Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Joke time. What's the difference between Santa and LRG + DHL?

Their flight paths
View attachment 1644

Anyway, Merry Christmas!

Unless LRG recalled the package or something, I don't think this has anything to do with LRG or DHL, this is a very common USPS problem. USPS has been shit since COVID and it seems like they never recovered, sometimes they're fine but then there are often times when you see stuff like this happen.
Unless LRG recalled the package or something, I don't think this has anything to do with LRG or DHL, this is a very common USPS problem. USPS has been shit since COVID and it seems like they never recovered, sometimes they're fine but then there are often times when you see stuff like this happen.
Looks to me like USPS hasn’t even accepted it yet, it’s stuck in DH-eLL, who for my money still holds the title of worst shipping company.
VGP is taking pre-orders for a lot of LRG games, some notables include Lollipop Chainsaw Repop on both NS and PS5, Shantae Pirate's Curse 3DS CE and Senran Reflexions. Even though Lollipop was a bad remaster, it seems pretty pricy on eBay.

Looks to me like USPS hasn’t even accepted it yet, it’s stuck in DH-eLL, who for my money still holds the title of worst shipping company.

Ah, you're right. I keep forgetting DHL updates show up on USPS even before USPS gets things handed over.

EDIT* Even Shadows of the Damned seems like it's in quite pricy on eBay... odd. Lollipop, I can see horny-demand for on the aftermarket but surprised by Shadows.
I mean.. it does seem odd. If it's excess stock, why is VGP calling it a pre-order? Granted, they prob can't publish a game in a month (if VGP's ships by Jan est is true) so it can't be true pre-orders...
Probably not. LRG just sold off more of their horde.

I mean there’s even places like this:
that are hording old sealed games.

Only watched the first few minutes but that's... absolutely nuts. I mean, I picked up a few extra sealed games from the late 00s and early 10s as investments if they sat out on clearance for a while (usually week+) but this seems like the guy is buying this stuff like it's stocks.
VGP is the current partner retailer for LRG. They are getting everything a month or two after it ships to the pre-orders. I think it's more they have some made originally than it is they are getting a second print. VGP will usually have it in stock or close to in stock when it goes up though.
Lol hate to break it to them but the time to do that passed a long time ago. A vast majority of that garbage is just that - garbage.
Well, you need to remember that game prices you see on eBay are not "demand". The cycle always goes like this:

Scalpers/resellers buy a bunch of extra copies. Especially for games that are touted as some combination of "limited", "popular franchise", "cult classic", etc. They then immediately put it up for sale at some ridiculous price above MSRP. Because of course they want to make profit. But otherwise the price is completely made up by them. They're hoping that some desperate super-fan is going to cave in and pay their idiotic asking price. And probably some do, but mostly they'll just sit there unsold.

But the thing is, there's no sort of PENALTY for having unsold merch at stupid prices. This isn't like a store that desperately needs to offload old stock to make way for new products. So these people are perfectly fine with having their unwanted crap sitting around forever. And in fact they're even hoping that after a few years, maybe the demand price actually WILL be same as their stupid prices.

And while this is happening, some actual gamers have played through the game, and don't really want it anymore. So they sell their copies "cheap". because they just want to offload it and don't care about the game. And this is the REAL demand price. And now you've got all the scalpers/resellers deligently checking the stupid prices that they completely made up, against the real prices that the gamers think its worth. And they immediately buy the games at real price and then try to flip them for stupid price. And now you see more stupid price copies sitting around, reinforcing a false belief that this is actually real demand price.

Anyway, tldr, any price you see online is just scalpers/resellers selling to EACH OTHER, and indirectly price-fixing. It is not the real price determined by demand from the populace. As a good rule of thumb to remind yourself: If you ever see something that's sitting around available for sale right now, it means that NOBODY HAS WANTED TO PAY THAT. Otherwise it would've been sold already, yeah?
Reflections is a reprint. VGP is advertising it as much. They said it’s already been printed and on the way.

The other LRG games are just LRG stock. They’re labeling it as a preorder because they haven’t received the shipment yet. It’s all in their tweets.
Yea I ordered Mk8 with DLC + 2 other games.. been 3 weeks and they don't respond to my multiple messages/emails about why it hasn't shipped.. updates nada - have you ordered from them before is this normal for them ?
Mario Kart 8 with all the DLC is now available at Videogameplus in canada. So I don't have to care about Nintendosoup anymore.
Mario Kart 8 with all the DLC is now available at Videogameplus in canada. So I don't have to care about Nintendosoup anymore.
That sold out so fast. At midnight last night it showed plenty available so I emailed them asking if it's the 002 or 003 cart. By 6 am it already sold out. I hate how limited this stuff is.
That sold out so fast. At midnight last night it showed plenty available so I emailed them asking if it's the 002 or 003 cart. By 6 am it already sold out. I hate how limited this stuff is.

I was comtomplating it but guess it doesn't matter now that is OOS. Plus, not having all the content on cart was a deterrent.

Nintendo might decide to re-release most (if not all) of the popular NS games on NS2 with all content on cart anyway.
I was comtomplating it but guess it doesn't matter now that is OOS. Plus, not having all the content on cart was a deterrent.

Nintendo might decide to re-release most (if not all) of the popular NS games on NS2 with all content on cart anyway.
From what I've read the 002 has all waves on cart but is missing a patch. 003 has all waves plus the latest patch. They may get them back in stock. The lastest Metroid dread cart also sold out fast but I know they restocked it atleast once.
I was comtomplating it but guess it doesn't matter now that is OOS. Plus, not having all the content on cart was a deterrent.

Nintendo might decide to re-release most (if not all) of the popular NS games on NS2 with all content on cart anyway.
I could see complete editions of Mario Kart and Super Smash on Switch 2.
I could see complete editions of Mario Kart and Super Smash on Switch 2.
MK yes but for Smash it might not happen. I think they will have to license out characters again for the new console. So that means getting all companies once again on board for the complete edition
Mario Kart seems like an obvious choice, with some extra Switch 2 content to entice buyers to double (triple?) dip. Never picked up a Switch so very interested to see what Nintendo does with the follow up. I could see a super deluxe MK8 being cross platform, however.
Well, that was painful, I just ordered Virtua Fighter 5 PS4 standard. I am going to complain again. Why was that so expensive? Did Sega set that price? With shipping and tax, it was $70! It's only $29.99 for the digital version + 1 DLC pack, I got the main game and the Tekken pack on sale for $7.49. I am going to guess the 3 DLC packs are not even included in this physical release.
Mario Kart seems like an obvious choice, with some extra Switch 2 content to entice buyers to double (triple?) dip. Never picked up a Switch so very interested to see what Nintendo does with the follow up. I could see a super deluxe MK8 being cross platform, however.
I never imagined we’d be talking about Wii U ports for the switch 2, or ports of a port. It makes sense with how much they have added, but it should just be a switch game. It’s time for Mario Kart 9 for the switch 2. Or Mario Kart Ultimate, all the games and it’s randomly shuffled between them during tournament play, that would be fun.
I never imagined we’d be talking about Wii U ports for the switch 2, or ports of a port. It makes sense with how much they have added, but it should just be a switch game. It’s time for Mario Kart 9 for the switch 2. Or Mario Kart Ultimate, all the games and it’s randomly shuffled between them during tournament play, that would be fun.
Nintendo today is a risk-averse mega corporation so I'm skeptical we'll actually see a Mario Kart 9 instead of a (even more?) souped-up version of MK8. The latter seems more in-line since it'll be easier to make it cross-platform and Nintendo is not about to a abandon selling it to its 140M base console users. By all accounts, Switch 2 looks like it'll be the least innovative Nintendo console in a long, long time and there's no reason to think the company won't do the same with its games.

And before Nintendo fanboys and diehards come out to defend the company, I'm not saying anything Nintendo is allegedly doing here with Switch 2 is the wrong choice. It's certainly consistent with what Sony and MS has done with PS5 and Xbox Series X. I do think, however, that folks who think Switch 2 will be some runaway success are over-projecting. It'll be exciting for the enthusiasts but once you get past them, I'm unsure the general gaming public will be that excited/motivated to pick one up. Good news is Nintendo delivers when it comes to software so Switch 2 should excel there --- though again, I think you're going to see a whole lot of cross platform from Nintendo similar to Sony and MS, i.e., games designed to run better on Switch 2 but will play just fine on the base console.
Nintendo today is a risk-averse mega corporation so I'm skeptical we'll actually see a Mario Kart 9 instead of a (even more?) souped-up version of MK8. The latter seems more in-line since it'll be easier to make it cross-platform and Nintendo is not about to a abandon selling it to its 140M base console users. By all accounts, Switch 2 looks like it'll be the least innovative Nintendo console in a long, long time and there's no reason to think the company won't do the same with its games.

And before Nintendo fanboys and diehards come out to defend the company, I'm not saying anything Nintendo is allegedly doing here with Switch 2 is the wrong choice. It's certainly consistent with what Sony and MS has done with PS5 and Xbox Series X. I do think, however, that folks who think Switch 2 will be some runaway success are over-projecting. It'll be exciting for the enthusiasts but once you get past them, I'm unsure the general gaming public will be that excited/motivated to pick one up. Good news is Nintendo delivers when it comes to software so Switch 2 should excel there --- though again, I think you're going to see a whole lot of cross platform from Nintendo similar to Sony and MS, i.e., games designed to run better on Switch 2 but will play just fine on the base console.
They still want software to make you buy a switch 2, so they will ween us into the next gen just like the model for the other players. It’s hard to imagine them investing much more in improving the graphics or performance of Mario Kart, and any improvements would be dwarfed by how much content would be lost from 8 to 9, but I could still see them releasing ultimate 8 cross gen and then 9 towards the end of the switch 2, to start the next 3 gens of Mario Kart 9 ports. Or if they find some new building or social media gen appeal gimmick, is what will make them leap to 9, not graphics. Mario Kart maker…i could see that. If you want to play the next mainline 3D Zelda and Mario though, you’re going to need a Switch 2 is my guess. Nintendo is in as good a position as it can be for Switch 2 I think, and just staying the course is the right move.
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Well, that was painful, I just ordered Virtua Fighter 5 PS4 standard. I am going to complain again. Why was that so expensive? Did Sega set that price? With shipping and tax, it was $70! It's only $29.99 for the digital version + 1 DLC pack, I got the main game and the Tekken pack on sale for $7.49. I am going to guess the 3 DLC packs are not even included in this physical release.
They should be for that price. I'm definitely waiting to hear if they are. If they are, I might get it if VGP gets copies, but I have VF5 on 360 and haven't played it in ages. I'm still eyeing VF2 for Xbox, but I don't think it's confirmed if it's the 360 port or a native version for Xbox One/Series X.
I don't see Nintendo doing a Mario Kart 8 super mega ultimate edition for Switch 2. They have taken the time and money to invest into so many franchises and even finished buying out the Xenoblade devs. They are more likely doing a completely new Mario Kart game. Especially if we are indeed getting backwards compatibility as was announced. There's no reason for them to really do an update even for 4K special stuff. Just do a new game. It's also time for a new 3D mario platformer. Super Mario Odyssey was exceptional. It's time for another proper new game.

Hardware sales for Nintendo should be easy if they have tech in Switch 2 to improve Switch 1 games and make them run at the higher framerates and even scale better for 4K. The next mainline Zelda, 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Xenoblade, and other games will encourage people to upgrade... especially if they know they aren't loosing their current library of stuff. I'd imagine other games like the next Dragon Quest will be Switch 2 but not original Switch.
Nintendo today is a risk-averse mega corporation
that is why we get good games made.

Some people don't understand the strong mission statement that is Nintendo. Or what PS used to be a little more about during the PS4 era. OG Xbox was similar to that too.

I do think, however, that folks who think Switch 2 will be some runaway success are over-projecting. It'll be exciting for the enthusiasts but once you get past them, I'm unsure the general gaming public will be that excited/motivated to pick one up.

The good thing is that I don't care what the general public thinks. They think McDonalds is good food and Taylor Swift is top rate music.

If the past is any predictor of the future then of course the Switch 2 sales will underwhelm. That's how these cycles go. I don't believe anyone thinks a basic "next evolution" Switch is going to sell like gangbusters. That's not what I'm concerned about in the least. don't care about sales figures. I'm not looking for the next Wii. But I know where my bread is buttered and who puts the highest polish, and least monetization, on new game development. Who is still giving us carts to own, while everyone else is attempting to force full digital, always-online.

The Wii U had some excellent software. I was proud to be playing some of those great titles while basically no one else was. I don't care that almost no one else was playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, or Zelda Windwaker HD.
that is why we get good games made.

Some people don't understand the strong mission statement that is Nintendo. Or what PS used to be a little more about during the PS4 era. OG Xbox was similar to that too.

The good thing is that I don't care what the general public thinks. They think McDonalds is good food and Taylor Swift is top rate music.

If the past is any predictor of the future then of course the Switch 2 sales will underwhelm. That's how these cycles go. I don't believe anyone thinks a basic "next evolution" Switch is going to sell like gangbusters. That's not what I'm concerned about in the least. don't care about sales figures. I'm not looking for the next Wii. But I know where my bread is buttered and who puts the highest polish, and least monetization, on new game development. Who is still giving us carts to own, while everyone else is attempting to force full digital, always-online.

The Wii U had some excellent software. I was proud to be playing some of those great titles while basically no one else was. I don't care that almost no one else was playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, or Zelda Windwaker HD.

Fair enough and I don't disagree. Indeed, I was one of those Wii U adopters who liked Nintendoland, Game and Wario, and Fatal Frame. But no question the lack of support meant the Wii U went down in flames faster than folks could say, "Sega Dreamcast!"

I don't think Switch 2 is in any danger of becoming a Wii U, and that's why I'm not implying in any way Nintendo is making bad choices by taking amn iterative (allegedly) approach to the Switch successor. Besides, this doesn't Nintendo won't take risks -- they're just different kinds now with titles like Labo and 1-2 Switch. Much more gimmickly but still, better than chasing AAA graphics.

Also agree that Nintendo being the slowest adopter to online and digital means we get at least one more generation where games are mostly physical. Nintendo is also guilty now of patches, DLC, and filling out games after launch (e.g., Splatoon 2), but yes, compared to its competition, it isn't doing it as blatantly (Microsoft - ugh).

I've mentioned here before that when games go predominately digital, I'm done with supporting modern gen, and it does seem PS5 and Switch 2 are (almost assuredly) the last gen that will support physical media -- as in games that play complete out off the disc/cart. Sony is pushing digital but at least the company still requires version 1.00 on discs and most games can be finished absent patches.
There's been no indication of Moon coming out physically for the PS4 right? I was surprised it was released on PSN but was hoping there'd be some physical release in NA.
Wondering when we will get details on if limited run will do a collectors edition of lunar soon. And where the heck is gex. I been waiting and waiting for this one.
Wondering when we will get details on if limited run will do a collectors edition of lunar soon. And where the heck is gex. I been waiting and waiting for this one.
I'm waiting to hear about Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Collection, The Thing Remaster and Star Wars Jedi Power Battles getting physical announcements this year as well as Lunar. I'm assuming all of these should be hopefully coming this year from LRG or maybe even a general retail release.

I'm not sure if they fixed the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection but I wouldn't mind a physical of that release as well if it has been fixed.
I have not followed it since the terrible launch state the game was released in.
I'm waiting to hear about Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Collection, The Thing Remaster and Star Wars Jedi Power Battles getting physical announcements this year as well as Lunar. I'm assuming all of these should be hopefully coming this year from LRG or maybe even a general retail release.

I'm not sure if they fixed the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection but I wouldn't mind a physical of that release as well if it has been fixed.
I have not followed it since the terrible launch state the game was released in.

Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
Excellent news. I will be ordering the standard release soon. No interest in the collector’s edition. Maybe they announce the Thing Remaster later this month so I can pair them together.
They still have yet to do anything about the insane shipping cost jump if a shipping box is added to an order. I tried to report it to them a while back, but they weren't getting it. Adding a shipping box is no longer just a $2 "upgrade" - it's $8-$9.
They still have yet to do anything about the insane shipping cost jump if a shipping box is added to an order. I tried to report it to them a while back, but they weren't getting it. Adding a shipping box is no longer just a $2 "upgrade" - it's $8-$9.
Not defending their higher price, but it's like $3 more to ship the boxes due to weight and the cost of cardboard going up since COVID. A $5 premium would probably be more tolerable, especially since you have to add the time to fold the boxes, add paper, and tape it, versus tossing it in a self sealing envelope.
bread's done