Need your help figuring out what new router is best for me.


90 (100%)
I am probably heading out in a few hours to get a new router for my parents' house. It is a 4-5 year old Netgear router which works terribly.

Basically if more than one person connects to it at the same time, there is a 50% chance that within a few hours it will drop the connection and you have to restart the router/modem. Even when one person is on it, every 10-20 minutes or so it has a fart where it doesn't work for 30 seconds, its more annoying than it sounds. The other problem is when I play Xbox Live on it, it always says I have a strict NAT connection so I have trouble connecting to any games.

I am willing to spend about $60 at the very most.

What are things I should look for when I purchase this new router? Any specific company or anything?
I had problems with both Netgear (only lasted 2 years) and Linksys (only lasted 1 year). Both routers I would have to reset every 2-3 months.

I now rock a Belkin router and it has been working good. 1.5 years and counting. Haven't had to reset it up to this point *knock on wood*. It pushes out a great signal. My router is downstairs opposite part of the house from my xbox and my xbox reads 4-5 bars all the time.
I have the same problem. I have an oooooollld Linksys WRT300N, and when you have something thats crappy and old, you have something that needs to be replaced. Seriously, like 2 days ago, I was sitting less than 10 feet away from the router with my PSP, and my signal was under 30%. My PS3 is in another room, about 35 feet away from the router and won't pick up anything. So I'm looking for something that is going to run circles around this POS. I'm not sure if the settings/config pages for new Linksys's are the same as old ones, but if they are, then i'd like to stay with them. I've had more than enough time tinkering with the settings, trying to get the most out of this thing for the past couple of years.
So far this one works better and the setup of the software is infinitely better. But unfortunately for my Xbox demands, it is still strict NAT connection. I will try to do the port forwarding, if I can figure it out.
[quote name='Malik112099']I love my Linksys WRT54G[/QUOTE]

Yeah, mine does the job here in my apartment quite well.
Go for a wireless N router. You're only buying a consumer grade router, so putting too much effort into buying a particular brand or model over another is a waste of time.
The router I bought is a wireless-N, basically all of the features and specs are far higher than my old router, but so far the performance literally the same (or a very very minor improvement). But luckily there haven't been any dropped connections, which is originally why I got a new one.

But my Xbox connection is strict NAT again :[
I have a Linksys WRT54. My connection was real fast but always moderate to strict.If I unpluged and restarted it gave me open for a day. Recently I installed the Tomato firmware and it has run open ever since. It is amazing now.
Damn :[

I managed to open the ports for Xbox Live, but I want to open the port for uTorrent. I know exactly what port it is, but when it asks for an IP address I don't know what to put in. I am under the impression that I need to make a static IP address, which I think only allows you to sign on from that one network. I take this laptop with me time and time again, so that is not really good.

Is it difficult to set up a static IP address, and then to remove the static IP address? Because if its a simple process, I won't mind having to redo it each time. If it is complicated, I don't know what other option I have.
never had problems with utorrent and my router.... utorrent did interfere with my norton antivirus and firewall settings. opened the ports in norton and firewall on my pc and utorrent runs fast wherever i go.
bread's done