Nintendo eShop Deals and Discussions


48 (100%)
Thanks to Frisky for all of the hard work that he put in for the previous deals threads (and continues to on this thread!)

Feel free to post here about the newest Nintendo eShop deals, My Nintendo rewards and discussions about the previously mentioned items.

Nintendo Sales and Deals page
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So happy with the indie showcase.  Fez along getting ported is pretty huge for me.

Road 96 (I think that was the name) looked solid.
I'll give the Ariel Knights Demo a play.
Olli Olli World looked good.

Curious about Aztec Forgotten Gods, Art of rally, The Longing, and Labyrinth City.

Overall a solid presentation.  TMNT Shredders Revenge, I don't think, showed anything new.  But still great it got a reminder.

Labyrinth City and There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension intrigued me, but that may be because I have no idea what the gameplay will be like in either one.

Lots of interesting looking stuff.  I enjoyed Oxenfree when I played that several years ago, so I anticipate that I'll like Oxenfree 2 whenever it is released.

There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension intrigued me, but that may be because I have no idea what the gameplay will be like
It reminded me of McPixel (I replayed some of it recently on my ipad)... basically random seeming situations with odd ways to solve your way through it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's basically a puzzle game with off the wall solutions.

Ender Lilies looks really good.

Labyrinth City does look neat, but I keep trying to find Waldo.

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question for you guys: I read that the Nintendo Platinum and Gold Points expire after some time. As long as I keep earning points will both of my points never expire? I've just been banking them without ever redeeming them and want to know if I need to monitor the dates of when I earn my points from now on since in the past I never would pay attention to my running points balance. TIA.
Someone correct me if I am wrong but the Platinum points are basically only used for the smaller collectibles (stickers, posters, cups, etc) and then you pay real money for shipping and handling. I am more of a gamer than collector so I am not too worried about Platinum points.

Gold points on the other hand are actually useful since they can be used to discount digital purchases. I plan to use all of my gold points when the first ones are at risk of expiration to maximize my discount.

Someone correct me if I am wrong but the Platinum points are basically only used for the smaller collectibles (stickers, posters, cups, etc) and then you pay real money for shipping and handling. I am more of a gamer than collector so I am not too worried about Platinum points.

Gold points on the other hand are actually useful since they can be used to discount digital purchases. I plan to use all of my gold points when the first ones are at risk of expiration to maximize my discount.
Yeah the platinum points can be used for some physical collectables. They used to also be used to get percentage discounts on certain games on 3ds and wii U, but that hasn't been implemented for switch and I doubt it will. The gold coins can be used for a straight up discount on games.
Yeah the platinum points can be used for some physical collectables. They used to also be used to get percentage discounts on certain games on 3ds and wii U, but that hasn't been implemented for switch and I doubt it will. The gold coins can be used for a straight up discount on games.
The one thing to note about the platinum redemption is that I don't think I've ever seen a price above $5 for shipping no matter how many items I've ordered. You can order clothes and such from their store and it still all goes into a $5 shipping cost.

Just my experience there.

Bug fables or ni no kuni 1?
I haven’t played bug fables but I can say if you haven’t played ni no kuni before and are a fan of rpgs give it a shot. That was my favorite game on the ps3 and I’ve since played the switch version as well and enjoyed the game all over again.
Bug fables or ni no kuni 1?
Pass on ni no kuni 1. It's not very good. It's 5 bucks at walmart for ps4 but its been cheaper in the past back on ps3 or digitally.

writings insultingly bad, gameplays tediously grindy due to level 5's design issues that bleed into every game they make. Ai is trash. Monsters are difficult to catch and take long to level. lots of tedious fetch quests.

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I'm a million years late to the Breath of the Wild party, but I just started it the other day. Blown me away so far. At what point do y'all recommend buying the DLC? I've only just left the Great Plateau.

I'm a million years late to the Breath of the Wild party, but I just started it the other day. Blown me away so far. At what point do y'all recommend buying the DLC? I've only just left the Great Plateau.
BotW is easily my “game of the generation” (whatever that means anymore) and the DLC makes an already huge game that much more massive, but honestly, it’s hard to give it a blanket recommendation. I found some of the goals obnoxiously hard to accomplish, so I STILL haven’t seen all the story stuff the DLC adds. I still think it’s worth it, tho, for all the extra items and shrines it adds to extend an already great game, but YMMV.

And I got it just a few weeks after I started playing the game, and its inclusion just felt nice and seamless, as if all that stuff was always meant to be there. Then again, if it wasn’t there, I never would have noticed its absence, as none of it is really essential. So it’s a tough call, but if you’re loving the game as much as I did, I say grab it right away.
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Dave nailed it there.  I was trying to put those sorts of thoughts together early in the morning and I ended up with a word salad that basically meant, "Maybe???"  

There is some good content there and some items that could help you earlier in the game, but I played through the whole game (not including all temples) before the DLC came out... so it can definitely be played without it.  

On another note....The NES controllers are down to $41.99 now.

I'm a million years late to the Breath of the Wild party, but I just started it the other day. Blown me away so far. At what point do y'all recommend buying the DLC? I've only just left the Great Plateau.
I'd say just save it for later. Enjoy the game as is and when you finish it and are getting bored... boom, you have the DLC and can enjoy that. Though really at that point you should get Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity as it's tied in with the story in BotW and is not your typical omega force musou game.

Dave nailed it there. I was trying to put those sorts of thoughts together early in the morning and I ended up with a word salad that basically meant, "Maybe???"

There is some good content there and some items that could help you earlier in the game, but I played through the whole game (not including all temples) before the DLC came out... so it can definitely be played without it.

On another note....The NES controllers are down to $41.99 now.
Sold out forever? I managed to get them for $30 a while back.

I'm a million years late to the Breath of the Wild party, but I just started it the other day. Blown me away so far. At what point do y'all recommend buying the DLC? I've only just left the Great Plateau.
The short answer is "whenever you feel like riding a fuckin MOTACYCLE BITCHES."

It doesn't really ever go on sale, so if you want it and have the cash, you should just get it. Motorcycle is endgame content, by the way.

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Just thought I'd quickly chime in on the BOTW DLC stuff. I think the Master Sword DLC can be done whenever you feel like it. There's really no upside or downside to doing it early or late. The extra shrines and second DLC though I recommend doing very shortly after you complete the four divine beasts. I had already done all 120 shrines before completing DLC two and that made the reward for completing it feel pretty useless. I'd have loved having that while looking for all the shrines. I also recommend not using any sort of guide until you've gotten your fill. Finding all the stuff around the map was just ridiculously fun, and with there being no traditional dungeons I think finding many of the shrines was the closest thing to those puzzle like experiences you get from traditional dungeons. The divine beasts are easily the weakest part of the game and the only thing about BOTW I found truly disappointing.

Thank you everyone for the DLC feedback. I'll probably buy it when I'm a little further into the game. It sounds like it adds some great content.

Thank you everyone for the DLC feedback. I'll probably buy it when I'm a little further into the game. It sounds like it adds some great content.
Keep an eye out when you are in the north eastern part of the map not too far from the coast there is an island like cliff with a narrow path connecting it to the rest of the area. There should be a character there to talk to who will set you up with some of the longest string of fetch quests in the game, but they are worth it because the end result will get you access to a lot of goodies that I won’t spoil. But if you can get a head start now it will be less grindy.
Haha, fine. With all the great feedback, I just went ahead and bought the DLC this morning before I started playing for the day. May as well get the full experience, as much as I can. Thanks everyone!

Hmmm, anybody know of any decent switch lite deals or packages? I'm looking to get one for my wife. I know there simply won't be anything under MSRP (that's new anyway), but I wasn't able to find any deals that might include anything extra. At this point the best I can find is simply ordering from AAFES since there's no tax.
Hmmm, anybody know of any decent switch lite deals or packages? I'm looking to get one for my wife. I know there simply won't be anything under MSRP (that's new anyway), but I wasn't able to find any deals that might include anything extra. At this point the best I can find is simply ordering from AAFES since there's no tax.
i usually just buy crap at target since its 5% off with the redcard but no tax is probably better

Nintendo refurbished is not a bad way to go; A few years ago I purchased two refurbished Wii U's from Nintendo and both looked brand new.

As far as new, a week or so ago there was a deal amongst retailers that included a $20 retailer specific gift card when you purchased a Switch Lite from Best Buy, Target, and Amazon. May have been a couple others too. But that promo seems to have expired, anyway.

Prices are unfortunately super high right now for all 2DS and 3DS systems...
No kidding. Prices are thru the roof on Ebay. Wondering if this is normal or not.

Walmart had the 2DS XL systems with a digital copy of Mario Kart 7 for $99.99 late last year. That's when I bought mine.

The cheapest current deal that I could find was $139.99 for a pre-owned 3DS XL at GameStop.
Thanks for the heads up. Did you happen to also find the cheapest price for a NN3DS XL?

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...there were more wii u owners when the game came out. If it was that good and didn't release on switch it wouldve still been a system seller for wii u right?
iirc nintendo also delays the original system releases and releases on the new platforms first so that didn't help either likely. But yeah had it been an exclusive like skyward sword was on the wii then it might have boosted wiiu sales a little. Probably not by much.

Prices are unfortunately super high right now for all 2DS and 3DS systems...
I bought the New Nintendo 3DS XL (new condition) for $179 on ebay in 2019 with the intention of preserving it to experience the "DS" library as I never owned a DS-style device before. I did something similar with the PS Vita in 2018. I looked up the prices on ebay and the same 3DS I bought 2 years ago new is worth $749! The PS Vita 2000 (Blue Japanese import) model I bought for $208 is $340.61 at the cheapest on Ebay.

I am now convinced that I should buy a Switch lite once they firesale them ala the 3DS towards the end of the console's lifecycle.

I bought the New Nintendo 3DS XL (new condition) for $179 on ebay in 2019 with the intention of preserving it to experience the "DS" library as I never owned a DS-style device before. I did something similar with the PS Vita in 2018. I looked up the prices on ebay and the same 3DS I bought 2 years ago new is worth $749! The PS Vita 2000 (Blue Japanese import) model I bought for $208 is $340.61 at the cheapest on Ebay.

I am now convinced that I should buy a Switch lite once they firesale them ala the 3DS towards the end of the console's lifecycle.
Also keep an eye on amazon warehouse deals since dingers pop up on there for around 140. I got 2 off there. One for my mom and one for her granddaughter so they could play animal crossing.

I bought a Nintendo GBA and put in a backlit screen, a DS, and New 3DS XL towards the end of 2019 since I was collecting Pokémon games and piecing them together so they’d be CIB. Between those systems and the Pokémon games I have, the value is crazy with the current market.

The fact that a pre-owned New 3DS XL and a CIB Pokémon Black V2 are nearly the same price as a brand new Series X or PS5 is baffling to me.
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I remember the good old days of getting the Gameboy Micro on clearance at Sears for $29.99.  Man, them were the days.

I honestly don't know the difference between one or the other, but here is the pre-owned 3DS console category on the GameStop website.
Hope you have better luck then I did with that list. Everything is unavailable for shipping and no store in a 100 mile radius has any devices.

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I remember the good old days of getting the Gameboy Micro on clearance at Sears for $29.99. Man, them were the days.
I remember buying the NES version, never using it, and then selling it to someone in Dubai for $300. What a nice system that was.

bread's done