Nintendo eShop Deals and Discussions


48 (100%)
Thanks to Frisky for all of the hard work that he put in for the previous deals threads (and continues to on this thread!)

Feel free to post here about the newest Nintendo eShop deals, My Nintendo rewards and discussions about the previously mentioned items.

Nintendo Sales and Deals page
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So I guess Cave Story+ will never go on sale again. Looks like it’s been over two years since the last sale. Have wanted and never have played any version. Crossed my fingers for a BF discount. Damn Nicalis.
I'm still trying to find a way to pre-order Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Adventure Bundle with all the cool extra bonus items from Nintendo.UK and have shipped here to U.S... Forward2Me service doesn't work i called em and tried.. wish I had a friend in Europe I could have order then mail to me -
Gets on soap box......

Leave it to Nintendo to find a way to already disappoint fans of Nintendo music in the first month.

They have so many great soundtracks to choose from and they pick DS Brain Age? Not to knock Brain Age as I played plenty of it back in the day but you would think Nintendo would want to come flying out of the gate showing how great this new feature can be.

Not including music from Wii / Wii U / 3DS Channels, eShops, system settings etc. there are around 780 titles from Nintendo history they can upload. At the current rate of one a week, including the games already added into the service, it will take almost 15 years to upload everything. Even longer when you add in new game titles that get released between now and the next 15 years.

I guess we can look forward to getting Everybody 1-2 Switch! soundtrack next Monday night to really kill the holiday mood.


Gets down off soap box.....
I would love EVO Search for Eden on SNES NSO… or Paladin’s Quest, Secret of Evermore… Terranigma… but mainly EVO.
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We've been working hard on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind for more than a year now, and the fan response has been incredible. From live demos at conventions to kind words from press previews, we know you can't wait to play on December 10.

Unfortunately, we're facing two issues that will affect our launch plans. First, due to an unforeseen circumstance, the Nintendo Switch release will be slightly delayed until Thursday, December 19. However, the PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam versions will be available on the original announced release date of Tuesday, December 10.

Second, due to technical issues that are simply taking more time to sort out than we'd hoped, online play will support two players on PlayStation and Steam, and will not be enabled for the Xbox and Nintendo Switch versions at launch. The good news is we expect to have two-player online play for those platforms available within a few weeks followed by support for additional players for all versions soon after. Also, offline play won't be affected; Rita's Rewind remains fully playable with friends & family in couch co-op mode.

We would like to blame Robo Rita for these issues, but we just need a little extra time to deliver on everyone's expectations, including our own. We'll continue to improve and enhance the game after launch to make it what you – and we! – want it to be.

We wanted to update you as quickly as possible once the situation became clear. Thank you for your support and understanding.
There seem to be no deals for NSO at the moment. I'm pretty surprised we didn't get something, even if just the $10 in gold coins promotion again. Did anyone see anything that I might have missed?

I know they had it in August but I had to wait for my NSO family+expansion to expire. I'm not wasting my money on the expansion again this year and you cannot downgrade mid term.
For that one person who ordered off of Nintendo soup. Your Mario kart 8 game should of been shipped. Mine was shipped today.
I'm that one person.. & I got a shipping email notification today as well. I just didn't understand the long delay & make me double think spending $$$ with them like send me an update at least -
Sorry to double post, but does anyone know if Switch games from other regions can easily be updated or access DLC from an NA eShop account?
Went ahead and grabbed Everybody 1-2 Switch on Woot, with the discount and tax it was $11 which I figure if the kids like it once it was worth it. Definitely would have grabbed Echoes of Wisdom at that price but missed it.
For those that missed it earlier Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom is back in stock on Woot, buy it via the App for an extra 20% off, my total with tax was $35 which was too good a deal to pass up. If you tap the deals banner on the main page it should be the first item listed, otherwise it's under Electronics and Video Games.

Finally after a year, the deal for 20% off Nintendo eShop credit returns.

Stocking up to get some vouchers and grab a few games on sale for to 60% to 80% off on my wishlist.

Note that you are allowed up to 10 codes on the Nintendo $50 eShop credit for $40.
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I'm still trying to find a way to pre-order Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Adventure Bundle with all the cool extra bonus items from Nintendo.UK and have shipped here to U.S... Forward2Me service doesn't work i called em and tried.. wish I had a friend in Europe I could have order then mail to me -
I used to get Mario RPG from the UK Nintendo store and had no issues. Shipping to the US was around $30, probably because the shipping box from Nintendo was larger than it needed to be.
I was going to pass on the 20% off eshop credit at Costco since I feel like I have most everything I'm interested in switch wise, but with the switch 2 around the corner I figure it's a great way to get some deals on launch games with vouchers.
I was going to pass on the 20% off eshop credit at Costco since I feel like I have most everything I'm interested in switch wise, but with the switch 2 around the corner I figure it's a great way to get some deals on launch games with vouchers.

I stocked up on some vouchers and maxed out at $250 in my account for Switch and Switch 2 releases next year.

The one thing we need to hope for is that if they raise the prices of Switch 2 games to $70, is that vouchers can be used on them like they did with Tears of the Kingdom which was a $70 title. I think they would as having two different voucher systems or none at all for Switch 2 would cause consumer confusion.
Yeah I can’t see that happening. Especially at launch. They sold vouchers for switch games and I’d be willing to bet that it stays that way.
At the very least Metroid Prime 4 should count. They're trying to get people invested in their online accounts and made a point in mentioning how they'll carry over to the new system. I could see it happening.
I doubt Vouchers for Switch games will convert to vouchers for Switch 2 Games. Anyone buying with that kind of expectation should be prepared for disappointment. Especially when the vouchers themselves are sold specifically for Switch games and are limited to what games Nintendo decides to apply them too. Maybe it'll change and they'll expand it, but I wouldn't expect it. Metroid Prime 4 might be a regular Switch game that is marketed as "Enhanced on Switch 2" or ... they may do the whole two SKU deal like Zelda Twilight Princess (GC & Wii).
bread's done