^ That's a good point - had the DLC game been something new and/or exclusive, that might be a different matter - say a GBA classic (the quality of one of the Ambassador program games).
[quote name='Blade']
By the way, you only get one prize total. Platinum or Gold, swag or game.[/QUOTE]
Now that is pretty lame - I mean, one physical prize and one game would have been nice. It still would have been pretty bad compared to previous years, but I could have gotten used to that. One single 150 coin-type game is really, really pathetic - especially when some have been offered as redeemable rewards already! I guess I'm going with the cards since at least that is something different. But still...
[quote name='b3b0p']
So, you don't agree with their choices of prizes in North America, but the logistics also in North America are ridiculous and expensive and the population is much more spread out.
If you don't agree, come up with a better solution and quit trying to ask questions and assume you know the details.
I'm not trying to play Sgt. Nintendo Defense Force, but god damn, some people can't be pleased no matter what and don't appreciate what they do get.[/QUOTE]
Well, every year before this was 10x better - even last year's pins. I thought those were pretty bad (especially since mine came crushed in a bubble mailer) but I'd rather have those than any of this stuff. Before last year the prizes were all pretty good, if not mind-blowingly awesome (compared to the Japanese club prizes).
I guess, in retrospect, the statue was the high point. Hell, I'd rather have them just repeat that (in a different form of course). But c'mon, a single (old, already offered) DLC game (that costs them nothing) is pretty insulting even to offer as a prize. Like I said, if it was one physical item
and one game that would be much better.
I guess I'll stop worrying about Elite status and just look forward to the redeemable stuff which is clearly the "better" deal for the NA club anyway. I'm definitely glad I cashed out as many codes that were dropping as I could and didn't save them for next year even at the reduced value. It was much better to have 50 coins to spend on their regular stuff than 20 to go towards Elite status just to get a DLC game reward or a pack of cards
