Well, I'm LITERALLY only missing 3 songs out of all those (40 total, if you count the Offspring pack). So great deal for everybody, but not really any good for me. :lol: ALL OF THESE packs are worth getting if you don't have them. And this post is a lot longer than I wanted it to look, but I promise it's a good read.
Quick reviews (if anyone cares :lol

[quote name='Shadowiii']“
Moving Pictures” is typically priced 880 MSP ($10.99), but is currently marked down to 440 MSP ($5.50), and contains the following songs:
- The Camera Eye
- Limelight (Original Version)
- Red Barchetta
- Tom Sawyer (Original Version)
- Vital Signs
- Witch Hunt
[/QUOTE]It's RUSH! This is a very solid piece of DLC for Rock Band. And you'd be paying about $.79 per song at this price. No-brainer!
[quote name='Shadowiii']“
The Cars” is typically priced 1,200 MSP ($14.99), but is currently marked down to 680 MSP ($8.50), and contains the following songs:
- All Mixed Up
- Bye Bye Love
- Don’t Cha Stop
- Good Times Roll
- I’m in Touch with Your World
- Just What I Needed
- Moving in Stereo
- My Best Friend’s Girl
- You’re All I’ve Got Tonight
[/QUOTE]If you are even half-interested in a few of these (like "Just What I Needed," "My Best Friend's Girl" and "Bye Bye Love"), it would be cheaper to just get the whole pack. The only tracks that might be "meh" in gameplay (in my opinion) would be "I'm in Touch with Your World," "Moving in Stereo" and POSSIBLY "Good Times Roll" for some. But that still leaves you with 6 very solid tracks. "Don't Cha Stop" is definitely my favorite track out of all 9 and probably the "surprise song" that will catch people off-guard in the fun category. Check Youtube if you're on the fence.
[quote name='Shadowiii']
Nine Inch Nails Pack 01 – 240 MSP
- March of the Pigs
- The Collector
- The Perfect Drug
[/QUOTE]NiN is a love it/hate it kind of thing, so check Youtube if you're unsure. If you have Rock Band 3 and you DON'T have "The Perfect Drug," there's a DLC drum achievement for that song (you can also get "The Perfect Drug" with the Rock Band Track Pack 2 export). If you go the Marketplace route, consider the other two tracks as songs you got at 40 MSP apiece with a regularly-priced 160 MSP song.
[quote name='Shadowiii']
Oasis Pack 01 – 240 MSP
- Don’t Look Back in Anger
- Live Forever
- Wonderwall
[/QUOTE]Another must-have pack. 3 VERY solid tracks. If you don't already have these and consider them expensive at essentially $1 apiece, I don't know what to say. :lol:
[quote name='Shadowiii']
Weezer Pack 02 – 240 MSP
- My Name Is Jonas
- Pork and Beans
- Undone (The Sweater Song)
[/QUOTE]If you are just a little interested in at least one of these, just get the whole pack. "My Name Is Jonas" and "Undone" are two great warmup band songs (but "Pork and Beans" might not be everyone's cup of tea). Check Youtube if you're undecided.
[quote name='Shadowiii']
Evanescence Pack 01 – 240 MSP
- Bring Me to Life
- Call Me When You’re Sober
- Weight of the World
[/QUOTE]ANOTHER great pack. Anyone paranoid about possible harmony/keys updates might just want to wait it out for these (but expect to be waiting a while :lol

. If you want to play these NOW and you like the songs, this is a great price. Oh, and did you get the memo?
"Going Under" was FINALLY released on Rock Band Network last month (160 MSP)! No keys or harmonies though.
[quote name='Shadowiii']
The Police Pack 01 – 240 MSP
- Can’t Stand Losing You
- Roxanne
- Synchronicity II
[/QUOTE]"Synchronicity II" is a must-have, but some players might not be immediately drawn to the other two tracks. Check Youtube if you're unsure how the songs translate in the game!
[quote name='Shadowiii']
Jimmy Buffet Pack 01 – 240 MSP
- Volcano
- Margaritaville
- Cheeseburger in Paradise
[/QUOTE]A great, solid pack that surprises you out of nowhere. They are re-records, but very nice re-records with very fun game charts. This is a must-have (especially if you happen to be a drummer).
[quote name='Shadowiii']
All That Remains Pack 01 – 240 MSP
- Chiron
- This Calling
- Two Weeks
[/QUOTE] And then there's this one. :lol:
All That Remains happens to be very popular with the online crowd. So if you play online with randoms quite a bit, you'll likely see these songs available most of the time. I'm not the BIGGEST fan of these (WAY too much overplay, maybe? I'm not sure

?). But if you like more challenging songs with a heavy feel, these will be fun. Again, check Youtube.
[quote name='tunavi']Wow these songs are ridiculously expensive. You guys actually pay for this stuff?[/QUOTE]
Kid (no offense with the "kid" reference :lol

, if you think that $1 per song for a game that has 4 playable instruments for this DLC is "expensive," I would advise you stay away from Xbox Live COMPLETELY. Dance Central's $3 DLC for each song would like to have a word with you. And the 800/1200 MSP map packs would like to have a seminar with you. THAT DLC is expensive! $1 for a music track with multiple parties involved (and this is the music companies I'm talking about) is MORE than understandable for this DLC.
If you're going to troll/diss/make fun/question of people's online spending, Call of Duty/Halo/any other FPS with higher-costing premium content would be good places to start.
[quote name='prayformojo']I doubt they double dip on much stuff beyond the Queen tracks, I love how RB3 reworked the career mode to incorporate DLC more, it is amazing to have everything ported into that one game and manage playlists via the web.[/QUOTE]
Currently, Harmonix is putting together a list of songs that they plan on updating (when we all get to see the list is anyone's guess). And as much as I love the new setlist options of RB3's Road Challenges, the length of that entire mode is a joke (it can literally be completed in a few days...if not sooner

). One thing I wish they ported was a proper World Tour mode...and tone down the animation/colors. Sheesh. My eyes can't take it anymore and my interest is waning since RB3 is basically Quickplay...with meaningless "goals."
[quote name='intoxicated662']Question: If I don't plan on buying rock band 3 anytime soon (until it gets to about $25 or less) how will purchasing this dlc content and also my past purchased dlc content affect me when I do get rock band 3? Saw someone mention earlier something about having to pay more fees and such, am wondering what's really going on. I don't wanna buy rb3 if I gotta pay for anything else other than importing my rb2 songs.[/QUOTE]
There are NO fees for importing DLC into any of the main Rock Band titles.

The only fee you'd have to pay would be one-time export fees (for Rock Band 1, Rock Band 2, Lego Rock Band and Green Day: Rock Band) for exported content to be playable in all current and future Rock Band titles. See more info below.
And random info for everyone:
If you buy older DLC in Rock Band 3, it isn't playable in Rock Band 1 or 2 for some reason. :???: So just sync these up from xbox.com to be on the safe side (or redownload them from the Marketplace on your Xbox if you plan on playing any recently-bought legacy DLC on older games soon).
[quote name='DJ_Tet']Offspring Pack is still at 440
If it goes down to 240, you guys HAVE to get it! There are crowd sing-alongs in ALL 3 songs!

Playing the choruses of "Gone Away" and "Pretty Fly" with the crowd singing in the background is almost indescribable.

I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. :lol:
[quote name='confoosious']how do track packs work? Does it cost $10 to export the songs to your hard drive?[/QUOTE]
I know that this got answered above, but I'll add to it a little. All track packs (AC/DC, Country, Rock, Metal, etc.) come with a stand-alone disc that includes all songs playable in the Rock Band 1 engine (along with achievements worth 250gs total). Track packs also come with a one-time export code on the back of the game manual. NO disc is used for the export of these track packs (just the export code--it looks like a standard XBL code).
For disc exports, here's the rundown:
Rock Band 1: You only need the disc and 400 MSP. Once you download the latest update, and select the "Export Songs" option in the Options menu, the game rips 55 of the songs from the disc. Each song is given it's own separate file (In case you want to delete any unwanted songs).
Rock Band 2: You will need the Rock Band 3 disc, 800 MSP and the one-time use code on the back of the Rock Band 2 manual (this code can also be used to download a 20-pack of free bonus songs). Enter the manual code in the Rock Band 3 menu ("Get More Songs"). You pay the export fee, and you will have 70 of the 84 Rock Band 2 songs.
The free Rock Band pack contains 9 bonus songs from Rock Band 2's export. The remaining 5 RB2 songs don't export.
Lego Rock Band: You will need the disc, the one-time use code on the insert that comes with the game and 800 MSP. Redeem the one-time use code on the specified webpage and go to the Music Store from the Lego RB main menu. Select the "Export Library" option in the menu. All 45 songs export.
Green Day Rock Band: 800 MSP to export. The export code for the 45 songs in this game can either be redeemed with a Green Day RB disc or through RB3's menu (the same as Rock Band 2's method). If you use the Green Day disc, there is an "Export Songs" option in the Option menu. The export code is located on the back of the Green Day game manual.
And it's that's simple.

Sorry I took up so much space with that. :lol: I figure a lot of people got Rock Band 3 for the holidays and they're playing catch-up with information that's been available. Also, if you are only playing Rock Band 1 or RB2, the RB2 songs (export and bonus songs from RB2 disc) are the only tracks not playable in the older games. The exports for Green Day and Lego are playable in both previous RB titles (and Rock Band 1's export is playable in RB2). The only thing that you can't play in RB1 is Rock Band Network content (only playable in RB2 & RB3).
Last thing, if you're looking for track packs, try K-Mart, Target, Toys 'R Us and if you have a local Family Dollar store near you, check those as well (they had $5 track packs for Xbox 360 and PS3--Metal, Country and Track Pack 2). They should still be in stock in most places. Check this thread for more info (it hasn't been posted in for a while, but the info is still valid):