PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


293 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Debating on Exist Archive from Amazon, the price just keeps falling little by little.
Just do it....if it sucks...well it was cheap. I got a cheap Trillion I believe and disliked it a great deal....but it was cheapish at least.

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How is Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library and the Monster Seal? I dropped by gamestop and picked it up for $29. I hadn't seen it in a while and thought I'd pick it up while I had the chance.
DT2 is okay. The first few dungeons are pretty basic and almost had me quitting. The menus and interface could use alot of work. Selling and identfying items is a major pain.

The enemies in the dungeon are simple enough, but the bosses pose some real challenge.

Debating on Exist Archive from Amazon, the price just keeps falling little by little.
I think I payed $19 for it. It's not that great. The dungeons are very simple and basic, and need frequent re-visits. Combat is different and follows the style of the old Valkyrie Profile games, with less clarity. You're never really sure what your attacks are doing, or their effectiveness.

If I make a Japanese PSN account and purchase PS Plus on that account, do I get free Japanese region games just like I would get free US region games every month?

EDIT: And if I could, can I download US region & Japanese region games to the same device? Such as downloaded US games, signing out of my US account and signing into my JAP account, then downloading the JAP PS Plus games to the same device.
You'd need a separate memory card for your Japanese account and you'd have to reset the Vita to factory settings and deactivate it each time you change accounts. I've never done it but it seems like more of a hassle than it's worth.

Debating on Exist Archive from Amazon, the price just keeps falling little by little.
Do it.


Just do it....if it sucks...well it was cheap. I got a cheap Trillion I believe and disliked it a great deal....but it was cheapish at least.
Words of wisdom. There's nothing worse than paying full price for a game you don't like.... a lesson I learned almost 20 years ago and it still stings to this day.

At these prices just do it!

If I make a Japanese PSN account and purchase PS Plus on that account, do I get free Japanese region games just like I would get free US region games every month?

EDIT: And if I could, can I download US region & Japanese region games to the same device? Such as downloaded US games, signing out of my US account and signing into my JAP account, then downloading the JAP PS Plus games to the same device.

You'd need a separate memory card for your Japanese account and you'd have to reset the Vita to factory settings and deactivate it each time you change accounts. I've never done it but it seems like more of a hassle than it's worth.
It really is a hassle. I don't recommend it. It works for the PS4 I think, but not really for Vita.

Words of wisdom. There's nothing worse than paying full price for a game you don't like.... a lesson I learned almost 20 years ago and it still stings to this day.

At these prices just do it!
Yeah, when I was growing up, games where like anything else at retail, and could be returned even if opened, for any reasons. Sadly, possibly due to me and my friends returning crap NES games on the regular to TRU, the policy changed everywhere around the same time, and I've been more discerning in regards to my game buying ever since. LOL I've still gotten a few clunkers over the years, but nothing like I used to get, as I had to be much smarter, with less funds pretty early on.

It really is a hassle. I don't recommend it. It works for the PS4 I think, but not really for Vita.
I actually never tried an out of region account until late in to the PS3, and was surprised at how easy it was. Now, enter the Vita.....WTF!? happened? I guess maybe it had to due with piracy or something, but I can't believe how bad the whole process is. Then again, maybe it was Sony trying to get users to buy more than one of those high ass priced memory cards.

Either way, I agree, don't bother with the Vita. If it means that much, just install CFW and to hell with them, it's really that bad.

Yeah, when I was growing up, games where like anything else at retail, and could be returned even if opened, for any reasons. Sadly, possibly due to me and my friends returning crap NES games on the regular to TRU, the policy changed everywhere around the same time, and I've been more discerning in regards to my game buying ever since.
Oh so you're the reason those policies were put in place. Thanks dude, thanks.


Oh so you're the reason those policies were put in place. Thanks dude, thanks.

If you liked that one, here's one more for you. Another friend of mine back at that time, literally got every new system, computer and games money could buy, and he would get games, unscrew the case, and take out the cart from the case, and then return the empty case to the store and get his money back. So when we came over to play games, we had to guess which game was which, as the carts and labels where gone.

Now if anything caused stores to change their policies, that was it. LOL

Went to play Nonary Games on the Vita this weekend. Requires 3.63 firmware. Guess I'm in the market for a 2nd Vita now, as I'm not planning on giving up my 3.60 on my OLED Vita.

Went to play Nonary Games on the Vita this weekend. Requires 3.63 firmware. Guess I'm in the market for a 2nd Vita now, as I'm not planning on giving up my 3.60 on my OLED Vita.
Did they remove something post-3.60? I haven't been paying much attention.
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Did they remove something post-3.60? I haven't been paying much attention.
They removed the option to hack the device post-3.60. I'm not even using that feature, and may eventually update just because I'm not taking advantage of the capability, but I like having the option should I want to install homebrew/CFW.

Does Senran Kagura Bon Appetit work on PSTV? I want to get the download off PSN while it's still $4.99, but I can't get a straight answer from Google about whether it does or doesn't.
Does Senran Kagura Bon Appetit work on PSTV? I want to get the download off PSN while it's still $4.99, but I can't get a straight answer from Google about whether it does or doesn't.
The JP version does, so stands to reason the NA one should too.

I only have the JP version, so can't speak for the NA one. ;P

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OMG You just reminded me! Why was Trillion so trash?!?
Likely one of the worst fighting systems I have ever played. The actual story and characters are above average. The actual gameplay of fighting Trillion though....terrible. If it was a full on VN it would have been very decent. I always cringed having to fight Trillion, though you eventually figure out a winning strategy using a few stats and like 2 moves. It's just a bad fighting system that takes away the positives of the game. Also doesn't help you get tank like controls during those Trillion segments.

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The JP version does, so stands to reason the NA one should too.

I only have the JP version, so can't speak for the NA one. ;P
that's not necessarily true. lots of game work on pstv in japan or Europe but don't on usa versions.
I too got bon appetit jp physical to play on pstv because at the time the digital usa version didn't, it might of got patched thou I never checked afterwards. So be careful.
that's not necessarily true. lots of game work on pstv in japan or Europe but don't on usa versions.
I too got bon appetit jp physical to play on pstv because at the time the digital usa version didn't, it might of got patched thou I never checked afterwards. So be careful.
True. I guess when I made the comment I also didn't clarify that even though it may not be at the start, games to do get patched at a later time.

The game has been out for awhile now, so my assumptions were that it would be PSTV compatible by now since it was in the JP version.

After looking through the list through the PSN store, it is in fact compatible with PSTV, so no need to be careful.

Issue resolved. :D

I had a bunch of credit at GS after the switch bonus, so I pre-ordered Nonary. I went in yesterday to pick it up, and the employee said mine was the only copy they got.

So I've been checking the prices of games i've missed last year, and apparently Odin Sphere hit a spike in price? From what I've seen, Amazon had it in stock only a week ago, but since then it's been going for at least $50. 

So here's my question: does anyone have experience with used vita games from Gamestop? I'm not expecting any extras, really just the game, case, and cover.

I had a bunch of credit at GS after the switch bonus, so I pre-ordered Nonary. I went in yesterday to pick it up, and the employee said mine was the only copy they got.

So I've been checking the prices of games i've missed last year, and apparently Odin Sphere hit a spike in price? From what I've seen, Amazon had it in stock only a week ago, but since then it's been going for at least $50.

So here's my question: does anyone have experience with used vita games from Gamestop? I'm not expecting any extras, really just the game, case, and cover.
Expect to receive cart-only from, and then if you get more than that be happy.

Got Megatagmension Blanc, MeiQ Labrinth of Death, and Stranger of Sword City $20 each with Best Buy price match to Amazon a few days ago. Not bad I would say for the three games. Just checked their prices and Stranger of Sword City is now $26. Wow good thing I bought them a few days ago. These game prices jump and lowers at random times I say.

So here's my question: does anyone have experience with used vita games from Gamestop? I'm not expecting any extras, really just the game, case, and cover.
In the store is your best bet to actually get a complete copy. The switch has taken over Vita sections in many stores and while some stores have moved the vita stuff to an endcap or put it behind the counter, many have moved the game carts to the display cases and thrown out the boxes for used vita games. So online may have been 33% at one point... but now it's probably a lot lower. So use the site, find the stores that have the game/games you want.. and check them out as it's convenient.

Another $72.99 that will, in three weeks, be missing from my wallet.:

did anyone notice a new seller put up Senran Kagura Estival Versus for sale for $10+shipping?  i can only imagine this is another fake account like with all of the Switch stuff.  great deal if it's true.

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did anyone notice a new seller put up Senran Kagura Estival Versus for sale for $10+shipping? i can only imagine this is another fake account like with all of the Switch stuff. great deal if it's true.

More buying choices for

More buying choices for

Senran Kagura Estival Versus
You don't have to just imagine it's a fake account, it's definitely one.

Hello friends, I have a quick question. I bought a vita a few months ago but never really used it. I have a few games now (ToCS, Lost Dimension, Disgaea 4, Atelier Escha & Logy Plus, Hyperdevotion noire, and Toukiden Kiwanis.) What other games should I be on the lookout for and around what prices? Another question is ease of use wise, is it easier to have two memory cards or two Vita's for Japanese/English use?
Hello friends, I have a quick question. I bought a vita a few months ago but never really used it. I have a few games now (ToCS, Lost Dimension, Disgaea 4, Atelier Escha & Logy Plus, Hyperdevotion noire, and Toukiden Kiwanis.) What other games should I be on the lookout for and around what prices? Another question is ease of use wise, is it easier to have two memory cards or two Vita's for Japanese/English use?
I answer yes for the second question.....cause that's the only one to have multiple region accounts on your need multiple memory cards for it.

For the first....hard to tell. There are a lot of Iffy games....generally around $20-30 bucks...if you like Neptunia. Most games seem to hover around the $30ish range. P4Golden for about $20 seems like a fair suggestion.

I answer yes for the second question.....cause that's the only one to have multiple region accounts on your need multiple memory cards for it.
So you mean if you have 2 64GB memory cards, you can have 1 card for US games and 1 card for JAP games... and be able to play both types of games on 1 PSN account?

Or would you have to log into your JAP PSN account when you put the JAP games card in your US PSN account Vita?

bread's done