Potential Free Gamestop Credit YMMV?

You have unused trade-in credit in the amount of $276.60. This will be issued to you in the form of a printable Edge Card.
Hey guys dont get too excited, system wide error

I know this because I put a preorder for Two Worlds 2 for 23.99 a little over 2 weeks ago, and they say I have a unused credit of $23.99, so I think I am holding off on this cause Im sure it will mess up my deposite
Guys I'm telling u the credit I received is from a pre-order but I got the game 4 months ago so y do I have a coupon in the same amount to bring in the store to spend if I know I used it to get NBA 2k11.

If it's their error then its good for us I accept as long as it works I just gotta pring it out cuz Im out of ink.
[quote name='RandyTsai']this credit you are referring to are unused preorder deposits. It has nothing to do with your edge card and It's not free credit.[/QUOTE]

That's definitely not it, at least not for me... in the least.

I never pre-order/reserve anything and usually only get my games on heavy markdown or sale--this IS CheapAssGamer.com, am I right? :cool:

I haven't been into a GS and actually bought anything in well over a year.

I got this text and followed it to get an email for a printable Edge Card with the matching numbers of the card in my wallet, purportedly there is an unused trade-in credit of $28.xx. And now I've only ever made two trade-ins, one time for Rock Band Track Packs worth under $15 together and another time I traded in Modern Warfare 1 for a relative, which I immediately turned around and bought a game with.

This definitely sounds to me like some massive system error.

I noticed on the printable Edge card page it says it can only be redeemed online, and thinking from a Retail standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if once they catch this glitch they try to get customers to re-compensate for the value once it's spent. I know I would if I was the shmuck that suddenly re-activated old trade-in values for a boatload of customers.
[quote name='Sanges99']That's definitely not it, at least not for me... in the least.

I never pre-order/reserve anything and usually only get my games on heavy markdown or sale--this IS CheapAssGamer.com, am I right? :cool:

I haven't been into a GS and actually bought anything in well over a year.

I got this text and followed it to get an email for a printable Edge Card with the matching numbers of the card in my wallet, purportedly there is an unused trade-in credit of $28.xx. And now I've only ever made two trade-ins, one time for Rock Band Track Packs worth under $15 together and another time I traded in Modern Warfare 1 for a relative, which I immediately turned around and bought a game with.

This definitely sounds to me like some massive system error.

I noticed on the printable Edge card page it says it can only be redeemed online, and thinking from a Retail standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if once they catch this glitch they try to get customers to re-compensate for the value once it's spent. I know I would if I was the shmuck that suddenly re-activated old trade-in values for a boatload of customers.[/QUOTE]

for some reason my printable edge card said it can be used in the store.
Mine just shows the amount I have left sitting on my EDGE card and nothing more...

(Quote the Raven)
[quote name='garfep']I'm confused; I went into my local store on Thursday and used a gift card for $107.92 and put it toward a 3DS pre-order. Friday morning, I received the text that I had unused credit, and when I went to the website, it showed in the amount of $107.92. I filled out the info and still haven't received the email. So now I have no idea if that money is on my 3DS preorder, still on the gift card, or lost somewhere in the ether.[/QUOTE]

I finally got the email with the $107.92 edge card and printed it out. I brought it to the store and explained the situation to the guy working, and said my $107.92 is still applied to the 3DS, plus when he scanned the printed out card it said it was invalid. I'm going to guess it's a system wide error.
I'm getting the error message that my information entered does not match their records. Please use the number from which we called you at, blah blah. Basically, unless you specifically got a call from them to check, I don't think this works. For those of you it is working for, I guess you had credit and they hadn't gotten around to calling yet. Just as well, I know I don't have unspent credit anyway.
I printed the "edge" card and I checked the balance online and it matches the print-out so maybe you can use it onlineas well because I have nothing pre-ordered or cancelled a pre-order and this came up for me.....
just pre-ordered MVC3 with the "free" credit that I know I used and it worked fine .The employee didnt even verify if it was my own coupon. He just said that it's good that gamestop is doing this because there are alot of unused credits out there.
bread's done