[quote name='RollingSkull']I'm waiting for reviews on these. It'd be nice to have them but these are period pieces, games you MUST play simply because they are obligatory. Whether they are worth the money depends entirely on how nice the ports are. If we don't even get the MGS2 Snake Tales and VR missions and boss rush or the MGS3 Boss Battle Select and classic MGs and those wacky movies and SOME way of alleviating the stupid, stupid MH style farming of Peace Walker then I don't see how they're worth redipping for.
Really, I spent more time running boss rush in MGS2 than anything else (Well, except groaning in exasperation in the cutscenes). Those lousy controls added to the tension of the quality boss fights to make me just enjoy playing them.[/QUOTE]
They've been confirmed to be the Substance and Subsistence versions of MGS2 and 3, and the original 8-bit MG games are included, so I would imagine Snake Tales and the other stuff are as well.