hey clevelandmvp I need your doritos perks PLEASE. last card I need. Do you need any others other than doritos char? I don't have a char to spare or I would. I have many others. let me know thanks
[quote name='thirdgeniroc']hey clevelandmvp I need your doritos perks PLEASE. last card I need. Do you need any others other than doritos char? I don't have a char to spare or I would. I have many others. let me know thanks[/QUOTE]
Ive completed all my cards and have Doritos perks left over. Im not sure how to give it to you. It wont let me update my list. If you know of a way I will do it.
[quote name='clevelandmvp']Ive completed all my cards and have Doritos perks left over. Im not sure how to give it to you. It wont let me update my list. If you know of a way I will do it.[/QUOTE]
You can't give away your extras. You are stuck with them.
Here's some free codes - I have no use for them and this community has given so much to me so whoever wants em take em.
Mountain Dew
3LNYW-MME6Y (not so sure about this one - it was on a 12 pack at my sisters house and I just took a picture of it instead of taking the box and it turned out all blurry)
Please show some courtesy reply if you take them and enjoy!
[quote name='brak2000']Here's some free codes - I have no use for them and this community has given so much to me so whoever wants em take em.
Mountain Dew
3LNYW-MME6Y (not so sure about this one - it was on a 12 pack at my sisters house and I just took a picture of it instead of taking the box and it turned out all blurry)
Please show some courtesy reply if you take them and enjoy![/QUOTE]