vita release from them and then repeat for people that have bought every Vita release but one from them, everyone who has bought every Vita release but two from them and so on until they deplete their copies. So, I don't know that they are still planning to rely much on photo evidence.
if thats how it goes, then i may be SOL as i missed 3 or 4 releases and got them from ebay later on.... i have a full set idk

and ill be pissed

if thats how it goes, then i may be SOL as i missed 3 or 4 releases and got them from ebay later on.... i have a full set idk

and ill be pissed
They made it clear very early on that you didn't have to have to buy the games from them, just own them in your possession. So while many of us bought from them directly, it won't matter, and it just comes down to how they prove the matter of ownership. As how or where you got any games, doesn't matter, or so they said.

They made it clear very early on that you didn't have to have to buy the games from them, just own them in your possession. So while many of us bought from them directly, it won't matter, and it just comes down to how they prove the matter of ownership. As how or where you got any games, doesn't matter, or so they said.
They've clarified since then the method that I set out. It basically protects people that bought a few from elsewhere. It also sounds like there will be a pretty good quantity of these, so I think that people that only missed a few releases will probably be fine.

If that's the case, that really upsets me. I decided to go for a full vita set only after the ps4 release schedule became too grueling to keep up with. I have the vita set now but the first 30 titles or so came from ebay, as I opted for the ps4 versions of the game at the time. If they use the bought only from them method, the scalpers will be the real winners once again. It'll basically screw anybody who wasn't there at the beginning but who went on to get a vita set while rewarding those who buy one of everything to flip. Verification would be really easy on the other hand with like a timestamp and video if they really wanted these in the hands of full set people.

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Yeah. As soon as they announced it without a concrete plan on how to verify, I could tell it was going to turn into a disaster. Now that they're flip-flopping it's only going to get worse and worse.
I don't think it's as bad as all that. I don't recall them ever saying that you could literally buy most of the games on the aftermarket, it was always that as long as you bought most from them and just had to fill some gaps, they would allow it to count.

Yeah. As soon as they announced it without a concrete plan on how to verify, I could tell it was going to turn into a disaster. Now that they're flip-flopping it's only going to get worse and worse.
Have they even officially announced anything yet? I know Josh and Doug have been casually talking about it on Twitter or whatever for a while now, but I think that's been it. Until they make an announcement as a company it's probably a good idea to remember that nothing is set in stone.
I don't think it's as bad as all that. I don't recall them ever saying that you could literally buy most of the games on the aftermarket, it was always that as long as you bought most from them and just had to fill some gaps, they would allow it to count.
They definitely said that where you got them didn't matter, but that you just needed to own them all ("own" being the key word and likely what a lot of followers latched on to). They've been hinting at this for about a year now so i can't find the specific tweet/post/etc. where they disclosed that, but they've definitely been a lot more vague on it recently saying things like "details will be announced closer to its release", "we haven't decided how to verify yet", etc. In one of their fireside chats, Josh plainly said he hates talking about it because of all the speculation and questions it has led to already.

Edit: Here's a direct quote from their customer service after the announcement (which was after last year's E3 presentation, in case anyone was wondering):

In regards to the free exclusive, a full set (platform specific) would be 1 of each title whether it is standard, a variant, or a CE whether it was purchased directly through us, or otherwise acquired.
For the Vita game, it'll be a full Vita set.
Later on, it sounds like we will be capping off other platforms similarly.

Have they even officially announced anything yet? I know Josh and Doug have been casually talking about it on Twitter or whatever for a while now, but I think that's been it. Until they make an announcement as a company it's probably a good idea to remember that nothing is set in stone.
They've affirmed that it's happening several times, but they haven't officially said what it is, when it's releasing, or how they'll verify; just that you need to have a full set and won't be able to purchase it. At the LRG party last week, someone found a LRG#000 release for Revenge of the Bird King and posted it on Twitter, which more or less affirmed that's what it will be, but they haven't officially commented on the post.

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At most there are 1500 complete sets. None of this should be an issue.
The issue is that they supposedly printed more than 1500 copies of the bonus game and there is some indication that they will extend the offer to people that have slightly less than a full set. They also talked about being able to complete the set using copies purchased on the aftermarket, but Josh and Douglas were never specific about what they meant. Apparently based on posts a few up, customer service then clarified (although a while ago now) that you could complete the set using as many aftermarket purchases as needed which seems to contradict the idea of "being with them from the beginning". In any event, there will need to be some clarification, but it sounds like the Vita releases will be spread throughout 2019, so we are probably 8-9 months away from the bonus game distribution anyway.

The issue is that they supposedly printed more than 1500 copies of the bonus game and there is some indication that they will extend the offer to people that have slightly less than a full set. They also talked about being able to complete the set using copies purchased on the aftermarket, but Josh and Douglas were never specific about what they meant. Apparently based on posts a few up, customer service then clarified (although a while ago now) that you could complete the set using as many aftermarket purchases as needed which seems to contradict the idea of "being with them from the beginning". In any event, there will need to be some clarification, but it sounds like the Vita releases will be spread throughout 2019, so we are probably 8-9 months away from the bonus game distribution anyway.
The other thing to consider is people trying to game the system. Take a picture of their full set for verification, move it to a different room and rearrange it so their "friend" has a full set, etc.

At this point I don't think there's a way they come out of this without making a bunch of people angry - if they pull purchase records people will complain about resellers getting the copies and not getting copies after buying aftermarket, if they rely on pictures or some other medium it gets harder to avoid manipulation and people missing a select few games will feel cheated.

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The other thing to consider is people trying to game the system. Take a picture of their full set for verification, move it to a different room and rearrange it so their "friend" has a full set, etc.

At this point I don't think there's a way they come out of this without making a bunch of people angry - if they pull purchase records people will complain about resellers getting the copies and not getting copies after buying aftermarket, if they rely on pictures or some other medium it gets harder to avoid manipulation and people missing a select few games will feel cheated.
I agree, but I think ultimately the way to solve it is probably just to stick to the approach they talked about last where full setters who bought from them get it and they keep going down the list of people that missed one, then two, etc...until they give out all the copies. I suspect they will get pretty far down that way which should take care of everyone but a few outliers who literally bought a huge chunk of the collection on the aftermarket which I don't think is really that common.

Regardless of how they determine who has a full set it is going to be a pain in the butt for them to figure out all of the people who have a full set. I just hope they follow through and actually end up giving the game to full setters. It's cool that they are doing this, as they certainly would have no problem selling out any Vita game at this point, especially the final one.

I went to BB today to pick up super meat boy and I was kind of surprised to see yooka-laylee and golf story still on the shelves. I saw battle chef brigade and windjammers as well but those are newer releases so I can understand that but why do you guys think these are still on their shelves? Golf story in particular is surprising considering Ive played that game and its absolutely amazing. I would figure at least that would have sold out already considering they only have like 8 copies up on the shelves.
I went to BB today to pick up super meat boy and I was kind of surprised to see yooka-laylee and golf story still on the shelves. I saw battle chef brigade and windjammers as well but those are newer releases so I can understand that but why do you guys think these are still on their shelves? Golf story in particular is surprising considering Ive played that game and its absolutely amazing. I would figure at least that would have sold out already considering they only have like 8 copies up on the shelves.
For both of these I think it has to do with the quantities BB ordered and for Yooka-Laylee the price is definitely coming into play too. Yooka-Laylee is selling for $49.99 (with virtually no chance at a sale or discount besides GCU) while the PS4 and XB1 versions go for $19.99 or less. I also think I remembered hearing that BB ordered 20K copies of Yooka-Laylee (which is crazy) and 10K copies of Golf Story (which is more reasonable but still a little high for a niche title). There more recent releases have been in the 5K - 8K range if I remember hearing correctly.

I guess they could use a combination of both methods for the bonus game. Go down the bought from them list and from there have people send in a pic to confirm they still have the set before shipping the bonus out. This prevents the issue of faking a set by tying it to a single email they have on record AND people like me who had to buy half the set on the aftermarket still have a chance. Except they probably won't do this.

Can't wait to buy this title on ebay for a large markup and finally end my bumpy ride with LRG.

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For those wondering about the original mention of the Free game for vita collectors, it was in the Q&A after the dumpster fire of cringe that was their E3 2018 presentation. The clip starts at 2:07:02, video link at the end of the post.

LimitedRunGamesE32018Q&A said:
Anybody who has a complete Limited Run Games vita set by the end of all of our Vita releases, is going to get a free vita release that is going to be exclusive to people that have the complete vita set. And is going to be free. All your going to have to do is validate that you have all of our vita games that we have released and once we've validated that, we're going to send out a free game to people. And it's the only way to get it and it's not going to come out digitally or anything. How much is it going to cost. Free Ninety-Nine.
There's some randomness towards the end of the quote, but I think I captured everything. Watch it yourself if interested. They further clarify... at 2:08:34 when asked about "Does that include CE's"...

LimitedRunGamesE32018Q&A said:
No you don't have to have the CE's, We're just looking for people to verify that they have one of every game we've released weather it's CE or Standard you don't have to remove them if it's the CE. Um, we haven't locked down what the verification process is for that yet because obviously not everybody is going to have all those purchases in their order history but we're going to figure out a way to make sure that we can validate that people have that. Um and it's going to be pretty awesome because it's like going to be the only way to get that release we're not going to sell it. If only 100 people have complete Limited Run vita sets we're still going to do the minimum order quantity with Sony we're just going to maybe bulldoze the remaining copies, I don't know. It's something to thank... the whole idea of it is, it's something to thank the people that have been there supporting us on that platform making sure that like everything has been successful. We're going to extend this to PS4 and Switch. When our PS4 line up ends we're going to give people a free PS4 game to cap off the set. When our switch collection ends we'll give people a free Switch game to cap off that set. So we're going to keep that running as a tradition. So, it's going to be our way to say goodbye to everything.
At 2:10:00, a Question comes in "Does it matter if uh some of the games come from like third party like ebay"

LimitedRunGamesE32018Q&A said:
No it does not. So if you right now are missing like two or three games you can go and complete your set on ebay, its all good. Cause we're actually going to verify it through like picture and some other way
They may say more... I got tired of transcribing. They did say the game would be a physical exclusive and not have a digital release, but then that changed if it's RotBK. Also they were pretty adamant at this point that you had to have the full set, where as now they are saying (not sure where, I don't follow any social media) that they would skip verification and just go down the list of who purchased what. Which if that's the case then everyone with complete sets can go sell them and still get the free game (though I wouldn't do that as the rules could all change again and they could require proof). No matter what, this is going to be a huge mess.

At most there are 1500 complete sets. None of this should be an issue.
IF the 1500 number is real, then at most there are 1499 complete sets as I still have my copy at the moment.

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For those wondering about the original mention of the Free game for vita collectors, it was in the Q&A after the dumpster fire of cringe that was their E3 2018 presentation. The clip starts at 2:07:02, video link at the end of the post.

There's some randomness towards the end of the quote, but I think I captured everything. Watch it yourself if interested. They further clarify... at 2:08:34 when asked about "Does that include CE's"...

At 2:10:00, a Question comes in "Does it matter if uh some of the games come from like third party like ebay"

They may say more... I got tired of transcribing. They did say the game would be a physical exclusive and not have a digital release, but then that changed if it's RotBK. Also they were pretty adamant at this point that you had to have the full set, where as now they are saying (not sure where, I don't follow any social media) that they would skip verification and just go down the list of who purchased what. Which if that's the case then everyone with complete sets can go sell them and still get the free game (though I wouldn't do that as the rules could all change again and they could require proof). No matter what, this is going to be a huge mess.

IF the 1500 number is real, then at most there are 1499 complete sets as I still have my copy at the moment.
What about the "And it's the only way to get it and it's not going to come out digitally or anything" part? Revenge of the Bird King is definitely on PSN right now:

What about the "And it's the only way to get it and it's not going to come out digitally or anything" part? Revenge of the Bird King is definitely on PSN right now:
Well, that is information that's almost a year old, so things can obviously change over time. I do agree that they should clarify now rather than later as there are still another 8-9 months of releases ahead and if people are buying them thinking they will qualify for the free game, they should know what the criteria are.

What about the "And it's the only way to get it and it's not going to come out digitally or anything" part? Revenge of the Bird King is definitely on PSN right now:
Yeah, that's the kicker... it could be a variant of the game with a different intro or something else to make it a truly unique version. The cover back art does show that it's "The prize at the end of your Limited Run Games complete set." ... so at minimum it's a special version on the art...


For those wondering about the original mention of the Free game for vita collectors, it was in the Q&A after the dumpster fire of cringe that was their E3 2018 presentation. The clip starts at 2:07:02, video link at the end of the post.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I liked their E3 presentation.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I liked their E3 presentation.
That's cool. We like what we like. The overall content and Q&A were solidly good ... but the actual presentation had pretty bad audio and looked like it was put together in the original Duke Nukem 3D engine... just without any of the production values of DN3D. Devolver Digital really did a much better job of having something entertaining between the game clips.

That's cool. We like what we like. The overall content and Q&A were solidly good ... but the actual presentation had pretty bad audio and looked like it was put together in the original Duke Nukem 3D engine... just without any of the production values of DN3D. Devolver Digital really did a much better job of having something entertaining between the game clips.
That was the point. It was clearly meant to look jank.

That was the point. It was clearly meant to look jank.
Yeah, I get that it's what they were going for... but it's more of an art to make something intentionally bad to the point that it transcends and I think it's actually good... and IMO they swung and missed. If you thought it was funny or just enjoyed it for whatever reason cool. They did a much better job with the back box art I posted above for RotBK. That got a chuckle with the "Let's Be Honest, You're Not Opening This". Oddly too, I think it's the most interesting backart I've seen on an LRG release. The LRG games I do have are pretty dull looking.

Was getting a bit worried about the Switch mystery game I redeemed in early March. Finally checked the tracking info to find the label was created March 5th....but is still at LRG. Yowza.
Was getting a bit worried about the Switch mystery game I redeemed in early March. Finally checked the tracking info to find the label was created March 5th....but is still at LRG. Yowza.

Oh don’t go bad mouthing lrg. You’re a traitor, they’re a small company, you deserve what you get.


I don’t care what industry you’re in, withholding shipping for weeks and months is not acceptable.
Here’s a question, who here has forgotten what games they’ve ordered from LRG that are unfulfilled? I have 16 orders unfulfilled right now and can’t remember half of them. Just looking and I still have An Elysian Tale CE still unfulfilled from August 2018. Any idea when they’ll ship those?
Here’s a question, who here has forgotten what games they’ve ordered from LRG that are unfulfilled? I have 16 orders unfulfilled right now and can’t remember half of them. Just looking and I still have An Elysian Tale CE still unfulfilled from August 2018. Any idea when they’ll ship those?

you will accept your 16 unfulfilled orders over seven months and not post about it on here!

-the LRG Legal Defense Force.

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Here’s a question, who here has forgotten what games they’ve ordered from LRG that are unfulfilled? I have 16 orders unfulfilled right now and can’t remember half of them. Just looking and I still have An Elysian Tale CE still unfulfilled from August 2018. Any idea when they’ll ship those?
Here is the link to the production updates. It looks like the standard has started shipping and the CE will start shipping soon.

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Oh don’t go bad mouthing lrg. You’re a traitor, they’re a small company, you deserve what you get.


I don’t care what industry you’re in, withholding shipping for weeks and months is not acceptable.
Can I ask you a serious question? You're not even a customer, so how is what you keep posting in this thread not trolling and thread crapping?

Can I ask you a serious question? You're not even a customer, so how is what you keep posting in this thread not trolling and thread crapping?

Every time I am about to buy something, I come to this thread to see if their services have improved. I'm a HUGE collector of games, especially physical. My collection dates back to the mid 90s, over 20 years.

I love the idea behind lrg. I enjoy collecting Vita and VR titles especially. So when I see they are about to launch VR06 release tomorrow, I want to buy it. Though following what I read here, it pushes me away.

I do follow leg titles outside if here, it's just the negatives way outweigh the positives from my perspective. I WANT to be a customer, yet I cannot support a business who doesn't want ME as a customer.

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Every time I am about to buy something, I come to this thread to see if their services have improved. I'm a HUGE collector of games, especially physical. My collection dates back to the mid 90s, over 20 years.

I love the idea behind lrg. I enjoy collecting Vita and VR titles especially. So when I see they are about to launch VR06 release tomorrow, I want to buy it. Though following what I read here, it pushes me away.

I do follow leg titles outside if here, it's just the negatives way outweigh the positives from my perspective. I WANT to be a customer, yet I cannot support a business who doesn't want ME as a customer.
Well, LRG doesn't need you as a customer and posting criticism for which you have zero personal experience is the very definition of trolling. So, why don't you do us all a favor and go back to the CE thread so you can complain some more about how you want something rare enough that others can't easily get it, but not so rare that you can't get it or about how lawyers are chomping at the bit to sue Gamestop for chaning the materials on a map. You are a very sad and needy individual.


you will accept your 16 unfulfilled orders over seven months and not post about it on here!

-the LRG Legal Defense Force.
Can we just close the thread at that? I mean, we could add some more snarky comments to make it even more funny, but this is it in a nutshell. It must be pretty great for a business to have all of these volunteer PR managers lmao.

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bojay, I showed respect and answered your question truthfully and with sincerity. It's clear your perspective is to attack others and not offer any constructive feedback, only vitriol.

bojay, I showed respect and answered your question truthfully and with sincerity. It's clear your perspective is to attack others and not offer any constructive feedback, only vitriol.
No, my perspective is to expose hypocrisy. You literally have no personal experience with LRG and yet you have repeatedly posted here about how terrible they are. You don't know that for a fact because you claim to have never purchased their products. I mean, at least have some self-awareness.

No, my perspective is to expose hypocrisy. You literally have no personal experience with LRG and yet you have repeatedly posted here about how terrible they are. You don't know that for a fact because you claim to have never purchased their products. I mean, at least have some self-awareness.

So let's say I buy Project Lux tomorrow, VR06 release. Then I get a shipping notice shortly after, and it sits for 3-4 weeks, not even picked up by USPS. I come here to talk about my situation...

At this point, would you and others proclaim "well you're the fool who did business with a company who was known for having poor customer service"?

So let's say I buy Project Lux tomorrow, VR06 release. Then I get a shipping notice shortly after, and it sits for 3-4 weeks, not even picked up by USPS. I come here to talk about my situation...

At this point, would you and others proclaim "well you're the fool who did business with a company who was known for having poor customer service"?
I guess we'll never know, because the point remains that you're not a customer and have no personal experience to contribute to the discussion.

Here’s a question, who here has forgotten what games they’ve ordered from LRG that are unfulfilled? I have 16 orders unfulfilled right now and can’t remember half of them. Just looking and I still have An Elysian Tale CE still unfulfilled from August 2018. Any idea when they’ll ship those?
You're buying way too much if you can't remember haha.

My open orders are Jak 1,2 CE's, Strangers Wrath CE, some VR game, Curse of the Moon CE. Jak was purchased on Dec. 8th and it's TBA.

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Then I get a shipping notice shortly after, and it sits for 3-4 weeks, not even picked up by USPS. I come here to talk about my situation...
This is a terrible example. Most people actually familiar with the logistics of shipping can relate to this. It is not uncommon for smaller companies to print shipping labels before they actually have an item in hand. It increases efficiency to have the label ready to go so that when the item does actually come in, you can box up the shipment, slap the label on, and have it out the door. In the case of LRG, they are prepping the shipping labels before the games have been printed. That is what causes the scenario you're describing. This isn't a problem, or even an issue. It's just standard prep-work as part of their shipping process. Nothing is lost, nothing is going wrong. Any customer who gets freaked out by this scenario is just overly antsy about getting their package, and can't seem to parse out what is actually happening. It's usually not even a matter of mis-information. The expected delivery date doesn't get posted until the package is actually shipped, so there's no real reason for the customer to expect their package a few days after the label gets printed. It's just customers being neurotic and not understanding the situation.

Signing up for a pre-order, and then getting that pre-order close to a year and a half afterwards, that's an issue worth considering. And it's happened with LRG. It happened with a game I ordered. There were regular updates on the status of that game, and the issue wasn't actually created by LRG themselves, but it was an issue, and I could understand consumers shying away based on such an experience. (which was certainly sub-optimal)

You will get your game eventually, so calm down.

Heck most will probably not ever even open the game, and just oogle it from a shelf

I’ve ordered over dozen game and not one has ever not arrived,
This is a terrible example. Most people actually familiar with the logistics of shipping can relate to this. It is not uncommon for smaller companies to print shipping labels before they actually have an item in hand. It increases efficiency to have the label ready to go so that when the item does actually come in, you can box up the shipment, slap the label on, and have it out the door. In the case of LRG, they are prepping the shipping labels before the games have been printed. That is what causes the scenario you're describing. This isn't a problem, or even an issue. It's just standard prep-work as part of their shipping process. Nothing is lost, nothing is going wrong. Any customer who gets freaked out by this scenario is just overly antsy about getting their package, and can't seem to parse out what is actually happening. It's usually not even a matter of mis-information. The expected delivery date doesn't get posted until the package is actually shipped, so there's no real reason for the customer to expect their package a few days after the label gets printed. It's just customers being neurotic and not understanding the situation.

Signing up for a pre-order, and then getting that pre-order close to a year and a half afterwards, that's an issue worth considering. And it's happened with LRG. It happened with a game I ordered. There were regular updates on the status of that game, and the issue wasn't actually created by LRG themselves, but it was an issue, and I could understand consumers shying away based on such an experience. (which was certainly sub-optimal)

I understand the logistics and the why behind it. I still don't believe it to be acceptable to print a label and wait months to actually ship. It just goes to show how behind they are.

For a one man shop, 'Joe smoe' on eBay who ships only on Wednesdays once a week, I get doing batch or bulk orders. For a semi-reputable company who has been in business for several years now, they should have their head on straight.

bread's done