M3wThr33's Steam Giveaway


6 (100%)

So, I don't know if this'll be allowed, feel free, but I think this is within the rules. (As people post contests to click in their own articles they wrote)

Right now, I'm in a Yahoo contest to get clicks on some special links I put out each day.
I get ranked on the clicks in there, and I'd like to recruit you guys to help me.
AND I have prizes for those who do.

Entering is simple. I have 13 gifts on Steam right now.
What you need to do to ENTER is post your Twitter handle, and rank the 13 titles in the order that you'd like them, from most to least.

Then comes the part where you help me. Over the rest of the month, I'll be posting links on my Twitter account with the hashtag #Yinsider. I'll be keep an eye of everybody who RTs those.
At the end of the contest, on October 9th, or so, I'll tally it all up and send out the rewards.

In Summary:
1) Post your Twitter handle and rank the games that you'd like
2) Follow @TheChrisGlass me on Twitter
3) Click the bit ly link.
4) RT any post I make with #Yinsider. (And ONLY RTs on my Twitter handle will count. Other people are using this hashtag. And feel free to do whatever, but I'm only tracking my own RTs)

Each post I make with that tag will be a new possible entry for you. I post around 2-4 of them a day, so keep an eye out. (There's no need to RT any posts made before this Sunday, but you can get an edge up by RTing ones made today, September 12th)

The games:
Deathmatch Classic
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Opposing Force
Portal 2
Puzzle Agent

If I happen to win (In the top 5), I'll also be giving away a bonus Steam Game of YOUR CHOICE. No need to write that down. I'll ask you if you win.
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Sure, I'll enter (@LocoElBob)

Games I want:
1. Half Life 2
2. Portal 2
3. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
4. Half-Life 2: Episode 1
5. Half Life 1
5. Opposing Force
6. Ricochet

Isn't HL2 Deathmatch free for those with Nvidia or Ati cards, which is like everybody
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Yup. I got the Golden Potato during the Portal 2 ARG, so I got a spare copy of EVERY SINGLE Valve game. It's been a long time giving them slowly away.
I also have TWO copies of Episode 1 (listed as both Episode One and Episode 1, hilariously) So that's double the chance to get that.

Portal 2
Half-Life 2

Opposing Force
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Puzzle Agent

Followed and retweeted. Thank you so much for this neat little contest. I left off the titles that I already own as there is no reason to take those away from worthy participants.
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@jwheatly :: done 1 -4

i wants
> Portal 2
> Half-Life 2: Episode 1
> Half-Life 2: Episode 2
> Puzzle Agent
> Rush
> Ricochet
> Half-Life 1
> Half-Life: Blue Shift
> Opposing Force
> Deathmatch Classic

already have
> Cogs
> Half-Life 2
> Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
I would enter the contest, but I have every single game on your list. :( Free bump. Hope you win!

EDIT: I would love to win a game of my choice, though. RT'd just in case!

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1. Portal 2
2. Rush
3. Puzzle Agent

Already have:

Not really interested in the others (I'd put them in the same order of priority). Thanks!
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1. Portal 2
2. Half-Life 1
3. Half-Life 2
4. Half-Life 2: Episode 1
5. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
6. Half-Life: Blue Shift
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Games I want:
1. Portal 2
2. Half Life 2
3. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
4. Half-Life 2: Episode 1
5. Half Life 1
5. Opposing Force
6. Ricochet
I'm in as @Gram_Cracker.

1. Portal 2
2. Puzzle Agent
3. Rush
4. Ricochet
5. Cogs
6. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
7. Half-Life 1

In as @Gamingftw92. Thanks for the contest!

1. Portal 2
2. Puzzle Agent
2. Half Life 1
3. Opposing Force
4. Half Life: Blue Shift
5. Rush
6. Ricochet
7. Deathmatch Classic

1. Portal 2
2. Opposing Force
3. Ricochet
4. Rush

I basically have everything else and thanks for the contest!
1. Portal 2
2. Ricochet
4. Puzzle Agent
Everything else I have no care to put in order.

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Portal 2
Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Deathmatch
Half Life 2 Episode 1
Half Life 2 Episode 2
Deathmatch classic
Half Life 1
Puzzle Agent
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Thanks for the contest!


1. Half Life 2
2. Half-Life 2: Episode 1
3. Portal 2
4. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
5. Opposing Force
6. Ricochet
7. Cogs
8. Half Life 1
Ranked from most to least

Twitter @ropes

Want most
Portal 2

Will take or giveaway to someone else
Deathmatch Classic
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Opposing Force
Puzzle Agent

Honestly only want the 1st 4
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1. Portal 2
2. Half Life 1
3. Half Life: Blue Shift
4. Half Life: Opposing Force
5. Deathmatch Classic
6. Ricochet
7. Cogs
8. Rush
9. Puzzle Agent

I already have all Half Life 2 games.
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[quote name='alchemistlord']These tweets don't exist? At least to me.[/QUOTE]

Fixed the links. Somehow it saved them oddly.
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Portal 2
Half-Life 1
Half-Life 2
Deathmatch Classic
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Opposing Force
Puzzle Agent
I'll enter (@lolwot)

Portal 2
Puzzle Agent
Deathmatch Classic
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 1
Opposing Force
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch

I have every game on the list except Portal 2, Puzzle Agent, Ricochet, and Rush.
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Weekend posts, in cased you missed them:
(This also helps me later to go back and check all these posts, I'm going to have to tally scores from.)


Only two weeks left. Then I go back to being my normal random link self. (No hard feelings if you unfollow.)
So the final week starts today. Crazy it's so close to being over. (I missed a few days, so here's a big batch.)

I really appreciate all the click-through. It ends on the 9th, so I'll find out then. Then on Monday or Tuesday night once I figure out if I won, I'll dig through and start scoring everyone and award the bonus game of choice. (I'll be in Disney World, so pardon me if I'm a bit late)

I'll just PM you for your email, and I'll send the Steam gift.

Links so far today:
Amanda Knox is Free: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120978209784336384
Tesla cars: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120977293974847489
Greece LOL: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120933174070083584
Don Lapre Suicide: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120930362854621184
Gene Simmons: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120649272562683904
Ants: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120679472159657985
Occupy Wall Street: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120606936264736768
Boobies: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120282098601951232
Bank of America: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120226499793141760
SAT Cheating: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/120186557461315584
[quote name='M3wThr33'](I'll be in Disney World, so pardon me if I'm a bit late)[/QUOTE]

I'm going to Disneyland the weekend before that (Columbus Day weekend).
The lady I talked to on the phone from Disneyland Hotel told me this would be one of the busiest weekends out of the whole year and all the hotels around there are sold out. Goody.
[quote name='Gram']I'm going to Disneyland the weekend before that (Columbus Day weekend).
The lady I talked to on the phone from Disneyland Hotel told me this would be one of the busiest weekends out of the whole year and all the hotels around there are sold out. Goody.[/QUOTE]

I go to Disneyland every Saturday. October gets LAUGHABLY busy. Usually because of Gay Days, and the Mormon Days, along with the Halloween parties.

Be sure to go to Big Thunder Ranch at the back for pumpkin carving. And the running of the goats at 5:00 PM.

Today's links: (I AM in 5th, but it's shaky. Only 5 days left.)
The View: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/121390482986250240
NBA 2K12: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/121361275581243394
Dolphin Tale: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/121325981641359360
Liz Hurley: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/121316704402939905
iPhone: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/121277477015404544
2 days left!

Today I think I had interesting crap:

QUADRUPLE RAINBOW: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/122482434477522945
Train crash: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/122450486623342592
Milla Jovovich: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/122369842031497216
Billy Bob Thornton's daughter gets 20 years in prison: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/122356434406088705
Arnold SChwannerger museum: https://twitter.com/#!/TheChrisGlass/status/122491304784572416
Please remember to click the bit ly even if you don't RT.
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bread's done