Okay just finished up a full run to 6 TRU's throughout SoCal, including one I went to yesterday. Both the really ghetto LA stores (La Cienega & 18th, Culver City) were wiped out completely.
But at one of the stores in South O.C., they had MULTIPLE COPIES OF VIRTUALLY ALL THE HOT TITLES ESPECIALLY THE PS2 RPG's (Atelier Iris 2, .hack//GU, Grandia III, Metal Saga etc.), except for the DS hot games. I hid multiples of each and also asked the manager to put a bunch of games (I handed her a stack of like 20 games) to put on hold until Sunday. I told her I would give her a $20 when I came to pick them up and she liked the deal and told me no problem. I also bought everything that I was missing in terms of PS2/PSP games from the clearance.
So if anyone is interested and finds the following terms agreeable, PM me - I will need to know by Friday afternoon so I can pick up the games Saturday (I can go tomorrow or Friday if I get trades soon) but the sooner the better. I don't care if the games are open, as long as they are complete with box/instructions and in excellent shape.
I am looking for and will
TRADE ONLY for the following (since all of these from TRU are $9.98, if you want a $19.98 game like Ys or Valkyrie for PSP it will be 2 for 1 and 1 of the 2 you give me MUST be either Castlevania DoS or Resident Evil DS):
Castlevania DoS
Resident Evil DS
Advance Wars DS
Gradius Collection - lower want
X-Men Legends 2 - lower want
Psychonauts - lower want
From the KMart/Sears clearance (we will have to work out a deal depending upon their cost):
Darkstalkers Chronicles PSP - lower want
Fire Emblem POR GC
Zelda 4 Swords GC - Must have fat box and cable
Gradius Galaxies
Bubble Bobble
Contra Advance
We will be responsible for our own shipping cost and I will ship it UPS Ground (includes tracking). You will need to ship first. The day I receive it I will ship yours and give you the tracking number. I have eBay feedback (karkysales) and own my own cigar distribution company so if you want to trade for cigars (I carry EVERYTHING and would trade at my cost for products) and/or related products that is also a possibility. I mainly distribute by the box though.
I have available (these are what I focused on/bought for myself - I didn't really dig through PS2, XBox, or Gamecube shelves for anything except for the following, but I will be happy to search for anything as long as you have some of the above mentioned games ready for trade):
Gunstar Super Heroes
Tales of Phantasia (edit - I found this one as well but forgot to list it)
Final Fantasy IV (edit - I found this as well but didn't price check it)
Deep Labyrinth
Metroid Pinball
Trace Memory
Animal Crossing (don't know how much it is at TRU but I found it on the shelves...should have pricechecked it...if it is $19.98 then it will be same as above for $19.98 games)
Neopets PetPet Adv
Valkyrie Lenneth
Ys Ark of Napishtim
Batallion Wars
Chibi Robo
Atelier Iris 2
Dot Hack //GU
Grandia III
Metal Saga
Monster Rancher Evo
Samurai Champloo
Steambot Chronicles
Tales of Legendia