PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


293 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I agree with Spoder that it obsoletes the older version, same as Akiba's Trip PS4 (to a lesser extent of course), Soul Sacrifice Delta, Stranger of Sword City Revisted, YS 8 PC/PS4 or Toukiden Kiwami. To everyone their own of course.
Yeah, that and both Tokyo Xanadu/Ys VIII are Falcom games, so you know there'll be enough new content to justify playing them on PS4/PC.

Honestly, this LE is probably still in stock because not many people are buying it. If it was the PS4 version it'd have been sold out by now and I'd have bought one for myself.
Awesome job Tweeg! Thank you!!!

You should look into creating a smart phone app for your checklists... You'd definitely have people here willing to pay for one.
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So I just got a "delivery delay" email for the Vita version of Velocity 2X from Best Buy.  Email said they would cancel my order if they can't fulfill it by February 14th.  Kind of hard for them to do that when the game comes out March 6th.  Weird thing is BB even updated the listing to show the March 6th release date change.

Square has already started buying JP releases, so his wallet is long gone by now.
Yep, it's on life support at this point.

Already spent a ton this year so far, but at least still under a grand by a bit, so not bad! :D

Yeah, I've seen many of his loot pics over the last few months, and I agree completely. LOL
I have a problem. :*(

Oh I know, his collection is insane, video games, manga, and anime! But not sure how much he's bought into the R3 Vita releases.
Again, I have a problem, need help. T_____T!

In regards to the R3 though it's minimal. I might get into it more though if there is an even bigger uptick in R3 releases, especially from PA. ^___^!

Yep, it's on life support at this point.

Already spent a ton this year so far, but at least still under a grand by a bit, so not bad! :D

I have a problem. :*(

Again, I have a problem, need help. T_____T!

In regards to the R3 though it's minimal. I might get into it more though if there is an even bigger uptick in R3 releases, especially from PA. ^___^!
SQUARE?!??! problem?!?! never.... If you dont want your games I'll be happy to drive over and take em :)

Squarehard, the only problem you've got is that most of us wish we could've been you when we grew up. :lol:

And now there's a third variation in the R3 mix for the soon to begin shipping "Unepic". Pre-order fast if you want the slipcover.

My copy of Rock Boshers LRG came today for the vita. Came with a little card. Don't know if that's normal. Wish the box art had more to it though, back is a little bare. This is my second LRG, first being Oddworld: sw

Every order comes with a card. LRG has stated multiple times that it's the devs that choose the box art. They give input, but it's ultimately the devs' decision.

My copy of Rock Boshers LRG came today for the vita. Came with a little card. Don't know if that's normal. Wish the box art had more to it though, back is a little bare. This is my second LRG, first being Oddworld: sw
Box art on many LRG games has been pretty bad, with some exceptions. Games often feature poorly designed front and back covers with dull colors, tiny/dark/undecipherable screenshots on the back (if any), and overall unappealing artwork.

I understand that the developers design the box art for these games, but LRG has been in business long enough to offer valuable feedback on cover design that could really improve the overall package. This is one reason why I've scaled LRG purchases way back, it often seems like little to no effort goes into the product packaging.
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Box art on many LRG games has been pretty bad, with some exceptions. Games often feature poorly designed front and back covers with dull colors, tiny/dark/undecipherable screenshots on the back (if any), and overall unappealing artwork.

I understand that the developers design the box art for these games, but LRG has been in business long enough to offer valuable feedback on cover design that could really improve the overall package. This is one reason why I've scaled LRG purchases way back, it often seems like little to no effort goes into the product packaging.
It's probably not something that can be helped. These are indie games, and most of them weren't created with a wealth of promotional art assets in mind. Most of the time I imagine they created 1 image to act as a front cover on Steam, where the bar is incredibly low. When that image gets translated to box art alongside AA/AAA games, it's going to look like crap.

Aside from the developer getting the original Graphic Designer to create another image, the best they can even do is maybe just design a fancy limited edition looking box with just the logo on the front.

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It's probably not something that can be helped. These are indie games, and most of them weren't created with a wealth of promotional art assets in mind. Most of the time I imagine they created 1 image to act as a front cover on Steam, where the bar is incredibly low. When that image gets translated to box art alongside AA/AAA games, it's going to look like crap.

Aside from the developer getting the original Graphic Designer to create another image, the best they can even do is maybe just design a fancy limited edition looking box with just the logo on the front.
I do agree with Chimpmeister that the quality is pretty low for a good deal of LRG Vita offerings, but until he mentioned it, I had honestly never noticed or cared. I grew up with record albums that where perfect for nice art, design, etc. Having nice details, or artwork on a 4" x 5" canvas is really not worth the time. The text not being clear is an issue that should be addressed, as it often looks like a mistake. Instead of something that was meant for the back of the case.

I think most of these guys as stated just don't have the time, funds or desire to bother. Now I can't speak to the PS4 cases, as I don't own any. So being bigger might not have the issues of the Vita, but to have anything nice on such a small case seems a waste of time honestly, as no one can really enjoy it as it would be intended anyways.

I didn't notice the covers as much, but saw it easily on my new Double Dragon IV PS4 game. It looked somewhat amateur. The gorgeous ones in my collection from LRG are the Wonder Boy one (the SMS cover art is perfect) and Deemo, which had a release elsewhere first. My Night Trap looks atrocious with a really bad quality blown up picture (done like the original, which is OK), and The Bunker, which is not great. I do like cool art on cases for sure.

The Bit.TRIP Soundtrack Bundle + Game sold out in just under two minutes!

As of present moment. All Single soundtrack CD offerings for the game on sale today and CD + game bundles for Round 1 of the sale are sold out.  A very limited, numbered, quantity of the complete 3 CD Bundle set and The Bit.TRIP: Runner 2 Soundtrack CD remain. The game itself is down to 18% inventory remaining for Round 1 of this sale.

Not surprising at all that they'd sell out quickly of the soundtrack versions as they only are offering 100 of them and likely only 50 for the am slot as they probably have to pull 10 copies (10%) for potential replacements.    Overall production numbers are down as well from past launches, so I think they'll sell out of this weeks games just fine.

As for the vita numbers, there are 2300 copies of The Bit.Trip.  10% (230) would be pulled for replacements and trade shows.  100 are pulled for the sound track bundles.  I'd imagine 100 are pulled for sending to the stores.  So 1850 available for sale with probably 1000 copies in the AM slot.  Currently there are 189 copies of the vita version left in the AM batch.

I'm surprised there was zero hype at all (not a single comment in the LRG thread today) for this sale.  Hopefully they sell out so future game releases aren't put in jeopardy.   I still want that updated version of Dragon Fantasy 1.

I'm surprised there was zero hype at all (not a single comment in the LRG thread today) for this sale. Hopefully they sell out so future game releases aren't put in jeopardy. I still want that updated version of Dragon Fantasy 1.
This may sound crazy to some of you guys, but I would rather that games don't sell out if there's not enough interest. It's not healthy for the game industry for shitty games to always be selling out, and all this does it encourage lower quality releases. Not saying that Bit Trip or Screencheat suck.. I actually really liked Screencheat when I played it on Steam, but I believe genuine interest should be what determines future releases, not artificial demand from resellers or collectors that buy everything even if it's crap.

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This may sound crazy to some of you guys, but I would rather that games don't sell out if there's not enough interest. It's not healthy for the game industry for shitty games to always be selling out, and all this does it encourage lower quality releases. Not saying that Bit Trip or Screencheat suck.. I actually really liked Screencheat when I played it on Steam, but I believe genuine interest should be what determines future releases, not artificial demand from resellers or collectors that buy everything even if it's crap.
My only issue with this particular title, or technically collection, was that it has had physical releases before on other platforms in recent years from other publishers. Mind this was a developer, Choice Provisions, that LRG signed on to publish games for as a package deal. So it is very likely there was no way they were going to get to publish the other games unless they agreed to also republish this one. Mind I'm not complaining, I actually have never owned or played Bit.Trip before on any platform, and have held off playing the sequel "Runner 2", which LRG published last year in anticipation of awaiting the original to be published. I just don't think anyone had a clue it would take another full year to get the original out. Since these games were signed, LRG did announce not long, thinking it was in March or April, that they would no longer pursue license & publishing of significantly retro-style games as there was quite a lot of blowback on them early last year from a good sized chunk of their customer base for having so many highly anticipated games announced but then springing surprise 8-bit and 16-bit retro-stylized platformer titles out for release with little to no news on the highly anticipated titles. This is the original announcement image released by LRG when they signed to publish Choice Provision titles, the image showing all of the specific titles that Choice Provisions licensed to them for physical release. The only title remaining now of these for LRG to yet publish is "Tharsis" for the PS4. Rumor presently is that they have also since signed to publish Bit.Trip 3, but that has not been officially confirmed.


This may sound crazy to some of you guys, but I would rather that games don't sell out if there's not enough interest. It's not healthy for the game industry for shitty games to always be selling out, and all this does it encourage lower quality releases. Not saying that Bit Trip or Screencheat suck.. I actually really liked Screencheat when I played it on Steam, but I believe genuine interest should be what determines future releases, not artificial demand from resellers or collectors that buy everything even if it's crap.
you should post more in the LRG thread

Did anyone else get a delivery date confirmation email for pre-ordering Velocity from Amazon? Maybe March 6th will be the actual delivery date...
I'm guessing better resolution and the lack of (minor) 3D. Though I was playing the 3DS version yesterday, and the scrolling, even with the 3D off, was pretty blurry. Everything else was sharp.

This may sound crazy to some of you guys, but I would rather that games don't sell out if there's not enough interest. It's not healthy for the game industry for shitty games to always be selling out, and all this does it encourage lower quality releases. Not saying that Bit Trip or Screencheat suck.. I actually really liked Screencheat when I played it on Steam, but I believe genuine interest should be what determines future releases, not artificial demand from resellers or collectors that buy everything even if it's crap.
It only sounds crazy in the sense that I want LRG to survive so that I have a better shot of getting a few more physical releases of games I actually want to own.

As far as Friday's games, there are very few of each game left (under 20 copies each), which IMO is perfect. It sucks the company had to lower production numbers and head backwards in growth, but if you were interested in either game then it was super easy for the actual customer experience. I think the retreat of the flippers/speculators and those giving up on a full set are helping get demand back in check.

It would be ideal if they could gauge production off of actual interest, but I don't think there is a practical way to do that with how small the runs tend to be. Especially when a super small run will attract more flippers regardless of the game being published.

99 Vidas is going on sale this weekend at Strictly Limited Games.  Looks like the Vita version will be limited to 1000 copies (plus there will be additional copies of a CE).  I'll be passing as I've stopped collecting non R1 games (besides the Play-Asia CEs) however some of you may be interested.

That Vita is gorgeous. Where did you get it?
As much as I love the Vita, I really dislike the laziness involved with the different colors and special editions. The SEs tend to just have a custom back touch panel, which you will never see while in use. And the colors (on the 2000 model anyway) tend to only color the front and back of the body while lazily leaving the screen, camera, and thumb-sticks black or white. Sometimes only the back is a different color. It's obviously cheaper to go about it that way, so I get the business end of why they'd do that.. but it ends up leaving the variations feeling half-assed.

99 Vidas is going on sale this weekend at Strictly Limited Games. Looks like the Vita version will be limited to 1000 copies (plus there will be additional copies of a CE). I'll be passing as I've stopped collecting non R1 games (besides the Play-Asia CEs) however some of you may be interested.
It feels like such a relief to see all these releases from LRG, PA, SE, SL, etc coming and going and not buying a single thing. So much money that could have been lost but is now saved.

As much as I love the Vita, I really dislike the laziness involved with the different colors and special editions. The SEs tend to just have a custom back touch panel, which you will never see while in use. And the colors (on the 2000 model anyway) tend to only color the front and back of the body while lazily leaving the screen, camera, and thumb-sticks black or white. Sometimes only the back is a different color. It's obviously cheaper to go about it that way, so I get the business end of why they'd do that.. but it ends up leaving the variations feeling half-assed.
Part of the reason why it's on the back is for others to enjoy, and envy you, and not just for you to enjoy it yourself. ;D

Pleased as punch a GS about 15 minutes away had a "new" copy of Sega Hard Girls on clearance for $15.97. After a $15 off cert (I have 100k points) it only cost $1.05.
Both the Vita and PS4 soundtrack bundles of "Croixleur Sigma" and the PS4 version of "Sky Force: Anniversary" were sold out in under two minutes!

The Vita version of "Sky Force: Anniversary" sold out in under three minutes!

Round two of this LRG sale is going to be brutal for anyone after Sky Force: Anniversary considering how fast Round 1 inventory sold.

I hate to think what shipping to the U.S.A. will cost on this, but that Genesis/Mega Drive style art box, wow!

I hate to think what shipping to the U.S.A. will cost on this, but that Genesis/Mega Drive style art box, wow!
I was coming to post this, as I don't know what to think on the extra cost for the faux cart and art booklet. As stated, what will the shipping be for this? I may just grab the standard, but I'm a sucker for a good beat em up as well.

EDIT: This goes live tomorrow at 3pm PST if my info is correct, so set your alarms guys/gals, as I'm sure some of this stuff may go quick.

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I was coming to post this, as I don't know what to think on the extra cost for the faux cart and art booklet. As stated, what will the shipping be for this? I may just grab the standard, but I'm a sucker for a good beat em up as well.

EDIT: This goes live tomorrow at 3pm PST if my info is correct, so set your alarms guys/gals, as I'm sure some of this stuff may go quick.
Already had presence of mind to inquire with SLG about shipping to the U.S.A. earlier and they just replied! I'm understanding that the CE version of the game without packaging weighs .5kg, so anticipate 9.99euros for international shipping on the CE

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Already had presence of mind to inquire with SLG about shipping to the U.S.A. earlier and they just replied! I'm understanding that the CE version of the game without packaging weighs .5kg, so anticipate 9.99euros for international shipping on the CE

bread's done