Official Xbox Marketplace Trade Thread - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

Only on CAG is two hours considered an unforgivably long wait time for payment or delivery on a trade. Geez, switch to decaf or something.

theres more to it than this. He said he was about to post the code and then disappeared. He did this to others who have yet to say anything publicly. Also, considering he has a history of doing this elsewhere, it’s not a leap.
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EA Access 1 year   ( $26.50 )
Xbox 360 Full Games:
Abyss Odyssey          ( $3.50 )

Borderlands 2           ( $5.50 )
Carnival Games          ( $2.70 )
Dance Central 2         ( $4.00 )
Fable III                      ( $6.50 )
Fruit Ninja                 ( $3.10 )
Kinect Party : All Full games unlock ( $7.00 )
Kung Fu Panda 2       ( $10.00 )
Peggle 2                     ( $2.80 )
The Gunstringer         ( $5.50 )


xbox ONE Full Games:
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood   ( $2.50 )
Forza Horizon     ( $10.00 ) BC
Joy Ride Turbo ( $2.50 )  BC

DLC add-ons:

Gears of War 2 - Flashback Map Pack ( $4.00 )

Halo 5: Interface Emblem Pack ( Advanced Promotional REQ Pack ) ( $1.00 )
Ridge Racer: Unbounded "3 exclusive cars + 5 paint jobs" ( $4.70 )
Resident Evil 6: 3 Mercenaries Maps ( Rail Yard , High Seas Fortress, The Catacombs ) ( $3.00 )
Assassin's Creed III: "Colonial Assassin" outfit ( $2.00 )
Kinect Sports: Season Two - All Access Pass ( $8.00 )

$1.50 each below :
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon: Downloadable Skill - MG Cool Down
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon: Downloadable Skill - Enhanced DFM 
Crysis 2: "Scar Assault Rifle: Desert Skin"
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Serah's Outfit: Summoner's Garb
Need for Speed: The Run: "Underground Challenge Series"
Saints Row III : "Professor Genki Hyper Pack - Funtime Pack"
UFC Undisputed 3: "Ultimate Knockout Artist Boost Pack"
UFC Undisputed 3: "Ultimate Fights Knockout Pack"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "Golden Relic Chainsword"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "Golden Relic Bolter"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "The Emperor's Elite Pack"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "Traitor Legions Pack"
WWE 12: "Unlock The Miz's Awesome Attires"
FIFA 17:  "Special Edition Legends Kits"

DLC add-ons & Avatars:
$1.00 each below :

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Avatar care package

Halo 4: Corbulo Emblem

La Noire: "The Broderick Detective Suit"
NBA 2K14: King James Bonus Pack
Top Spin 4: "Tennis Umpire Avatar"
Top Spin 4: "Tennis Ball/Racquet Avatar Tricks"
UFC Undisputed 3: "Early Access Pass"

WWE 12: "Randy Orton Shirt" Avatar

WWE 12: "Unlock The Miz's Awesome Attires"+

1. PayPal gifted;
2. xbox 360 / PS3 full game codes offers;
3. xbox Gold membership offers or damn cheap codes

Price firm, no bargain, can't be bothered to reply
theres more to it than this. He said he was about to post the code and then disappeared. He did this to others who have yet to say anything publicly. Also, considering he has a history of doing this elsewhere, it’s not a leap.

If he’s been reported to a mod, kinda odd they haven’t taken action against him. Maybe they’re in cahoots.
theres more to it than this. He said he was about to post the code and then disappeared. He did this to others who have yet to say anything publicly. Also, considering he has a history of doing this elsewhere, it’s not a leap.
So back when on Reddit where he posted stuff for sale and after I paid and 2 days later I reply with "when are you shipping out item" he says "power went out at his home".WTF that got do with shipping out the item the morale of the story is fuck this guy and he need to be banned and castrated.
Damn I came to look for things being sold not pitchforks!

That being said I worked a deal with Vapes last month and all went well and he was consistent with his communication.

Female Avatar ESPN Jersey
Female Avatar Scorpion Suit
Female Avatar Netherrealm Shirt
Female Avatar Master Chief Armor
Halo: Reach Covenant Banshee Avatar Prop
Normandy Avatar Prop
48 Hour Gold (x2)
14 Day Gold
MKX Goro (x2)
Halo Wars 2 Custom WarPaint
Forza Motorsports 7
Forza Motorsports 7 Taco Bell Suit
Game Pass 3 Months
Game Pass 1 Month
South Park: Stick of Truth (X1)


Offers (games/Paypal/Amazon/etc.)

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Amazon gift card 


3, 6 or 12 month subscription Xbox live

Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite Season Pass

Marvel Vs Capcom Ininfite Premium Costume Pass 

Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite Deluxe/Collector's Edition Pre-Order Code Character Costumes: (Warrior Thor, Evil Ryu, Gladiator Hulk, Command Mission X)

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Xbox Live 1 month subscription = $5 (have multiples of them)

Xbox Live 3 month subscription = $13 (have multiples of them)

All of these work on US accounts for sure, and can be stacked, I don't know about other accounts.

Paypal (family and friends)

Please message me if you have any questions.

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Xbox Live 1 month subscription = $5 (have multiples of them)

Xbox Live 3 month subscription = $13 (have multiples of them)

All of these work on US accounts for sure, and can be stacked, I don't know about other accounts.

Paypal (family and friends)

Please message me if you have any questions.
At least wait until they're no longer $9.99 for 3 months at Best Buy...

Xbox One Digital Copies of

South Park Fractured But Whole
Assassin’s Creed
Forza 7 Motorsport
Middle Earth Shadow of War
The Evil Within 2

Have Xbox One Physical Games (lightly used, mint condition)
South Park Fractured But Whole
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
Call of Duty Black Ops III
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare/Modern Warfare
Destiny 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division
Mass Effect Andromeda
Agents of Mayhem

Want Xbox One Digital Copies
Call of Duty WWII
Destiny 2
Star Wars Battlefront 2
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EA Access 1 year   ( $26.50 )
Xbox 360 Full Games:
Abyss Odyssey          ( $3.50 )

Borderlands 2           ( $5.50 )
Carnival Games          ( $2.70 )
Dance Central 2         ( $4.00 )
Fable III                      ( $6.50 )
Fruit Ninja                 ( $3.10 )
Kinect Party : All Full games unlock ( $7.00 )
Kung Fu Panda 2       ( $10.00 )
Peggle 2                     ( $2.80 )
The Gunstringer         ( $5.50 )


xbox ONE Full Games:
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood   ( $2.50 )
Forza Horizon     ( $10.00 ) BC
Joy Ride Turbo ( $2.50 )  BC

DLC add-ons:

Gears of War 2 - Flashback Map Pack ( $4.00 )

Halo 5: Interface Emblem Pack ( Advanced Promotional REQ Pack ) ( $1.00 )
Ridge Racer: Unbounded "3 exclusive cars + 5 paint jobs" ( $4.70 )
Resident Evil 6: 3 Mercenaries Maps ( Rail Yard , High Seas Fortress, The Catacombs ) ( $3.00 )
Assassin's Creed III: "Colonial Assassin" outfit ( $2.00 )
Kinect Sports: Season Two - All Access Pass ( $8.00 )

$1.50 each below :
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon: Downloadable Skill - MG Cool Down
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon: Downloadable Skill - Enhanced DFM 
Crysis 2: "Scar Assault Rifle: Desert Skin"
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Serah's Outfit: Summoner's Garb
Need for Speed: The Run: "Underground Challenge Series"
Saints Row III : "Professor Genki Hyper Pack - Funtime Pack"
UFC Undisputed 3: "Ultimate Knockout Artist Boost Pack"
UFC Undisputed 3: "Ultimate Fights Knockout Pack"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "Golden Relic Chainsword"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "Golden Relic Bolter"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "The Emperor's Elite Pack"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: "Traitor Legions Pack"
WWE 12: "Unlock The Miz's Awesome Attires"
FIFA 17:  "Special Edition Legends Kits"

DLC add-ons & Avatars:
$1.00 each below :

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Avatar care package

Halo 4: Corbulo Emblem

La Noire: "The Broderick Detective Suit"
NBA 2K14: King James Bonus Pack
Top Spin 4: "Tennis Umpire Avatar"
Top Spin 4: "Tennis Ball/Racquet Avatar Tricks"
UFC Undisputed 3: "Early Access Pass"

WWE 12: "Randy Orton Shirt" Avatar

WWE 12: "Unlock The Miz's Awesome Attires"+

1. PayPal gifted;
2. xbox 360 / PS3 full game codes offers;
3. xbox Gold membership offers or damn cheap codes

Price firm, no bargain, can't be bothered to reply

2 Day Xbox Trial $1

Shadow of War Exclusive Epic Sword of Dominion and Legendary Champions War Party DLC $2

Call of Duty WWII Weapon Token 2x XP DLC

W: Paypal

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:xb1: content:

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - Black Island Pack + Pirate's Bounty
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - Uplay Passport
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - Season Pass
Assassin's Creed: Unity - Chemical Revolution Mission
Batman: Arkham Knight - Harley Quinn Story Pack
Batman: Arkham Knight - New 52 Skins Pack, The
Battleborn - First Born Pack
Battlefield: Hardline - Versatility Pack
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Day Zero content
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Free Fall Dynamic Bonus Map
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Onslaught
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Season Pass
Crew, The - 10,000 Bonus Crew Credits
Crew, The - LE Content
Dead Rising 4 - Candy Cane Crossbow
DiRT Rally - Fully Loaded Mini Pack & Fully Loaded Ford Pack
Dishonored 2 - Imperial Assassin's Pack
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved - In-Game Bonus Song #1 of 3 ("Let It Go" - Demi Lovato)
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved - In-Game Bonus Song #2 of 3 ("Counting Stars" - OneRepublic)
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved - In-Game Bonus Song #3 of 3 ("Lay Me Down" - AVICII)
Division, Tom Clancy's The - Agent Origins Gear Set
Division, Tom Clancy's The - Best Buy exclusive weapon skin
Division, Tom Clancy's The - Hazmat Gear
Doom - Demon Multiplayer Pack
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Flames of the Inquisition Weapons Arsenal
EA Sports FIFA 16 - 15 FIFA Ultimate Team™ (FUT) Gold Packs
EA Sports NHL 16 - 15 Hockey Ultimate Team™ Gold Packs
EA Sports UFC - Bruce Lee
Evolve - Full Game
Evolve - Monster Expansion Pack
FIFA 15 - Ultimate Team Gold Pack
Final Fantasy XV - Demo
Forza Horizon 3 - Halo Warthog
Forza Motorsport 5 - McLaren Forza Motorsport MP4-12C
Forza Motorsport 6 - Full game
Forza Motorsport 6 - Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack
Gears of War 4 - Operations Gear Pack
Gears of War 4 - Zombie JD Bounty
Gears of War 4 - Zombie Lancer
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - Civilian Anya and Animated Imulsion Weapon Skin
Grand Theft Auto V - Whale Shark Cash ($3.5M)
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game - Game Preview
Halo 5: Guardians - Advanced Promotional REQ Pack - Resolute Visor
Halo 5: Guardians - Promotional REQ Pack
Halo 5: Guardians - Promotional REQ Pack - Teishen Raikou armor set
Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Halo Channel and Nightfall Bundle
Just Cause 3 - Day One DLC
Just Cause 3 - Registration code
Kinect Sports Rivals - Premium Outfit Pack
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - Full Game
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens - Empire Strikes Back Character Pack, The
Limbo - Full Game
Lords of the Fallen - Demonic Weapons Pack
Lords of the Fallen - Monk's Decipher DLC, The
Mad Max - Ripper
Madden NFL 15 - digital guide
Madden NFL 16 - 10 Madden Ultimate Team Pro Packs and a Playmaker Pack
Madden NFL 17 - pre-order bonus
Mass Effect: Andromeda - pre-order bonus
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Day One DLC (EU)
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Dark Ranger Pack
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst - Combat Runner Kit / Speed Runner Kit
Mortal Kombat X - Goro Playable Character
Mortal Kombat X - Kollective Kold War Scorpion Skin
Murdered: Soul Suspect - Square Enix registration
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - pre-order bonus
NBA 2K15 - Kevin Durant MVP pack
Paladins - Beta
Paladins: Champions of the Realm - Closed Alpha
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare - Digital Booster Pack
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 - Grass Effect Z7 Mech Character
Project Spark - Starter Pack
Rainbow Six Siege, Tom Clancy's - Gold Weapons Skin Pack
Resident Evil 0 - Fan Design T-shirt Pack
Resident Evil 7 - Survival Pack: Recovery Set
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Completionist Card Pack
Rocket League - Back to the Future Car Pack
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour - TPC Scottsdale
Ryse: Son of Rome - Gemma Augustea
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - Full Game
Star Wars: Battlefront - Battle of Jakku
Star Wars: Battlefront - Number 1 emote
Sunset Overdrive - Day One Edition DLC
Thief - Square Enix registration
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Square Enix registration
Trials Fusion - Fallen Angel bike upgrade
Watch_Dogs - MP-412 REX revolver
Witcher III, The: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone
WWE 2K15 - Sting Pack
WWE 2K16 - Terminator playable character

:360: content that is BC (also works on :xb1:):

Alan Wake - Signal, The
Assassin's Creed: Rogue - Templar Pack
Batman: Arkham Origins - Deathstroke Challenge Pack

Borderlands 2 - Full Game
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Full Game

Call of Duty: Ghosts - Bonus Digital Content
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Free Fall Dynamic Bonus Map
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Official Soundtrack
Darksiders II - Argul's Tomb
Darksiders II - Crucible Pass Code
Fable III - Free Game Content
Fallout 3 - Full Game
Far Cry 3 - Multiplayer Access Code
Gears of War - Full Game
Gears of War 2 - Flashback Map Pack
Gears of War 2 - Full Game
Gears of War 3 - Full Game
Gears of War: Judgment - Full Game
Halo: Reach - Spartan Recon Helmet
Joy Ride Turbo - Full Game
Just Cause 2 - Full Game
Maw, The - Full Game
Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Tom Clancy's - Full Game
Rainbow Six Vegas, Tom Clancy's - Full Game
Street Fighter IV - Complete Costume Pack
Toy Soldiers - Full Game

:360: content:

Avatar, James Cameron's - In-game DLC
Batman: Arkham City - Catwoman Bundle Pack
Batman: Arkham City - Dark Knight Returns skin, The
Batman: Arkham City - Iceberg Lounge Challenge Map
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! - Shock Drop Slaughter Pit
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Advanced Arsenal & Day Zero Digital Content
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Atlas Dig Pack
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Atlas Gorge Multiplayer Map
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Official soundtrack
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Season Pass
Dead Island - Bloodbath Arena DLC
Dead Island - Full Game
Dead Island - Ryder White DLC
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Square Enix registration
Diablo III - Infernal Helm
Dragon Age II - Online Pass (The Black Emporium)
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Deluxe Edition Upgrade
FIFA 15 - Ultimate Team Gold Pack
GTA V - Atomic Blimp
Halo 4 - Corbulo Emblem
Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning - Online Pass
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Square Enix registration
Madden NFL 15 - Ultimate Team content
Madden NFL 16 - 10 Madden Ultimate Team Pro Packs and a Playmaker Pack
Magic 2015 - Full Game
Medal of Honor: Warfighter - Zero Dark Thirty Gun Camo
NBA 2K15 - Kevin Durant MVP pack
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare - Digital Booster Pack
Resident Evil 0 - Fan Design T-shirt Pack
Street Fighter x Tekken - Add'l Character Swap Costume Complete Pack
Street Fighter x Tekken - Character Update
Street Fighter x Tekken - Swap Costume Complete Pack
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - Full Game
Super Street Fighter IV Super - Complete Costume Pack
Thief - Square Enix registration
Tomb Raider: Underworld - Beneath the Ashes
Tomb Raider: Underworld - Lara's Shadow
Two Worlds II - Dragon Scale Armor
Walking Dead S.2, The - Episode 1
World of Tanks - Starter Pack
WWE 2K15 - Sting Pack


MS points :360: / :xb1: :hot:
Nintendo eShop money :3ds:
PSN money :ps4: / :vita:
Steam wallet :pc:
Trade offers
People to start using proper grammar

PM me with offers, thanks!
Just PM'd you.

bread's done