Unfortunately, I think Laura Bailey is as done with the Persona series (and Japanese/anime games in general) as Troy Baker is. She still takes some Japanese/anime game jobs like Troy still does, but for the most part, both of them have wholly moved on to just big budget AAA stuff. I can't begrudge a good voice actor for taking high paying rolls that they do deserve for their talent, but I also can't help feeling betrayed that they abandoned my kind of games. Oh well, there's plenty more voice actors in the booth lol
And yeah, Ashly Burch was terrible as Rise, but she was still better at that role than she is playing Aloy, the flattest, most boring main character in all of gaming. Between those two rolls, I was convinced she was a terrible actress, then she popped up as the voice of that mobile game character that cameoed in that weird Fina Fantasy XV sidequest and she was great. So, maybe she was just trying a little too hard to be a good Rise, to fill Laura's shoes. And Aloy, well, that's gotta just be bad direction...and bad writing...