Official Collector's Edition Compilation Thread II - (Latest: The Order, Witcher, Far Cry 4, Persona Q, AC:Unity)

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ZxT Vendetta

339 (100%)
Read The FAQ's Below Before Asking ANY Payment Related Questions!!!
Older CE's are in the 2nd post!

  • Amazon & Gamestop do not have a pre-authorization charge.
  • Bethesda Store and any of the Treehouse Brand Stores do not have a pre-authorization charge either.
  • Best Buy, NISA Store, Square-Enix Store all have a pre-authorization that goes away after 3-4 days or so, 7-10 days max.
  • All pre-orders with Paypal, you pay the full amount when the order is placed NOT when it is shipped.  This goes for every retailer that takes Paypal as a form of payment
  • Be cautious when going for free shipping from any Exclusive Store since they all use Digital River.  Say you order 2 CE's from S/E Store and they have different release dates, DR will wait till the last item comes out to ship yours.  Meaning (since Digital River sucks donkey balls), they could end up selling your pre-order on the first item to release and you could be SOL.  Also be careful ordering something to get your free shipping threshold as well because if the item goes OOS, then you have to wait for it to come back in stock.  This happened to many CAGs ordering the Lightning Returns CE from the S/E store because they ordered key chains that went OOS.
  • ^TL;DR Version:  If something goes out of stock or is not out yet, it will delay your order.

Sniper Elite 3 Collectors Edition 7/1/14 :xb1: :ps4: $69.99

  • Sniper Elite 3
  • Limited Edition Ammo Tin Box
  • Collectible Playing Cards
  • Bullet-shaped Torch Pen
  • Dossier
  • Dog Tag
  • Sniper Shooting Range Target
  • 3 Exclusive DLC Weapon and Outfit Packs
Best Buy - Gamestop

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revistied Limited Edition 8/12/14 :vita: $49.99 (NISA Store Exclusive)



  • Disgaea®4: A Promise Revisited for PS®Vita
  • Tear-resistant poster (16"x22")
  • Set of 3 keychains (approx. 2.5"x1.75")
  • Microfiber cloth (6"x6")
  • Collector's box


NISA Store   Stock
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Madden NFL 15 Ultimate Edition for PS3/4, XBox 360/One

$69.99 MSRP

Gamestop exclusive? (Official Madden Ultimate Team twitter tweeted out GS links but no one else)

30 free MUT Pro Packs (given out 3 every week for first 10 weeks of NFL season)

Exclusive Draft Class MUT Pack containing 10 of the first round draft picks

May stack with the preorder promo of getting $15 in free Pro packs (depends of if GS has that print on the receipt or if it's something in all regular versions of the first print run since all retailers have it. If that's the case then I'd say no since EA wouldn't double dip intentionally.)
I'm going to avoid buying EA sports titles with bonus Ultimate Team packs. I preordered NHL 14 to get the bonus HUT packs, but the stupid things would never download. On top of that, EA was beyond useless in solving the issue.

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The Persona Q CE is aight....I actually ordered the case already off of AmiAmi so I wont touch it with a ten foot pole. It looks like a high quality case though. I don't like that the standard edition is going for 50 dollars though....SMTIV may have been able to but this really should have been 40 dollars for the standard. I love Persona 3/4 and I love Etrian Odyssey games so it's a must buy....but yeah Atlus is milking the franchise a bit and charging premium for it. Will Dancing all Night also be 50 because of the popularity of the franchise too?

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The Persona Q CE is aight....I actually ordered the case already off of AmiAmi so I wont touch it with a ten foot pole. It looks like a high quality case though. I don't like that the standard edition is going for 50 dollars though....SMTIV may have been able to but this really should have been 40 dollars for the standard. I love Persona 3/4 and I love Etrian Odyssey games so it's a must buy....but yeah Atlus is milking the franchise a bit and charging premium for it. Will Dancing all Night also be 50 because of the popularity of the franchise too?
I imported the case off AmiAmi too so it kinda sucks that the NA ends up coming with it. Still, I want the other goodies the CE comes with so don't really mind paying the premium. Maybe I can sell the extra case down the line.

Well that Persona Q PE isn't stupid overpriced.

Seriously, they couldn't even give you the rest of the arcana for the premium edition? Just a CD, a hard case that only half your audience can use, and an "artbook"? Is this "artbook" going to be like the Etrian Odyssey Untold one, Atlus? Because that didn't really count.

But hey, at least it's only $30 more than the $50 base edition of a non-canon crossover. Yeah!

...I'm sorry, I'm really disappointed right now, ignore me.
You aint the only one. I feel that there isnt as much as i'd like in it, but im still buying it anyways. Ever since finishing P4G ive been buying every persona thing i see LOL.
Does anyone know if the hold that BBY put on your CC for PO keeps appearing back and forth? I have GCU which will really benefit me with the expensive prices of CE's but I PO from Amazon anyways to be safe. They could've at least added a Steelbook on the Assassins Creed CE for that price. I'm sure some or most of these will be rare since they're mainly for next gen only, I haven't seen AC IV or Watchdogs CE available yet after release.
Watch Dogs next gen CEs are still available from amazon. ACIV next gen CEs were harder to find after release, but there were still a small handful of them that ended up getting clearanced out at BB.
Seems like every game released now has a CE. As much as I love collectin CE's seem its getting too mass produced and increasing in price beyond $100 plus and not worth owning over time. Might re-consider getting more CE's down the road
Looks like there was a restock for Drakengard 3 CE on the Square Enix store for E3. I checked a couple pages back and didn't see anyone mention it. Although the game didn't get the greatest reviews I am sure some may still want a copy of the CE.

Also just ordered two copies of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call CE and was only charged $2 shipping. While still not free it's better than paying over $10. 

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I'm still waiting for my fucking tumblers to come back in stock so my Drakengard 3 CE ships..
You might have to wait forever. If you don't care for the tumblers then just contact Digital River Customer Support and request that they remove the tumblers so that your game can ship. They were holding my Lightning Returns CE because the keychain I ordered was out of stock. I ended up removing the keychain and it shipped the next day. I wasn't charged extra shipping either.

Looks like there was a restock for Drakengard 3 CE on the Square Enix store for E3. I checked a couple pages back and didn't see anyone mention it. Although the game didn't get the greatest reviews I am sure some may still want a copy of the CE.

Also just ordered two copies of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call CE and was only charged $2 shipping. While still not free it's better than paying over $10.
Drakengard 3 was awful.

The first 2/3 of it was great, then it went downhill from there.

Two things really pissed me off

1. to get the true ending, you have earn money and repeat a bunch of missions

2. the last boss....^&*^*^% I couldn't beat it. I probably could if I waste a crapload of hours on it. And no, I'm not a bad gamer. It was just....ahh, I shouldn't spoiled it. I watched the ending on youtube. It wasn't that great of an ending. Definitely not worth the effort.

Drakengard 3 was awful.

The first 2/3 of it was great, then it went downhill from there.

Two things really pissed me off

1. to get the true ending, you have earn money and repeat a bunch of missions

2. the last boss....^&*^*^% I couldn't beat it. I probably could if I waste a crapload of hours on it. And no, I'm not a bad gamer. It was just....ahh, I shouldn't spoiled it. I watched the ending on youtube. It wasn't that great of an ending. Definitely not worth the effort.
Oh I don't doubt it isn't a great game. I still have my copy sealed and probably won't get to it anytime soon. With that said there are probably still some fans of the series that might still give it a go. I know some game critics hated it while some gave it a decent score.

1. to get the true ending, you have earn money and repeat a bunch of missions
In Drakengard 2 you had to beat the whole game three times to get the true ending.

This is the kinda crap no-longer-Cavia does. You learn to put up with it, or you move on.
You might have to wait forever. If you don't care for the tumblers then just contact Digital River Customer Support and request that they remove the tumblers so that your game can ship. They were holding my Lightning Returns CE because the keychain I ordered was out of stock. I ended up removing the keychain and it shipped the next day. I wasn't charged extra shipping either.
Oh. If I don't have to pay shipping then I'll try to cancel it. Will try tomorrow. Thanks.

What was the last really valuable amazon exclusive CE? Fallout 3? Then the Zero Escape VLR/bracelet bundles?
It took a super long time to go up but the Slimer Edition is "worth" quite a bit. I used quotes because while people have them listed at high prices, I have no clue if any sell. Last used one that sold on ebay was $100 though.

I personally didn't care for it as it was just a bunch of random items shipped together. The certificate did have "slimer edition" on it, but the only thing keeping it together was a plain shipping box from the factory

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The order looks interesting. IDK much about it, but it looks like a game I would be into. The 79.99 statue is better IMO.
Yeah, I like that smaller statue better.

Rather unusual they went the route of having both a CE and a PE, but included different statues in them. Kind of lame actually.

That Persona Q CE is the same price as the The Order: 1886 CE that comes with a 7 inch statue?

Yea no thanks. Which is a bummer because I'm pretty excited for that game, but there's no way I'm paying $50 for a standard 3DS game and the CE's price tag is insane.

Jesus, these CEs are getting out of hand... it's one thing when there's one $100+ CE every few months but it seems like pretty much every major release game has a $100+ CE these days. 

Jesus, these CEs are getting out of hand... it's one thing when there's one $100+ CE every few months but it seems like pretty much every major release game has a $100+ CE these days.
I agree, but I do like CEs...I just wait for them to drop in price or convert. I really want all of the AC CEs and I don't think I have any of them. I'm wondering when they will stat showing up at thrift stores and garage sales.

I agree, but I do like CEs...I just wait for them to drop in price or convert. I really want all of the AC CEs and I don't think I have any of them. I'm wondering when they will stat showing up at thrift stores and garage sales.
I'm selling the statue and flag from ac 4 if you are interested. PM me if so.
Jesus, these CEs are getting out of hand... it's one thing when there's one $100+ CE every few months but it seems like pretty much every major release game has a $100+ CE these days.
I agree, today was a slow day at work so I compiled an Excel list of games that I would like to purchase throughout the end of the year. It made me a little sad on how much I was going to spend on Video games for the second part of the year. I ended up going through the list and making a few cuts, meaning I went and canceled some pre-orders that I had at Amazon and NISA. (I only put pre-orders down on games if they have CE that are limited.)

Here is the Google Docs of said list:

After looking at the listings for these Ultimate Editions of FIFA, NHL, and Madden, I'm kind of debating if I should even list them.  There really isn't anything about them that makes them collectable at all.  Same with the Battlefield Hardline edition.  Really only digital goodies for a little extra charge.

I listed Madden & BF already but I think I may just take them down.


After looking at the listings for these Ultimate Editions of FIFA, NHL, and Madden, I'm kind of debating if I should even list them. There really isn't anything about them that makes them collectable at all. Same with the Battlefield Hardline edition. Really only digital goodies for a little extra charge.

I listed Madden & BF already but I think I may just take them down.

If it's only digital goodies I really wouldn't see them fitting into the "collector" aspect. Heck we all know that down the line the DLC will be allowed to be purchased anyways

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Tales of xillia 2 ce at best buy..mmmm is it worth it should I get it lol I got xillia and symphonia ce and they were awesome but 130 is steep even with gcu

Also hoping that arkham knight gets a ce

Definitely want that persona 4 q one
If it's only digital goodies I really wouldn't see them fitting into the "collector" aspect. Heck we all know that down the line the DLC will be allowed to be purchased anyways
The thing with the sports ones are you just get a massive amount of packs for about 1/3 of what they would cost a la carte. 30 Pro/Gold packs for the Ultimate Team modes is about a $40 value, and in the case of Madden, the 2014 NFL Draft pack is exclusive to the CE. They also seem to be GS/AZ exclusive. $10 more for over $40 of content is pretty good in my book if you care about the online modes.

I think it's the same thing as Last of Us, Saints Row, GTA V, The Order, etc. that have a mid-level CE for $10-$20 more than normal MSRP and a top tier one for over $100. True the sports games and BF: Hardline only have the mid-tier CE, but Dragon Age has 3 tiers.

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first time putting in a preorder on NISA here...

if i wanted to preorder two games with free shipping, i should make two separate orders, right?  since in the FAQ it says if I just made one order both games wouldn't ship until the latest release date.  just trying to making sure i understand this right, thanks.

After looking at the listings for these Ultimate Editions of FIFA, NHL, and Madden, I'm kind of debating if I should even list them. There really isn't anything about them that makes them collectable at all. Same with the Battlefield Hardline edition. Really only digital goodies for a little extra charge.

I listed Madden & BF already but I think I may just take them down.

I think it could depend on the items but I'd say leave them up, for shooters I like my exclusive digital stuff. Like with Halo Reach I probably ended up caring/using the flame helmet more than any of the actual physical goodies that it came with, and as MSU said you are still technically saving something by buying these editions if you care about the packs that they come with.

first time putting in a preorder on NISA here...

if i wanted to preorder two games with free shipping, i should make two separate orders, right? since in the FAQ it says if I just made one order both games wouldn't ship until the latest release date. just trying to making sure i understand this right, thanks.
That's the case with digital river. I've actually never ordered two different things with different dates from NISA. They offer free shipping anyways so just make 2 orders.

hmm I guess it's impossible to find
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc LE now? without paying a pretty penny?
This statement is correct, they are like $150 last time I checked. Also with second one I would watch out on NISA producing more than the first one. I ended up cancelling my order for the second one as I don't even have the first and I was more a less just getting it because of how the first ones price shot up.

Man, super bummed I missed the Witcher 3 CE. You guys think Amazon (or better yet, BB) will end up getting more of the PS4 version?
Most likely, as it doesn't cost anything to preorder and there will probably be cancellations closer to release as people change their minds or their payment methods don't clear (for whatever reason).

Personally, I'm waiting for Best Buy to list it. :pray:

Most likely, as it doesn't cost anything to preorder and there will probably be cancellations closer to release as people change their minds or their payment methods don't clear (for whatever reason).

Personally, I'm waiting for Best Buy to list it. :pray:
As am I, but Amazon is my backup. Heck, I might even go with GS if my store has any preorders for it.

And what is up with that Far Cry 4 CE? $130 for all that? What a ripoff...
As am I, but Amazon is my backup. Heck, I might even go with GS if my store has any preorders for it.

And what is up with that Far Cry 4 CE? $130 for all that? What a ripoff... has listings for the Witcher 3 CE, so you should be able to preorder one in-store without any issue.

And I agree on the FC4 CE being overpriced--as I mentioned in this thread, the value in the $79.99 CE for The Order: 1886 blows the FC4 CE out of the water.

Any hope the order CE comes to best buy or should I just preorder from amazon to be safe?
I don't see why it wouldn't eventually appear since it's a first-party title, but there's nothing to lose by preordering at Amazon (other than forgetting to cancel the preorder should you decide to get it elsewhere). has listings for the Witcher 3 CE, so you should be able to preorder one in-store without any issue.

And I agree on the FC4 CE being overpriced--as I mentioned in this thread, the value in the $79.99 CE for The Order: 1886 blows the FC4 CE out of the water.
i agree with your assessment . i don't even own a ps4 yet, and i will be preordering the order 1886 $79.99 premium edition,

Last edited by a moderator: has listings for the Witcher 3 CE, so you should be able to preorder one in-store without any issue.

And I agree on the FC4 CE being overpriced--as I mentioned in this thread, the value in the $79.99 CE for The Order: 1886 blows the FC4 CE out of the water.
I have to disagree.. kinda.

I think the price for the The Order 1886 CE makes the Far Cry 4 CE look overpriced because it makes all other CE's look overpriced by coming in so darn low. Only $20 extra for the statue/steelbook is pretty awesome.

Oddly, it even makes the The Order 1886 premium edition look over priced too. That darn thing is $150. Nearly twice the price of the CE for an artbook, chained bobble, and a bigger statue. What the hell? I suppose production run numbers can account for that, since they're probably making a LOT fewer of the PE's than the CE's, but that doesn't go far toward accounting for nearly twice the price.

The Witcher 3 website shows the CE will only be available at Amazon & Gamestop, highly doubt it will make it's way to BB unless they change their mind. I didn't notice this at first either & I didn't check-out when I had the PS4 / One CE's in my cart on Amazon, now it's too late at the moment. has listings for the Witcher 3 CE, so you should be able to preorder one in-store without any issue.

And I agree on the FC4 CE being overpriced--as I mentioned in this thread, the value in the $79.99 CE for The Order: 1886 blows the FC4 CE out of the water.
How much does GS make you put down on a CE these days anyway? Haven't bought a CE at release since ME3 as the last few I've gotten have come from sales/AWD.
The Witcher 3 website shows the CE will only be available at Amazon & Gamestop, highly doubt it will make it's way to BB unless they change their mind. I didn't notice this at first either & I didn't check-out when I had the PS4 / One CE's in my cart on Amazon, now it's too late at the moment.
it will come back on release date on

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