Penny auction scam referral ads are ruining Craigslist. What can be done?



You have seen them. The poorly worded ads for Xbox 360s, kinect, iPads, kindles, cell phones, etc. same wording, posted many multiple times a day.

Usually no cell phone number is listed, but they say no calls please text. The prices are low but not rediculous.

Maybe you even emailed one of them by accident and saw the reply stating that you were just a little too late, but you're in luck because this enterprising person will share the brand new website where they got the item for cheap, because nobody is bidding there yet, and its like Christmas there.

Of course these are penny auction websites that scam people into buying a number of bids to use on the site, usually with hidden or very carefully obscured $90 fees for sign up.

If you didn't know already the reason your local craigslist likely has a ratio of 20:1 real ads and scam penny auction ads is that referral agencies get paid ~$45 each for getting people to sign up for these shit websites. So they generate loads of fake ads on sites like Craigslist, sounding like a real person.

Now I have no problem with a fool and his money being parted but Craigslist used to be a kind of cool place to look for good deals, sell stuff quickly, and laugh at stupid people. Now it's just worthless as you wade through literally 20 to 30 fake ads for every real one. And it's not just the gaming section, they post whatever items wherever they can.

So why doesn't Craigslist do anything? Flagging them does nothing. They don't even seem to care. At this point I just consider Craigslist as a website to be in on the scam if not initiating many of the fake ads and getting kickbacks on the referrals.

Anyone else pissed off at this or did I just write a whole lot for nothing?
im with you on that call. I have been unemployed and starting to dredge every avenue for leads, and its disgusting all the scammers that try to trick desperate people looking for jobs. I even have gotten ones saying you are a shoe in for the job, hiring manager will hire you, interview is just a formality but we need to get you onboard quick, go to this site and fill out this thing for a payroll debit card, costs nothing, and will expidiete our payroll and you getting paid. Im like really? think im that stupid? (i email back nice try, reported to craigs list, and authorities). They are beyond despicible, people spend alot of time mulling over, is that job do-able or right for me? and getting a response that is just so was a vetrinary office manager and paid 35-37$ an hour, really? at least do your homework. And dont get me started on AFLAC, not a scam, perse, but the job is a joke from what i hear, they list as an account manager, and describe this as office environment, etc.....but in reality these people just want outside salespeople, as in door-to-door. um unlimited income? not likely..........just adds more frustration to an already hard process, just for some lowlifes to try to scam a commission or something out of a fake referring wife tells me to stay off there now. They are the human internet version of pop up guessing.
from what I've seen so far, at least they post under the "by dealer" option instead of the "by owner" section. So now I automatically go to the by owner listings.
bread's done