I'm partially doing it just to say I had one at launch... it was the same way with Xbox 360... I got it near launch during the shortage and take pride in knowing I had it from the beginning. My gamerscore isn't amazing, but it is high from having it near day one. I am super excited to have a Sony Console at launch since they priced me out of getting one at the ps3's launch. Yea the titles aren't great, but I am getting it for the features, including the remote play with my vita.
I also know that the launch may be stale, but I know the ps4 will beat the Xbox in terms of titles throughout the next few years... Xbox fans can state we have a better launch lineup, but that is only one day, over the next year, the PS4 will have the better games and the Xbox will go through a period like the Vita. Vita's launch was excellent, and then nothing... Ps4's launch will be bare, but then we have several months to look forward to. What does the Xbox have to look forward to? Titanfall? That is about it!
PS4 has
Infamous, Watch Dogs (ps4 extras), Sony Santa Monica's game, War Thunder, Naughty Dog's game, Day Z, dynasty warriors, the Order, deep down, destiny, kingdom hearts 3, outlast, planetside 2, the crew, mlb the show, injustice...
(I know some aren't ps4 exclusives, some just wont come to xbox one)
Xbox has announced
Crimson Dragon, D4, Dead Rising 3, Forza, Halo, Killer Instinct (Would take Injustice over a pay as yu go game), Kinect Sports, Ryse, Sunset overdrive, and titanfall...
I mean seriously? Now some may be on other systems, and some I may have gotten wrong info on as far as exclusivity, but the games I listed are for sure coming to ps4, not to mention a bunch of Japenese titles that haven't been announced for the West that won't be on Xbox One...
I am fine with my launch purchase and will be even happier as time goes on, better than instant gratification for xbox purchasers.