Thank you for preordering Okamiden!
Little Chibiterasu has been a very popular pup. Unfortunately we are facing a delay from the factory of a portion of the Chibiterasu plush key chains. They are shipping now but the delay will hold up some Okamiden orders. More than half of all preorders will ship by March 15th with Chibiterasu and we anticipate shipping more a few days later and the following week for the balance of all preorders. If you do not receive a shipping confirmation by the end of day on March 15th, it is likely your order will be delayed until more plush key chains are delivered.
If you are unconcerned about the delay do nothing; your game and Chibiterasu will ship together as soon as possible. If you do not receive a shipping confirmation by the end of day on March 15th, and prefer not to wait for your game to arrive with Chibiterasu, please remove him from your order and we will ship your game immediately. We will ensure that all those who remove Chibiterasu from their order will receive him in a separate delivery.
Thank you for supporting this great game and please let us apologize for the factory delay.
The Capcom Store Team