[quote name='THoward7382']Lets see what is faster. Tracking down a Wal-Mart employee to open the case, or just picking up the case and heading to the register and checking out. Seems to me that I would rather do the latter.
And me personally I have never understood the "craziness" for sealed games. Is the euphoric feeling of opening a plastic wrap that great? Its just a game in reality. And if you want it sealed, just reserve it. Now I know that doesn't pertain to the Game Days sale, but there are many ways to get a sealed game from Gamestop. Been shopping there for years and never had a problem.[/quote]
Actually it took just as long when I went to get my games on Monday, I brought the case to the register, and instead of digging for the sleeves, he had to hunt all over the place for the sealed ones, meanwhile lines are building up behind me (and I didn't even ask for sealed ones, I'dve been happy either way).