MGS Peace Walker Code Hunt


409 (100%)
Anyone doing this or interested in doing this? I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the referral section, but feel free to move it if it doesn't belong here. Anyways, you can create a squad with several other members, and I'm currently looking for people to add. Just to let you know, you can't join a squad if you've already created an account. If anyone would be interested in joing my squad PM me. I feel it's worth mentioning that I'm in 35 place and I'm currently the only member of my squad.
[quote name='batman1939']What are all those GPS locations? Or what the hell do you have to do?[/QUOTE]

The GPS locations are supposedly Best Buy locations, a couple of people have said they've been to them and didn't find anything there though. Basically you try to find codes on the internet and enter them on the website. Top three squads when this ends get prizes.
[quote name='batman1939']Damn thats a lot of locations. But I got time to waste. How do I join the squad or do I have to PM you?[/QUOTE]

The site asks for the email address of the people that want to join, you should probably PM that to me.
[quote name='rainking187']The site asks for the email address of the people that want to join, you should probably PM that to me.[/QUOTE]

Aw shit, I joined on my own and then read the entire thread. If anyone wants in on my squad just PM me (the squad is named CAG).



Squad Leader:
GenPirate has 42000 points

Total: 42000 points based on squad members contributions
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']What kind of prize? If so, I'm in just for fun.[/QUOTE]

First prize is $10,000, every person in the squad gets $2,000. Second prize is everyone in the squad gets one of those PSP Big Boss packs. Third prize is everyone gets a $100 gift card. The site doesn't say where to.
The contest rules were poorly thought out:

A code hunt will be conducted online and offline. Online codes will be provided by Konami or partner controlled sites or communication channels. Offline codes will be provided by Program Partners. During the Contest, the Participants or Squads that acquire the most codes will win."

Yet the contest states that each code is worth a different value, and the winning team has the most points...
[quote name='rainking187']First prize is $10,000, every person in the squad gets $2,000. Second prize is everyone in the squad gets one of those PSP Big Boss packs. Third prize is everyone gets a $100 gift card. The site doesn't say where to.[/QUOTE]

Since all the GPS coords apparently lead towards a Best Buy, I'd be surprised if they aren't BB gift cards.

Anywho, took the list of GPS coords, punched them into my work's world-mapping software, and found out a nearby BB supposedly has...something...will look into it later.
[quote name='rainking187']The GPS locations are supposedly Best Buy locations, a couple of people have said they've been to them and didn't find anything there though. Basically you try to find codes on the internet and enter them on the website. Top three squads when this ends get prizes.[/QUOTE]
They should dig around the MGS game boxes ;)

Might be something there lol
[quote name='Jerry-kun']From what I've read, yes, the codes are multi-use.[/QUOTE]

Wow, there's no way anyone could win alone even if they wanted to then lol.

Guess it's time to squad up. I need four ppl, but only if you're serious about winnin'. Currently alone in 49th place.

Anyone PM me your email address if you're interested so I can recruit you.
I have 1 more free spot available for anyone else that wants in on squad CAG. Even if we don't win you can say that you were there and fought for CAG.
Got four spots open for anyone that wants to join my squad. PM me your email address.

I would have joined a squad already made here, but I made an account before readin' through the thread.
[quote name='NovaKane']I would have joined a squad already made here, but I made an account before readin' through the thread.[/QUOTE]

I did the same, so I'm recruiting Facebook friends, heh. Doing pretty well so far.
[quote name='kratos1010']I'm still looking to join a squad, email is [email protected][/QUOTE]

I sent you an invitation to join if you haven't joined a squad already.

[quote name='flameofdoom666']I am willing to hit up a few BB's in NYC if anyone is interested[/QUOTE]

Are you on a squad? If not, PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite.
I sent you an invitation to join if you haven't joined a squad already.

Thanks, I created my account. Lets win this thing! XD
[quote name='kratos1010']
Thanks, I created my account. Lets win this thing! XD[/QUOTE]

Cool, thanks for joinin'! I'm gonna PM you with some info in a few minutes.

[quote name='The Holy Pretzle']Name's mooseifer69. Feel free to request me to this. e-mail is [email protected][/QUOTE]

Invitation sent!
Also, I live in Orange County, CA so I would prefer people who lived in other places of the US so that when finding these best buy locations (via google maps, really easy) we can have a greater chance of getting the most codes.

just PM me your email address and I will send the invite.
[quote name='NovaKane']Are you on a squad? If not, PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite.[/QUOTE]

How exactly does this work? I go into BB and look for codes? Where are they, etc?
I went to my BB (was on the coordinates list) and nobody knew jack. What am I looking for? I looked by the MGS4 games, but there are no other MGS games at that BB.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']How exactly does this work? I go into BB and look for codes? Where are they, etc?[/QUOTE]

For offline codes, the BB's listed on the GPS location page. I don't know exactly what to look for when goin' to BB though. Maybe a poster or stand.

[quote name='megma42']I went to my BB (was on the coordinates list) and nobody knew jack. What am I looking for? I looked by the MGS4 games, but there are no other MGS games at that BB.[/QUOTE]

I guess anything with MGS: Peace Walker on it.
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Got one more spot open for my squad. First to PM me (that doesn't have an account made already) with their email is in.
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I have more spots open in squad CAG (people didn't accept their invites) so it's a first come first serve basis. So if you want an invite PM me your email address and you may get in.
[quote name='50yen']i have 63000 pts alone.. i'll join a squad if theres space available[/QUOTE]

You can't join a squad with an existing membership.
let me join someone's squad plz. Tell me how many points you have/are you and your team the highest in CAG? I will play very actively and go to all best buys locally if I haz too. lol

Plz PM me and I will give email. thx :D
[quote name='muzras']let me join someone's squad plz. Tell me how many points you have/are you and your team the highest in CAG? I will play very actively and go to all best buys locally if I haz too. lol

Plz PM me and I will give email. thx :D[/QUOTE]

PM sent.
bread's done