Bids updated and answered PMs. SilentBob, Blades of Time was bid at $2 so I could not add your bid. Also received a few questions about the USB, it is 2GBs and added a link to hopefully help with info. Please let me know if there are any other questions or request.
Just letting everyone know if they put a bid for Ragnarok Odyssey I won't keep bidding. I realized very fast that PS+ is gonna backlog me hard for the Vita and I'm trying to avoid that.
Just letting everyone know if they put a bid for Ragnarok Odyssey I won't keep bidding. I realized very fast that PS+ is gonna backlog me hard for the Vita and I'm trying to avoid that.
PSP 3000-$44
Assassins Creed Brotherhood-$4
Disney Sport Football-$1
Fatal Frame 3-$8
Silent Hill 2-$3
Final Fantasy Crisis Core-$5
Phantasy Star Portable-$4