Had a crappy day turn into a fairly decent one. Went to the 20 or so sales I had mapped out in about 2 hours this morning. Only spent $2 on 3 OG Xbox controllers (2 wired, one wireless 3rd party). Got home disappointed and early, so I decided to take my son for his first trip to the flea market.
Things started kinda lukewarm there, too, but I managed to eventually get a Gameboy Printer, loose Pokemon Sapphire and some GB DK game (don't have them right in front of me, ATM) for $10. Fairly happy with that. Then I go to check one of the 'video game guys' booths (ie usually way overpriced) to see what he's robbing people for today, and, to my surprise, come across a copy of Halo Reach in his generic Xbox 360 $15 pile. I don't even try to haggle him down from the $15...I'll probably just trade this into BB, or to GS towards LA Noire for $25 or so; that'll just help defray the cost a little more. Thought I hit the jackpot at one stand on the way out. These guys had out about 12-15 mostly Wii games, including SMG, SMG2, Mario Kart, Wii Sports Resort and DBZ BT3(!). I ask him the price, and he says $30 a piece LoL! I had to just shake my head and walk away at that one.
On the way back home, we swung by a local trading post I hadn't been to in awhile. This guy buys storage lockers/buildings/truckloads of stuff and sets it all thrift store/yard sale-style out on his property. There can be some great deals to be had sometimes, beacause being the hearty country folk he is, he tends to specialize in appliances and tools, so he doesn't necessarily know how to price the 'new-fangled' stuff. I scored pretty big at his place last year; walked away with two HUGE rubbermaid containers full of mostly loose Gundam, Star Wars, and Transformer toys, with about 10 sealed Gundam figures to boot. I didn't know much about that stuff, but I took the gamble. Turns out the Gundam were pretty rare (even in the 6-7/10 condition they were in), so I sold the lot of those for around $250, and still have two boxes of cool toys sitting here in my garage being awesome.
I digress...so right off the bat, I find a mint Remo Kid's hand drum for my son for $7; I used to play hand percussion in a few bands, so maybe we'll have a jam session soon!

I am pretty excited about that one. My wife...not so much. Anyway, next I come across another Rubbermaid tub full of manga comics, graphic novels, some Calvin and Hobbes stuff, etc...I start to dig through it, and see a few things of interest right off. When I ask price he throws out $20 for the whole lot, so I immediately stopped digging and just threw the whole thing in the car. From the few things I saw, it was worth at least $20 to me, and my son was getting restless.
I might need to see if anyone here can possibly help me start to figure out what some of this stuff is, because I don't know much about a lot of it. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures to post yet; I dug through the box a little bit more, but never brought it in from the car since I got home from work.
Pix tomorrow!