Official Xbox Marketplace Trade Thread - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

Gears of War 4 Zombie Bundle $5
- Zombie JD
- Zombie Lancer
- Zombie Gnasher
- Zombie JD Bounty
Dragon Age Inquisition GotY Pack - PS4
Elder Scrolls Online Explorers Pack Evolve Season 1 & 2 Monster Expansion Pack
- Grants bonus content when it goes F2P
TJ Combo KI Character
Rainbow 6 Siege Gold Skins Pack
Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2 - X1 & 360
Overwatch Digital Goods

Xbox Currency

 * PayPal

 * Amazon Credit

 * Xbox Live Gold (annual)


 * Xbox Live Credit @ 80% rate

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Have: $50 in Xbox Credit

Want: PlayStation Plus 12 month code

or will trade $60 in xbox credit for $50 in paypal.

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FYI, for anyone selling Xbox credit recently obtained from Bing (now Microsoft?) Rewards - make sure to mention to your buyer any expiration dates that these codes may have!

FYI, for anyone selling Xbox credit recently obtained from Bing (now Microsoft?) Rewards - make sure to mention to your buyer any expiration dates that these codes may have!
It would certainly be appreciated. I bought a bunch of codes leading up to Black Friday and they expired before I went to redeem them. Wasted about $60 :(
Do these have expiration dates? If so, when/where can we find out?
It's been a while since I got one, but I think they expire 90 days after receiving them. Then, I think the credit expires 1 year after you add the amount to your balance. Don't quote me on either of these though, so make sure to ask.

The email you receive from Microsoft SHOULD mention the expiration date.

It's been a while since I got one, but I think they expire 90 days after receiving them. Then, I think the credit expires 1 year after you add the amount to your balance. Don't quote me on either of these though, so make sure to ask.

The email you receive from Microsoft SHOULD mention the expiration date.
Hmm...I don't see any info on my end regarding that. Oh well, I'll just plan to use the credit on Forza DLC. Thanks for the heads up, though.

It's been a while since I got one, but I think they expire 90 days after receiving them. Then, I think the credit expires 1 year after you add the amount to your balance. Don't quote me on either of these though, so make sure to ask.

The email you receive from Microsoft SHOULD mention the expiration date.
I'm pretty sure the expiration date only applies to Microsoft rewards rewards. All the 5-10 off coupons had expiration dates but I believe the $5-10 gift cards have no such expiration date since they were bought like normal from the actual Microsoft store.
H : Tons of digital games and dlc (some rare) *Just Added Dragonball Xenoverse 2 full game digital download and Day One DLC (Goku Black and Tao Stick) to the list*

Full Games Digital Downloads / Add On Expansions / Exclusive DLC codes, ect.

Edit - If any of the links to the pictures i posted are broken, let me know and ill fix it if you need me to. -


* Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Full Game Digital Download - Xbox One *$45*

* Just Cause 2 full game download - Xbox 360 (also works on Xbox One) - *$6*

* Fallout 3 full game download - Xbox 360 (also works on Xbox One) - *$5*


DLC Content


* Exclusive Gold Gargos Costume For Killer Instinct - XboxOne *$10*

* Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Exclusive Day One DLC (Unlocks Goku Black and Tao Stick vehicle dlc) - Xbox One *$15*

*Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Terminal Bonus Map DLC (Also comes with Alien Mixtape Camo, Octonian blaster player card and fate and fortune card pack) -XboxOne *$3*

*Assassins Creed Syndicate Season Pass - Xbox One *$20*

* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Mutants in Manhattan Rock N Roll Exclusive Pre-Order DLC - XboxOne/Xbox360 *$6$ .
I'm pretty sure the expiration date only applies to Microsoft rewards rewards. All the 5-10 off coupons had expiration dates but I believe the $5-10 gift cards have no such expiration date since they were bought like normal from the actual Microsoft store.
It applies to the gift cards you get from Microsoft Rewards. When they send you the email with the redemtion info for the card it will have the expiration date in the email. Mine from a couple of weeks ago said "Redeem by June 30,2017 and then spend within 90 days of adding to account".

If you add the card to your account you can check the expiration at Scroll down & it's on the left hand side. When you buy something with your account balance it will remove the credit that has an expiration date before any non-expiring credit.

Hope this helps. :bouncy:

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Xbox Live 1 month subscription = $6 (have a lot of them)

Xbox Live 3 month subscription = $16

All of these work on US accounts for sure, and can be stacked, I don't know about other accounts.

Paypal (family and friends)

Please message me if you have any questions.

Want: xbox  1 month gold subscription( $4) 

or 3 months($10)

Have:  paypal

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How does this work? I've never heard of a discount code for xbox, I know PSN has them.

Sure this isn't for
yes pizzahut is doing promotion,

if you buy their 3 box set they give you 10 dollar off xbox store coupon and chance to win xbox one s + limited edition pizza hut controller

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Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens- Empire Strikes Back Character Pack
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens- Season Pass
Rainbow Six Vegas and Vegas 2
Rainbow Six Siege Gold Weapons
Gears of War , Gears of War 2 , Gears of War 3 , Gears of War Judgement
Call of Duty Infinite Terminal bonus map
Call of Duty Infinite Bullethawk pack
Dragon Ball Xenoverse playable character

**Edit Sold
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FFXV Road Trip DLC:

  • Gae Bolg (FFXIV) & Travel Pack
  • Mage Mashers (FFIX) & Camera Kit
  • Blazefire Saber (FFXIII) & Gourmand Set

Forza Horizon 3 Car Pass



bread's done