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It’s the latter, any time I hear Shenmue “fans” talk about the game it’s like they don’t even like it. Then you just hear them mention a bunch of other games, oh it paved the way for Yakuza, etc. or that it was a formative game, stuff like that.
I love Shenmue 1 and 2 (and enjoyed 3), but there's no way I'm buying that crap.

Also, holy fuck on the VF5 prices! It doesn't confirm any of the DLC either.
I played through and enjoyed Shenmue 1 and 2 many years ago. IIRC Shenmue 2 ended on a cliffhanger. I did pick up Shenmue 3 in the bargain bin but havent played it because I heard it's not very good and doesn't really take the story forward much. Maybe I will play it one day but I'd like to know there's another game coming to finish the story before I bother..
I also love Shenmue 1 and 2, 3 was decent.

I have been waiting for a physical of VF5 PS4 but why is it $59.99!? I picked up the digital version for $7.49.
I get Valkyrie Chronicle 4 is $60 due to the DLC, but this is too much of a mark up with no DLC.
I get Valkyrie Chronicle 4 is $60 due to the DLC, but this is too much of a mark up with no DLC.
Get ready for next gen. With Sega and Konami partnering with limited print houses and other publishers partnering with reprint purchases, I think next generation sees a large shift to little or no physical releases except for the system sellers.

Thus, lower supplier, similar demand, meaning physical games will become the even more premium luxury. And if they're not being sold at Walmart or GameStop anymore, there's literal incentive for price parity between physical and digital. Which is the common argument made why a digital license costs as much as a physical copy; brick and mortar appeasement.

And they sure as crap won't reduce prices on digital. But physical will probably go up.

Physical games will become the next "vinyl records" style market of limited batched pre-order/print on-demand sales models and you're going to have to either pay the marked up "premium, limited time only" physical price or hope the digital gets to the price of "don't care if I lose it."

And for clarity, I thought we'd be there this generation, but not quite. Microsoft is basically axing their hardware as their leading "thing" and many places stopped carrying physical Xbox games. Sony is likely going to follow suit, as is tradition. Nintendo will be the last holdout, as is tradition, but for how long? Carts are the highest cost, but they're likely profiting off cart production, so who knows.
Shenmue is good. I wish 3 advanced the main plot more, but I like the systems and combat in the series. It's essentially Virtua Fighter combat and Yakuza open worlds with a neat revenge story. I hope that Yu Suzuki gets a chance to finish the series, but given the overall reception to 3 I wouldn't hold my breath.

VF5 is tempting but the silence around DLC inclusion is pretty damning.
Get ready for next gen. With Sega and Konami partnering with limited print houses and other publishers partnering with reprint purchases, I think next generation sees a large shift to little or no physical releases except for the system sellers.

Thus, lower supplier, similar demand, meaning physical games will become the even more premium luxury. And if they're not being sold at Walmart or GameStop anymore, there's literal incentive for price parity between physical and digital. Which is the common argument made why a digital license costs as much as a physical copy; brick and mortar appeasement.

And they sure as crap won't reduce prices on digital. But physical will probably go up.

Physical games will become the next "vinyl records" style market of limited batched pre-order/print on-demand sales models and you're going to have to either pay the marked up "premium, limited time only" physical price or hope the digital gets to the price of "don't care if I lose it."

And for clarity, I thought we'd be there this generation, but not quite. Microsoft is basically axing their hardware as their leading "thing" and many places stopped carrying physical Xbox games. Sony is likely going to follow suit, as is tradition. Nintendo will be the last holdout, as is tradition, but for how long? Carts are the highest cost, but they're likely profiting off cart production, so who knows.
We already have Microsoft also using LRG and Square Enix using Red Art. I think that list will only get bigger.
Shenmue is exceptional. The first game is one of the greatest gaming memories I have at this point and replaying it still feels good 25 years later. The unique day to day schedules for each npc and they all have a home and places to go and stuff to talk about. It's so well fleshed out. Wasting time in the arcade or buying capsule toys. Opting to feed the stray cat and care for it. The story and the high tension moments. There are some really nice twists and turns... but you also kind of just live a life. Play some saturn games at home, listen to some cassette tapes, search every drawer of the house... go practice your martial arts and learn new moves.... go to work driving a fork lift (and do some fork lift races). It's a masterfully crafted game at a time when few developers were really genre blending to any great degree let alone fleshing out NPC's to this degree.

Plus, it's a Christmas game. Like, as you get deep into it Christmas kicks in... snow starts to fall... decor is put up and there's even a santa roaming around. it's kind of magical just how alive feeling that game world is and how perfect it is for this time of year. Shenmue 2 lost the quaint feeling of the first game but really made you feel like you had been thrust into a foreign environment having to adapt. I prefer the first game for just he quaint feeling (and forklifts), but the second game is also a masterpiece. I have yet to really play 3 since I know it's not the end. Um, there aren't many more chances for Yu Suzuki to finish this... so wrap the story up.

Out of all that crap featured by LRG for this, the only thing that remotely has my interest is the Tomato pin. Those that played the game... they should understand. I don't intend on buying it, but I gotta admit it's kind of nice.
I played the demo for 8 Bit Adventures 2 a little while ago and came away quite impressed with it. I was hoping for a physical copy and it looks like LRG came through with that. This is one of the rare LRG titles that probably wouldn't normally get a normal retail physical release (unlike all their recent Sega, Konami, Ubisoft, Microsoft releases which could have easily been released by their parent companies to retail).
Man, there are a lot of inquiries on the LRG Twitter for both Virtua Fighters. People are asking is VF5 has the dlc on disc, which version both games are, if VF2 is the 360 version or native to Xbox One and Series X. Also why VF2 is Xbox only when there's a PS3 version (I'm guessing because of backwards compatible on Xbox). And surprise suprise, not even a "we'll get back to you" or anything from LRG. Oy. It's shit like this.
Man, there are a lot of inquiries on the LRG Twitter for both Virtua Fighters. People are asking is VF5 has the dlc on disc, which version both games are, if VF2 is the 360 version or native to Xbox One and Series X. Also why VF2 is Xbox only when there's a PS3 version (I'm guessing because of backwards compatible on Xbox). And surprise suprise, not even a "we'll get back to you" or anything from LRG. Oy. It's shit like this.

Did they ever respond to the issue of Tomba's patch not being on the NS cart (I think it was only an issue on the NS, PS disc was fine)? I'm guessing they wanna tie toe around how they respond to this.
The Tomba issue is also on the PS5 disc - it's 1.0. I think 1.0 is less buggy on PS5 than Switch, though. They have not announced anything. People who have opened tickets have been offered refunds, I wouldn't expect them to say/do anything else.
Physical games will become the next "vinyl records" style market of limited batched pre-order/print on-demand sales models and you're going to have to either pay the marked up "premium, limited time only" physical price or hope the digital gets to the price of "don't care if I lose it."
Maybe games will go full circle, just like vinyl did. You can't really buy CDs at Target (outside of Taylor Swift and KPOP), but they keep growing the size of their vinyl offerings lol
I have a brother with a lot of vinyl and even some trunks... you don't ever want to move a trunk full of records. Hell a good 13"x13"x13" box full of records is quite heavy. For organization though, the cube organizer things you can buy ... the larger ones are good for records.

Myself, I'm cool with just mp3's at the highest bitrate. There's enough range to get all the highs and lows without feeling like it's a downgrade. I was listening to a radio station this weekend that must use really low bitrate stuff as there was almost no base to any of the music. The Beastie Boys Intergalactic without bass is strange.
I'll still buy their AA and AAA crap if it's $35 I guess (lol)

excited for the future where physical releases come out two months after digital and it still doesn't have day 1 updates
I'll still buy their AA and AAA crap if it's $35 I guess (lol)

excited for the future where physical releases come out two months after digital and it still doesn't have day 1 updates
I'm just kinda excited that all the Kemco Collections might finally make it over here.

If so, their Kemco singles for $35 are 100% shelf rot. Why pay that for one mediocre C-tier JRPG when you could get four mediocre C-tier JRPGs for the same price?
Maybe games will go full circle, just like vinyl did. You can't really buy CDs at Target (outside of Taylor Swift and KPOP), but they keep growing the size of their vinyl offerings lol
and Charli XCX when brat dropped same with others cuz they still do target exclusive cds like Sabrina etc
First press games just opened preorders for a new game. With their reputation why would anyone preorder a new game from them? Why would a developer go through them? Neko Navy Switch still says coming soon, preorders opened in 2020! Still waiting for my Crimzon Clover I ordered in 2021. It also seems like they pushed Chained Echoes production ahead of all of their older games they haven't shipped. Which will probably make the extremely long wait even longer.
First press games just opened preorders for a new game. With their reputation why would anyone preorder a new game from them? Why would a developer go through them? Neko Navy Switch still says coming soon, preorders opened in 2020! Still waiting for my Crimzon Clover I ordered in 2021. It also seems like they pushed Chained Echoes production ahead of all of their older games they haven't shipped. Which will probably make the extremely long wait even longer.
its a scam company. NEVER buy from 1st press games
bread's done