Lots of price drops at Newegg via CAG Price Tracker

Oooh. Tempted in getting Beatles Rock Band SE for $60. I have no use for the game, but I don't have any instruments. Or would I be better off with waiting for Rock Band 3?
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Oooh. Tempted in getting Beatles Rock Band SE for $60. I have no use for the game, [/QUOTE]

er, what's wrong with you??

but I don't have any instruments. Or would I be better off with waiting for Rock Band 3?

The instruments will likely be compatible with 3, so it's a good buy for them alone if you have none.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Oooh. Tempted in getting Beatles Rock Band SE for $60. I have no use for the game, but I don't have any instruments. Or would I be better off with waiting for Rock Band 3?[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind those aren't the Beatles Rock Band instruments in that pack. They might even be RB1 instruments actually, but I'm not totally sure on that.
The price tracker links take me to Amazon products, not Newegg.

Edit: nvm, I guess it's a whole list with all different stores lol. :oops:
[quote name='bvharris']Keep in mind those aren't the Beatles Rock Band instruments in that pack. They might even be RB1 instruments actually, but I'm not totally sure on that.[/QUOTE]

No, you're right, they're the inferior RB1 instruments. Still not worth it at that price.
Warreni, this may come as a shock, but not everyone likes the Beatles.

Thanks, bv and Bingo. I think I'll wait on this then.
Bioshock 2 LE for 50 is as cheap as I've seen it. If you like collecting CEs or liked the original Bioshock this is one of the classiest out there for a good price.
Yea, Bioshock 2 LE @ 50 is nice! You probably won't have the spidertag scar like those of us who got in on the BB deal a couple of months ago. I want KOFXII but I really only want to pay $10.
"We have found 0 active items that match "mirrors edge", the results below are for similar items"
"We have found 0 active items that match "mirror's edge", the results below are for similar items."

Wow...:360:Guitar Hero Metallica finally drops under $20 new for the first time in a long time...and it's sold out. I've only been waiting over a year for that. Guess I'll have to wait longer.
That DS game "Princess Debut" is a good one, especially to give as a gift.

Its by Cave, the same group that makes DeathSmiles and a lot of the other Bullet Hell shooters--so its not just the same old DS shovelware.

It a dating and rhythm game title--my pre-teen has played though the whole game at least 6 times.
[quote name='hypertails02']Wow...:360:Guitar Hero Metallica finally drops under $20 new for the first time in a long time...and it's sold out. I've only been waiting over a year for that. Guess I'll have to wait longer.[/QUOTE]

right there with ya'...
[quote name='hypertails02']Wow...:360:Guitar Hero Metallica finally drops under $20 new for the first time in a long time...and it's sold out. I've only been waiting over a year for that. Guess I'll have to wait longer.[/QUOTE]


I had a friend nearly ruin my copy of GHM thanks to his gross misconception of what I consider acceptable treatment of my belongings... I told him not to even mess with buying another copy (and not to borrow any of my stuff for that matter), and I've been trying to find a cheap new copy since.

[quote name='vanlandw']"We have found 0 active items that match "mirrors edge", the results below are for similar items"
"We have found 0 active items that match "mirror's edge", the results below are for similar items."


Was going for Mirror's Edge too, lets hope for a restock
Really wanted to get in on Mirror's Edge for the PS3.

I'll eventually end up getting that Bioshock 2 LE. Seems they have more than they know what to do with, so it won't hurt to wait a bit more on that.
[quote name='YEAHBUDDY']I'm tempted by Rogue Warrior for 3$ on newegg. Love dem bad games.[/QUOTE]

Dick Marchenko is one bad ass mofo. This game is worth the play through just for the outrageously funny Mickey Rourke one liners. Marchenko is how I would picture a real life Chuck Norris. The story sucks ass (Go to this building and defuse this bomb, rinse, repeat), but it is WELL worth the 3 dollars. I love craptastic games (Shellshock was my sleeper hit of the year last year) but this game is actually kinda good, but short (5 hours tops on hardest difficulty).
[quote name='jughead']Yea, Bioshock 2 LE @ 50 is nice! You probably won't have the spidertag scar like those of us who got in on the BB deal a couple of months ago. I want KOFXII but I really only want to pay $10.[/QUOTE]

If anyone's wondering, my copy from Newegg looks never to have been removed from its original manufacturer's packaging. The shipping box has a big "do not break street date" sticker on it. Naturally, then, there's no spidertag scarring.

I suppose that after the GTAIV special edition, I shouldn't be surprised by the heft of special editions, but still I am impressed by how heavy this thing is. The case by itself is pretty substantial.
[quote name='BingoBrown']No, you're right, they're the inferior RB1 instruments. Still not worth it at that price.[/QUOTE]

Have to agree. The Beatles Value Edition includes the wired, inferior RB1 drum kit, which has a kick pedal prone to breakage. It was a widespread problem. Avoid this kit.

The Beatles LE is the one with the great instruments. :D
[quote name='bvharris']Keep in mind those aren't the Beatles Rock Band instruments in that pack. They might even be RB1 instruments actually, but I'm not totally sure on that.[/QUOTE]

That's correct, the Beatles Rock Band "Special Edition" is the Beatles game packed with RB1 instruments.
bread's done