Wonderful, Skiizim! Be sure to use the link to Google Docs in the OP, that is a very updated list, so you won't waste your time.
And yes, I wanted to eat my Blus, Squarehard. They look so tasty. =P
[quote name='skiizim']Did you take down your google doc?
EDIT: Did you also unload your underworld evolution, that was one of the ones I was looking at.[/QUOTE]
I took it down because I finally figured out I could copy the contents of Google Docs to MS Excel, and then get the plain text for the OP. That and some people didn't want to go there (and even one guy at DVD Talk got pissy when I was at work and linked him to the Google Docs document from my phone)
At any rate, everything for Blu and HD DVD is precisely what I have at the moment. Still working on trying to update the TV shows and anime.