Official Free ______ Referral Thread (II) - All Referral solications belong here

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[quote name='solid snake']if i sign up for ur 360 will you sign up on my 60gb ps3[/QUOTE]

what site is it, I was just putting my link out there. I don't really want to work on that 360 site, because I am already getting one from FreePay.
[quote name='Technique']what site is it, I was just putting my link out there. I don't really want to work on that 360 site, because I am already getting one from FreePay.[/quote]

maybe you could just do my 50 bucks is free link i am just needing some refs but i think i just signed up under you for that other ref site btw that is a cool site to get refs,but ill sign up under you for that site if i cant find any one thats paying for it.
[quote name='solid snake']maybe you could just do my 50 bucks is free link i am just needing some refs but i think i just signed up under you for that other ref site btw that is a cool site to get refs,but ill sign up under you for that site if i cant find any one thats paying for it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it is a cool site isn't it?

well got those 5!

if anyone wants to sign up for flashipods4free, let me know! these are reputable sites through trainn, so if you're looking to start up, PM me and we can work something out.

thanks :D
[quote name='varsitygamer']

well got those 5!

if anyone wants to sign up for flashipods4free, let me know! these are reputable sites through trainn, so if you're looking to start up, PM me and we can work something out.

thanks :D[/QUOTE]

Damn, sorry mine wasn't in time. How long did that take you? (I want an Ipod in the worst way...)
[quote name='varsitygamer']

well got those 5!

if anyone wants to sign up for flashipods4free, let me know! these are reputable sites through trainn, so if you're looking to start up, PM me and we can work something out.

thanks :D[/QUOTE]

That was pretty fast man wasn't it? How long did it take you?
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Damn, sorry mine wasn't in time. How long did that take you? (I want an Ipod in the worst way...)[/quote]

I'd strongly recommend a Trainn site, approved in a week and ships fast.

1GB Shuffle - 3 referrals
2GB Nano - 4 referrals
4GB Nano - 5 referrals
30GB iPod Video (black or white) - 5 referrals

30GB iPod Video (black or white) - 5 referrals
60GB iPod Video (black or white) - 8 referrals

So you can get a Nano from Flash and Video from YFVI and you basically have a flash and hard drive player. I have a YFVI link in my sig, if you haven't started one already.
[quote name='Technique']That was pretty fast man wasn't it? How long did it take you?[/QUOTE]

I started on the 18th. It was my first try at any of these kinds of sites, but yeah, I guess it was kind of fast. The most effective method was trading referrals. I signed up for other people's sites and completed an offer, and in exchange they did mine. I'm sort of an insomniac, to a degree, so I was up real late just reading about these offers and the legit ones, the instant ones, and the easiest to cancel and all of that.

I'm really impatient though, so even though I wanted a 60 gig, I'm settling for the 30 gig. Don't let how fast I finished fool you, it's sort of all I've thought about for the past week... it does take some work and phone calls to get everything 100% set. I just really want to finish this site next.. it's also TRAINN (which I hear is the best available right now) and I can cash out 100$ after 3 referrals... that means I can buy the Bose Triport Headphones I want to go with my new iPod!! :D

Oh, and Mykevermin was a huge help with getting me started. He pointed me towards a very helpful website, with an awesome forum community. Thanks again for that Mykevermin!
hey guys i am really bored and need to trade some reffs so pm plus if you wanna do my $50 link wich btw is free no credit card needed for some of the offers ill give u an invite to
[quote name='Tequilla Gundam']The “ThisIsFree” network is certified legit on Anything4free, and is no cc (no credit card).


The catch is that the refs are jacked up; however, all the refs can be done quite fast. What you get is a consistent non-cc network. THE OFFERS ARE FREE

Some offers include (ALL FREE)

eBay (just register and bid)
Surveys (Literally do 3-5 minute surveys and get credited - 2nd page)
iWon (They ask for your info and enter you in a sweepstakes. They won’t give it out to 3rd parties. They prob will just spam your email once-twice a week.)
Memolink (Register an account - 3rd page)
More surveys (3rd page)
Installing a joke toolbar (3rd page)
Downloading a screensaver (3rd page)
Opinion Outpost (3rd page) (Register an account- 3rd page)

It seems too good to be true but people are getting their free stuff!

Note: You must click “I have completed this offer” after finishing a survey/form. Also, live AIM support helps too. (10 refs for 50 bux) (25 refs for an ipod nano) (30 refs for a DS lite)

Getting 65 friends to fill out a form/survery = iPod Nano, DS Lite, and 50 bucks paypal.

Owner Updates:
“We now have an automated crediting system for most offers. So a majority of offers will credit instantly (within 1 hour!).
We are now offering AIM Support @ TSIFSupport.”

Proof Board:

Owner’s favorite offers:
WinningSurveys Final Four
NPD Online Surveys
eCredit Quest
Get $10 FREE

Also, there is an xbox360 accesory version of the site. I’m Not going to hog up all the links, so 1st person to register or w/e can post their link:[/QUOTE]

Hey, if anyone is interested in getting xbox 360 gear please do the site in my link. I worked out a deal with the owner to get a xbox 360 for 65 refs, so I really need people to sign up and do an offer.
[quote name='Psyc']Hey, if anyone is interested in getting xbox 360 gear please do the site in my link. I worked out a deal with the owner to get a xbox 360 for 65 refs, so I really need people to sign up and do an offer.[/quote]
dude how are you gonna get 65 refs?
ill sign up but still thats a fricken lot of refs
[quote name='varsitygamer']awesome! when did you submit for approval and about how long did it take? once you were approved how long did it take you to get it? congrats dude![/QUOTE]

Submitted for approval on like in early May, got approved a week from last Sunday, got it shipped out yesterday and it arrived today!
[quote name='Technique']Submitted for approval on like in early May, got approved a week from last Sunday, got it shipped out yesterday and it arrived today![/quote]

Was yours shipped from the Nevada location via UPS Next Day Air like mine?

I just logged in to see that freepay has upped the PS3 referrals. There is no way I can get 4 more referrals in the next week.

Is there anything I can do about this? My acocunt had already been approved way before the change.
[quote name='dpatel']WHAT THE HELL!!!

I just logged in to see that freepay has upped the PS3 referrals. There is no way I can get 4 more referrals in the next week.

Is there anything I can do about this? My acocunt had already been approved way before the change.[/quote]

[quote name='dpatel']My acocunt had already been approved way before the change.[/QUOTE]

You have nothing to worry about. Your page says you don't have all the referrals, but your order has still been placed. A FreePay rep said that all standing orders will be honored.

On the other hand, you may want to be worried about the fact that FP is giving out the 20GB PS3, and not the 60GB.
[quote name='mykevermin']You have nothing to worry about. Your page says you don't have all the referrals, but your order has still been placed. A FreePay rep said that all standing orders will be honored.

On the other hand, you may want to be worried about the fact that FP is giving out the 20GB PS3, and not the 60GB.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the reassurance. Normally that 20GB news would be bad, but after panicing about not getting it at all, I think I can deal. This is definitely the last time I am dealing with Freepay though. After all the 360 stories and now this, there is no way they are getting my time and effort.

EDIT: I got a question about a pay site.

It is a pay to post forums site. Am I allowed to advertise other forums on here? I don't want to do anything against the rules. The site is nothing like CAG, so it won't really replace it. It is more like anything4free forums, in which all you do is discuss freepay type sites.

I'll post it if its not against the rules.
[quote name='menikmati']$4? You've got to be kidding me.[/quote]This is cheapassgamer. I'd make it more but I'm not sure about the alidity of the site. Can you guys give me links to proven good ones?
[quote name='miyamotofreak']This is cheapassgamer. I'd make it more but I'm not sure about the alidity of the site. Can you guys give me links to proven good ones?[/quote]

That's why you do your research BEFORE joining sites. RewardBull is a hard site and nobody is going to join for $4. Heck, people that do the "25 offers for an iPod Nano" give $2 for a no CC required site. $4 doesn't even cover the costs of performing an offer.
[quote name='menikmati']That's why you do your research BEFORE joining sites. RewardBull is a hard site and nobody is going to join for $4. Heck, people that do the "25 offers for an iPod Nano" give $2 for a no CC required site. $4 doesn't even cover the costs of performing an offer.[/quote]Most of te time it does. Just go for one of those trial offers and cancel 10 minutes later.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']Most of te time it does. Just go for one of those trial offers and cancel 10 minutes later.[/quote]

~5 out of 46 =/= most.

You're better off trading referrals than paying.
[quote name='THPS']I'm willing to do a offer for you if you would be willing to do an offer for me for an iPod Suffle from FreePay.[/quote]I'll take that but lemme get my Trainn account fixe; I'm going to do that instead.
[quote name='CounterSeal']I'm interested in either swapping referrals, or PayPal $20 to whoever wants to help me finish my free DS Lite offer!

PM me if interested.[/QUOTE]

I'll give you a DS Lite ref if you can give me a iPod Shuffle ref if you're interested.

[quote name='miyamotofreak']I'll take that but lemme get my Trainn account fixe; I'm going to do that instead.[/QUOTE]

Ok, just PM me when ready.
Hey I just signed up on OrderCash4Free, so I'm looking for some ref's.

I'm planning on getting most of my money by doing offers on my own, but I'll throw 10$ paypal your way if you want to sign up under me. is totally free, that's the one I did. If you want to sign up for the site anyway, it's a real good deal... otherwise if you're looking to sign up and want to trade refs or something, let me know.
[quote name='varsitygamer']Hey I just signed up on OrderCash4Free, so I'm looking for some ref's.

I'm planning on getting most of my money by doing offers on my own, but I'll throw 10$ paypal your way if you want to sign up under me. is totally free, that's the one I did. If you want to sign up for the site anyway, it's a real good deal... otherwise if you're looking to sign up and want to trade refs or something, let me know.[/QUOTE]

The reason I didn't do was the inability to cancel electronically. Hell, I just gave them my email (didn't sign up for the service) and I get 2-3 emails a day. Annoying.

If there is an efax offer on a site, do it. It's completely free if you cancel within the trial period (if the offer allows it - digitalcameras does). Netflix to me seems like a no-brainer. Sure, it takes longer to process, but you're actually getting something you might like for your money. If someone does my ipod or 360 offer for Blockbuster or Netflix and take me up on my $10, it's like getting six weeks of movies for free on me.
[quote name='Cris_ronaldo']i only need one more referral for my freepay ipod...i will me[/QUOTE]
Not to be an ass, but the offer you 'said' you did, never went green. Nor did you ever reply back to my last PM..

I honestly don't know if it's a scam or whatever, but just to tell you people, beware of who you trade with and make sure that the person is either trustable or does the ref trade first...
There's been an update for

It's still 2 easy offers on page 1 and 1 hard offer on page 2, but a new offer has been added to the hard page.

Magic Box Casino! requires an $80 deposit, but you get 10750 in points, which equals $107.50, getting you a $27.50 profit.

So if you do 2 free offers on page 1 and Magic Box Casino! on page 2, you're getting $27.50 PLUS my $40(+$5 bonus, if applicable) which equals a $67.50-72.50 PROFIT after all is said and done.

More on this new offer can be found here:
[quote name='WrathWolves']Not to be an ass, but the offer you 'said' you did, never went green. Nor did you ever reply back to my last PM..

I honestly don't know if it's a scam or whatever, but just to tell you people, beware of who you trade with and make sure that the person is either trustable or does the ref trade first...[/quote]
same thing here,Cris_ronaldo i hope your not a scammer.
contact me soon, i did complete an offer.
[quote name='solid snake']same thing here,Cris_ronaldo i hope your not a scammer.
contact me soon, i did complete an offer.[/quote]

actually, same here.. he has yet to go green on my digital camera site, and that was over a month ago!

Please tell me your not a scammer man.
Yinz outta be going green first based on your CAG trader rating.

If someone doesn't have one, and you do, they go green first. It's no different than trading games.
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