Limited Run Games Thread - We only promise our NES games will work, not your console


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Wow, Badland is shady AF.  I get stressed out when Amazon/Ebay sellers don't reply to refund requests for $5 CDs, I can't even imagine what kind of nightmare it would be for some scammer to just gank $78k of your money and go completely radio silent for months. 

And then the convoluted "explanation" where all the money/property mysteriously moves from shell company A to shell company B, LOL.  Then they have the gall to complain that LRG just needs to trust them bro?  After no delivery of product or refund for over a year?

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I would suggest you read the follow-up from the guy that helped the developer with the deal with Badlands and tell me if you think they deserve any sympathy. It doesn't get much lower than stealing from a profoundly disabled child and their family. Also, I don't recall any LRG game remaining on the site for more than a week or so, unless it's an open preorder, so your bet is silly. Could they sell out eventually? Maybe, but with 6,000 copies I'm not very optimistic and I think LRG would probably pull the game prior to sell out rather than having it sit on their store for an eternity.
Yeah, that was the main reason I bought a few copies, was for the support to Tom Happ and his son. Reading shit like this makes my blood boil, as besides being a great and amazing game, it was to help out a family situation no one should have to go through. Sadly, there is always someone out there willing to take advantage, or get what isn't due because of some sense of entitlement, but it is what it is. I may buy a copy now just to show support again, since my original good will went to crooks. So I'm now hoping I'm wrong, and this does sell through ASAP, so those involved can see some return on this completely fuck up situation.

Comparing the Vita to the Wii U is apples to oranges, as one was well beloved and got support to even this day, while the other only had 1st party support, and they even threw in the towel.
I would argue that the Wii U was well beloved as well, just by a smaller, more niche audience. Out of the 15+ million Wii-U owners, I'm certainly willing to think that at least 6000 of them were collectors. In fact, I'm willing to bet that a LOT of them are collectors, the Wii U was the platform that initially launched Amiibos, after all. The current after-market for Wii U games may be soft, but the upcoming LRG release of Axiom verge isn't an after-market sale. And every system goes through a soft period in the after-market after they've become obsolete. This effect is usually enhanced when the system in question did not sell well, and its successor does.

But all of these factors speak far more to trends for mainstream sales, not direct demand from a collector/enthusiast market. The demand for Wii U titles in the after-market are soft because of the timing of its system's exit from the market, broad availability and supply of many of its most popular titles, an aggressive collector market that has had numerous years and opportunities to already flesh out their collections, and the successor system getting plenty of ports of the Wii U's most popular games. Casual gamers aren't going to show up for a Wii U title like this from LRG. But enthusiasts are. And collectors definitely are.

Think about it for a second. This might be the last physical Wii U game, period. Even the next iteration of Just Dance might not see a Wii U release. This could be the last Wii U game to ever be printed. As a collector piece its worth showing up for just for that. It will also likely be the only LRG Wii U release. Maybe, MAYBE we see one more, perhaps two. But I wouldn't be holding my breath. It's far more likely that this will be the only one. The only Wii U title with the LRG logo printed on it. Again, for a lot of collectors it will be worth showing up just for that. And on top of all of this, the game itself is actually good, a critical darling with a strong response from reviewers and fans alike.

Mindshare and exposure are often more important than just numbers to this community. Axiom Verge has plenty of mindshare and exposure. And there are more Wii U fans out there than you realize.

I have been excited for Axiom Verge on the Wii U. The reason I joined the mailing list was because of this game. I don’t have much experience with LRG besides Toe Jam. I will get it when it goes up I just hope it’s not something that sells out in a min or two. Glad 90% of the money is going to Tom his son and his partner.
Ummmm, NO!

Unlike most people around here, my comment came from actual experience of selling Wii U games once the NS had already taken off, and that market is all but dead, except for the most rare of titles. Could AV be a anomaly, sure, anything is possible, but a quick search of Ebay today shows game prices for most big name games are $20 and under(new and sealed). The "N" branded ones which never see retail drops, are in the same boat, as the market went to the NS. The market looks worse now than it did about a year ago when I sold games, as Splatoon and DKC & MK where still in the $30 range.
I think the market dropped out for the Nintendo developed Wii U games because most of them ended up getting ported to Switch. If they would just finish porting a handful of titles (namely the Zelda HD Remasters), I could put the console away in storage for good.

I think the market dropped out for the Nintendo developed Wii U games because most of them ended up getting ported to Switch. If they would just finish porting a handful of titles (namely the Zelda HD Remasters), I could put the console away in storage for good.
Yeah, this is a HUGE reason for why the market is like it is, as even my son never touches his Wii U anymore, as most of his favorite games he has on the NS. Of course there is a Wii U's collector's market, as it had such a small library, it's more easy to collect for than most. But just just based on most of what I've seen here from so called fans over the years, most sold their systems for an NS and never looked back.

Yay, finally managed to lock in an NSW LE of CotM a couple seconds before it sold out.  I swear it takes skill to make massively overpaying for a game feel like winning the lottery!

I don't see the Wii U taking off as becoming a highly collectable system for one reason mainly:  Nintendo is publishing most of its notable games on the Switch again. 

If those games were never to be seen again on another console then yes, I'd think that the demand would shoot up for it in the collector's market during the following years.   But that's not the case.  The Switch also performs better. 

Mostly, the reason a niche of people care about something like the Sega Saturn is because of its unique games. 

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I refreshed the page for Bloodstained vita as soon as the timer hit zero and still couldn't get it. I was logged in and used Paypal too. Same thing happened to me with Rabi-Ribi.

I refreshed the page for Bloodstained vita as soon as the timer hit zero and still couldn't get it. I was logged in and used Paypal too. Same thing happened to me with Rabi-Ribi.
I decided to go for it. The collector's edition went live right on the minute, standard took almost 30 seconds to go live. I had to wait in the shopify queue for about 10 seconds, completed order with autofill, and I still had over a minute (probably 75 seconds) to refresh both vita pages to watch as the counters dropped to 0.

Which part slowed you down? I have never tried paypal to pay, just straight credit card via checkout, was that the slow part?

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I decided to go for it. The collector's edition went live right on the minute, standard took almost 30 seconds to go live. I had to wait in the shopify queue for about 10 seconds, completed order with autofill, and I still had over a minute (probably 75 seconds) to refresh both vita pages to watch as the counters dropped to 0.

Which part slowed you down? I have never tried paypal to pay, just straight credit card via checkout, was that the slow part?
The Shopify “Wait in Line” process literally took 2 minutes before I was allowed to continue...

This happened to me both this morning and now.
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I thought I saw someone on here mention that the vita version of COTM had some sort of exclusive content or something like that?

cant find info on it but does it?

Edit: here it is I found it earlier in this thread:

" This physical Vita release has a new trophy list, which the PS4 release lacks - so Vita is getting some level of special treatment."

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Anyone try ordering using multiple tabs for a single order? I remember this not working last go around, so interested to know whether or not it worked for this.

on multiple orders, i almost always use multiple tabs.... just making sure i am logged in on each tab but it has never failed me yet.

Anyone try ordering using multiple tabs for a single order? I remember this not working last go around, so interested to know whether or not it worked for this.
same, I only use multiple tabs for releases since I want to use shipping costs for more than one game. but I never use PayPal cause it's an extra step of verification afaik
I decided to go for it. The collector's edition went live right on the minute, standard took almost 30 seconds to go live. I had to wait in the shopify queue for about 10 seconds, completed order with autofill, and I still had over a minute (probably 75 seconds) to refresh both vita pages to watch as the counters dropped to 0.

Which part slowed you down? I have never tried paypal to pay, just straight credit card via checkout, was that the slow part?
I don't think any part went slower than it could have. I did have to keep refreshing the page as I was getting the regular edition, but that shouldn't have added much time. Perhaps I should just go for the collector's edition of games like this in the future.

I input my credit card info and hit complete order and got a sold out message so I have no idea. I must have terrible luck or a bad browser or something because I've missed several of the big releases lately despite rabidly refreshing waiting until 10. If I have under 30 seconds to complete orders I honestly don't know if it's worth it at this point. I guess I'll try again at 6 and if not just go with a regular copy. Just the world's way of telling me not to drop 60 bucks on a $10 digital game haha.
Your mistake was having to input your credit card info to begin with.

so about 2.5 months later I finally got my Blind Boxes. What a horrible experience taking this long on in stock items and I had to create a trouble ticket asking for status when so many others received their orders. I had no extra items, just 2 ps4 and 2 vita blinds.

Here are the crap results, I'm sure since it took forever I got shafted on leftover blind boxes.

/SIGH Double Bit.Trip must resist buying this crap next year.





Recently found out about LRG, bullshit about games selling out at the speed of light and more. I was able to get the COTM Classic Edition for the Vita this morning, though. Refreshed as soon as the timer hit zero. Paid with debit card, everything cleared, and got email confirmation almost immediately after finishing up. It’ll be a nice companion to my Ritual of the Night Alchemist’s Treasure Edition.
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The Shopify “Wait in Line” process literally took 2 minutes before I was allowed to continue...

This happened to me both this morning and now.
Aw that stinks. I guess I got lucky with minimal 'wait in line' time on 1 tab. Definitely try multiple tabs/browsers next time, some will go through much faster.

so about 2.5 months later I finally got my Blind Boxes. What a horrible experience taking this long on in stock items and I had to create a trouble ticket asking for status when so many others received their orders. I had no extra items, just 2 ps4 and 2 vita blinds.

Here are the crap results, I'm sure since it took forever I got shafted on leftover blind boxes.

/SIGH Double Bit.Trip must resist buying this crap next year.
I feel you. Last year I tried 3 PS4 blind boxes, sounded like fun with a chance at some rare games I missed.

It wasn't fun.

At all.

I got 2 games I already had, and 1 game I didn't want. I broke even selling one, took an $8 loss on the second, and I've been trying to dump the last one (Nova 111) for 14 months lol.

Never again!

Yeah, after that first year of blind boxes, I swore that practice off, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. For first timers, consider this a lesson learned, for anyone who came back a second time.............. :dunce:

Recently found out about LRG, bullshit about games selling out at the speed of light and more. I was able to get the COTM Classic Edition for the Vita this morning, though. Refreshed as soon as the timer hit zero. Paid with debit card, everything cleared, and got email confirmation almost immediately after finishing up. It’ll be a nice companion to my Ritual of the Night Alchemist’s Treasure Edition.
Yeah, after that first year of blind boxes, I swore that practice off, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. For first timers, consider this a lesson learned, for anyone who came back a second time.............. :dunce:
I’ve been following LRG releases since day one with Breach & Clear and also by this thread. In my opinion, they’ve always been a scam company, and to me it’s clear as day today. Very poor indie releases, products that ‘sell out’ in seconds yet are available down the road in blind boxes, cardboard cutouts for collectors edition extras, huge prices on some CEs, Jak & Daxter being sold individually, poor customer service, and ship times months after what was promised. And that isn’t touching on the topic of their collusion with the reseller market.
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I’ve been following LRG releases since day one with Breach & Clear and also by this thread. In my opinion, they’ve always been a scam company, and to me it’s clear as day today. Very poor indie releases, products that ‘sell out’ in seconds yet are available down the road in blind boxes, cardboard cutouts for collectors edition extras, huge prices on some CEs, Jak & Daxter being sold individually, poor customer service, and ship times months after what was promised. And that isn’t touching on the topic of their collusion with the reseller market.
You literally posted the exact same thing a couple of days ago. How is this anything but trolling?

Is there anyway to hide or remove all the rewards notifications on their site? I know I can close them but as soon as you refresh, they pop right back up. I tried to order the Vita Bloodstained CE but my work computer does not like those kinds of pop ups (no diff if I use Chrome or Explorer, internet filter is not friendly to them). I wasn't able to get in on the morning batch since my train was delayed and mobile is too slow for me and I ended up missing it on the evening batch because my browser kept locking up on the pop ups... :whistle2:

I’ve been following LRG releases since day one with Breach & Clear and also by this thread. In my opinion, they’ve always been a scam company, and to me it’s clear as day today. Very poor indie releases, products that ‘sell out’ in seconds yet are available down the road in blind boxes, cardboard cutouts for collectors edition extras, huge prices on some CEs, Jak & Daxter being sold individually, poor customer service, and ship times months after what was promised. And that isn’t touching on the topic of their collusion with the reseller market.
While I'm a fan of LRG, in no way am I blind to some of the shit they do, and like my comment on the "blind boxes", I'll call them out whenever it needs to happen. I'll also defend them in certain cases, when certain things are said from a baseless area with no actual facts.

While many of the issues you mention are true, many or subjective at best and some are just not true. Up until this Vita production deadline issue came in to play, LRG did pretty well in having proper inventory. Now, Sony has not allowed for as much as once requested, and with interest ramping up at the end of life, Vita games are in higher demand than ever, with less inventory. LRG wanted and ordered more, and Sony said NO, as they almost had to cancel some final titles due to this issue.

They've had some of the best indie titles in the industry, and continue to get more each week. This is something that can't even be argued, as who's to say what's good and what's not. They sell out of each title, so even if they are low quality, someone is willing to pay for them, so that fact shows otherwise.

Is there anyway to hide or remove all the rewards notifications on their site? I know I can close them but as soon as you refresh, they pop right back up. I tried to order the Vita Bloodstained CE but my work computer does not like those kinds of pop ups (no diff if I use Chrome or Explorer, internet filter is not friendly to them). I wasn't able to get in on the morning batch since my train was delayed and mobile is too slow for me and I ended up missing it on the evening batch because my browser kept locking up on the pop ups... :whistle2:/
You could try one of the many browser plugins that allow you to block content. ublock origin is available for chrome or firefox, you should easily be able to block the rewards notifications. I'm not sure I have seen them though, all I get is a little tab in the lower right with the number of points.

Or if you wait a few more weeks there will be no more rewards program anyway.

You could try one of the many browser plugins that allow you to block content. ublock origin is available for chrome or firefox, you should easily be able to block the rewards notifications. I'm not sure I have seen them though, all I get is a little tab in the lower right with the number of points.

Or if you wait a few more weeks there will be no more rewards program anyway.
Yeah I have uBlock but I always disable it on their site- uBlock is kinda funky with some aspects of websites and I'm too lazy to figure out hwo to customize it to work how I want it to, so I avoid having it enabled on LRG or any other site where ads are enough of an issue for me to have it enabled.

I just hope this isn't an issue during AV Wii U.

Yeah I have uBlock but I always disable it on their site- uBlock is kinda funky with some aspects of websites and I'm too lazy to figure out hwo to customize it to work how I want it to, so I avoid having it enabled on LRG or any other site where ads are enough of an issue for me to have it enabled.

I just hope this isn't an issue during AV Wii U.
Yeah, those damn ad blockers.........don't get me started. LOL

They often block any and everything, so while it may block what you don't want, it may block what you do. Everytime I find one that seems to work, within weeks, it's doing crazy shit. I use them anyway, as I hate ads, but they do require work and even playing with the settings doesn't guarantee it will work properly.

As for AV being an issue, unless we just see tons of people wanting to support this title due to the issues that have been caused by Badlands, you should be fine. Like I said, I supported AV a few times for support to the creator to help with his son's medical needs. To see that didn't happen, is making me consider another purchase just to say "sorry" for the current situation. LRG deserves to be helped as well, as no one should lose that kind of money just trying to run a business.

Aw that stinks. I guess I got lucky with minimal 'wait in line' time on 1 tab. Definitely try multiple tabs/browsers next time, some will go through much faster.

I feel you. Last year I tried 3 PS4 blind boxes, sounded like fun with a chance at some rare games I missed.

It wasn't fun.

At all.

I got 2 games I already had, and 1 game I didn't want. I broke even selling one, took an $8 loss on the second, and I've been trying to dump the last one (Nova 111) for 14 months lol.

Never again!
they are blind boxes for a reason

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
While I love to crap on LRG for their shipping times and practices — I think most would agree that’s some well deserved poo— I can’t agree with the blind box criticism. They’re pretty open about the percentage chance of getting any particular game, with most of them being “commons.”
While I love to crap on LRG for their shipping times and practices — I think most would agree that’s some well deserved poo— I can’t agree with the blind box criticism. They’re pretty open about the percentage chance of getting any particular game, with most of them being “commons.”
Definitely. Blind Box is a fool's game if they are expecting to get something good. Odds are such that it makes more sense just to buy a particular game off Ebay. What I want to know is what will be the odds of getting the super duper ultra rare, not many copies produced, Breach and Clear in a blind box 20 years from now? There were only "1500" copies made you know.

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While I love to crap on LRG for their shipping times and practices — I think most would agree that’s some well deserved poo— I can’t agree with the blind box criticism. They’re pretty open about the percentage chance of getting any particular game, with most of them being “commons.”
For sure! No criticism from me, I knew the odds up front and took a chance. Figured why not try it once... but once was enough hah.

While I love to crap on LRG for their shipping times and practices — I think most would agree that’s some well deserved poo— I can’t agree with the blind box criticism. They’re pretty open about the percentage chance of getting any particular game, with most of them being “commons.”
Blind boxes are probably their way of getting rid of extra stock.
How long does it normally take for LRG to ship your games after printing the shipping label? It's been almost a month and I still haven't gotten my games yet. Contacting the CS is no help at all.

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He’s still salty he couldn’t get jack II, for being a grown man he sure cries like a little girl.
How long does it normally take for LRG to ship your games after printing the shipping label? It's been almost a month and I still haven't gotten my games yet. Contacting the CS is no help at all.

It's funny seeing posts from people like skiizim, yet right under him the black and white proof that LRG appears to be a scam company, or just horrendously mismanaged, is right there.

As I said, I wanted to support them since they first started, yet I had an odd feeling with them. Over time, their CEs looked lower in quality and yet higher in price. And nowadays all I hear is they take 2-3 months to ship in stock games.

No salt from me, I've never even attempted to purchase anything from them. I just watch their releases in the hopes they have something I would like to buy, and actually ship the product as well. Selling $2 digital indie releases for $50 with cardboard cutouts and trinkets in the box s just scammy in my eyes.

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Feeding the troll, but, you should really learn what a scam is.

I figured he was hardcore trolling.

Regarding scam, that is specifically why I wrote "appears to be" and "scammy'. I really wanted to support their business model, I just can't after hearing countless members telling me they never get support, or they take customers monies, don't ship products, don't answer emails, and don't allow cancellations. What else would you call that then?

I figured he was hardcore trolling.

Regarding scam, that is specifically why I wrote "appears to be" and "scammy'. I really wanted to support their business model, I just can't after hearing countless members telling me they never get support, or they take customers monies, don't ship products, don't answer emails, and don't allow cancellations. What else would you call that then?
They’re like any other company. You have the majority who are going to bitch and moan and the others who don’t have issues and don’t have the need to post about it.

They’re not taking anyone’s money and running.
I figured he was hardcore trolling.

Regarding scam, that is specifically why I wrote "appears to be" and "scammy'. I really wanted to support their business model, I just can't after hearing countless members telling me they never get support, or they take customers monies, don't ship products, don't answer emails, and don't allow cancellations. What else would you call that then?
A majority of users have orders shipped within a couple of days after tracking information is generated. I know a few people personally who purchase frequently with at least a dozen orders each. All manufactured games have been shipped, no missing or damaged items, everything arrives as it should.

I have had to reach out to customer service twice. They responded to my questions within an acceptable timeframe (few days). They don't allow cancellations of orders to avoid getting left with dead stock, and for preorders, they run the quantity that is demanded.

I'm sure you could find some Amazon forums with people complaining about similar issues as you posted above. Would that also make Amazon a "scammy" company? The loud voices of the few doesn't establish the entire view of how a company really handles issues. LRG could improve in some areas, but they are in no way a scam in any sense of the word.
Shipping from LRG has gone like this the last couple of years. When a shipping label gets created it usually takes 1 to 2 weeks before actually shipping. Takes about another week or so to deliver.

When a game is "out for delivery" it never delivers that day. My LRG deliveries seem to be always be scheduled for Wednesdays, but I don't get them until that Saturday or the next week. While I've never had a game sit for a month after label creation I can say the way LRG games are never delivered on time is not the norm.  When something is out for delivery whether It's Ebay, Best Buy, Amazon, Play Asia, Target, Walmart, Costco, etc it delivers 99.9% of the time. 

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bread's done