PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


293 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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wow what !?
i hope that's just some temp glitch cause every retailor has a minimum for free shipping.
Gamestop will become more irrelevant than.
I don't know, I could not get free shipping no matter how hard I tried.

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I dont know, I could not get free shipping no matter how hard I tried.
Gamestop only offers free shipping now for Power Up Rewards Elite Pro level which is the $30/year program. Saver no longer works, nor does the $35 and above free shipping they offered during the holidays.

Pretty stoked on my OfferUp pickup this morning. $40 for everything CIB...

Freedom Wars
NFS: Most Wanted
Touch My Katamari
Muramasa Rebirth
Hypertension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
Whoopie, whewpie!


Can you read Japanese, or are a bunch of these games impossible for you to play?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8 using Tapatalk
I mainly can read kanji because of my Chinese background, and then I've picked up bits and pieces of hiragana and katakana over the years, some from introductory classes, and others just from playing a lot of games in Japanese.

I mainly can read kanji because of my Chinese background, and then I've picked up bits and pieces of hiragana and katakana over the years, some from introductory classes, and others just from playing a lot of games in Japanese.
Is that enough to generally get you through a lot of these games?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8 using Tapatalk
if anyone should want to join a discord that is about game collecting and has fellow vita lovers as well....

theres a couple of us there regularly and we love sharing pickup stories and deals (not just vita related) and general conversations going on too.  

Two Vita games going up for sale from LRG next week, Friday, February 9th!

On a note of bad news though, LRG Josh also tweeted this morning that due to being completely overwhelmed they have had to cancel some of the previously announced titles and have advised those developers to get with some of the other limited copy game publishers for assistance with physical releases. No word yet from LRG as to which titles they've dropped publishing rights on.

YAY saving me money!

I'm hoping the dropped titles were less desirable and possibly not as good to begin with; they maybe shouldn't have signed them to begin with. Ultimately, I think dropping some titles will help the brand and relieve some consumers.

YAY saving me money!

I'm hoping the dropped titles were less desirable and possibly not as good to begin with; they maybe shouldn't have signed them to begin with. Ultimately, I think dropping some titles will help the brand and relieve some consumers.
Let's hope it's the less desirable ones but you never know with them releasing crap like Mecho tales.

As did I, and based on what I've read about the game, I will gladly play it with the voices turned off.
Didn't know about the voices, but the gameplay looks solid. For $20, really can't complain.

Some other drops that have been trending downward (some of these are previously reported, just current pricing):

Tokyo Tatoo Girls - $14.37

Drive Girls - $17.52

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but Gamestop has God Wars Future Past for $18.97 and Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds for $19.99. Hakuoki was also price matched on Amazon.

Lord Jebus, is that a shelf hiding behind another shelf?

That Nep Nep stash doee
Haha, yeah...unfortunately space is limited, so I have a few more shelves like that too for other parts of my collection. XD

And indeed, finally snagged Re1 towards the end of last year.

where can i get those type of shelves, Mr SquareHard?
I would also like to know this.

By the way, that’s quite the collection you got there, Squarehard. I may be a little jealous. :p
Unfortunately, they no longer make them anymore, which I am super sad they don't, and I would've bought a ton more had I known. T____T

They're the Sauder cheaper branded furniture line, that were sold under the name Mainstays, and was mainly sold at places like Walmart, but were eventually discontinued, and I can only find the Sauder versions now that cost away more, for the exact same thing. Pity. :*(

Liked for NieA_7

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Unfortunately, they no longer make them anymore, which I am super sad they don't, and I would've bought a ton more had I known. T____T

They're the Sauder cheaper branded furniture line, that were sold under the name Mainstays, and was mainly sold at places like Walmart, but were eventually discontinued, and I can only find the Sauder versions now that cost away more, for the exact same thing. Pity :*(
Man, that’s too bad. :(

If you don’t mind me asking, what did you pay for one of them? I’m asking because I saw these on eBay, which I assume is what you have. Just trying to see the price difference.
Man, that’s too bad. :(

If you don’t mind me asking, what did you pay for one of them? I’m asking because I saw these on eBay, which I assume is what you have. Just trying to see the price difference.
That one is the bookshelf, but the ones I got were the multimedia towers.

It's basically this one,

but not the Sauder version, and it was way cheaper.

What you see in the picture is actually just multiple ones of these shelves put together to make them a singular one. But man, they were so cheap, it was worth it. When they were clearancing them out (wish I knew those were the clearance price T___T), they were under $10 each, if I remember correctly, as low as $8.xx. of which I bought 4 of at that point, lol.

Man, good times... :*(

But yeah, the Sauder one is as close as you'll get now with that, but they're way more expensive. Even the regular prices for the Mainstays one was just a few dollars over $10 each, which was still a great deal.

Le sigh. :*(

That one is the bookshelf, but the ones I got were the multimedia towers.

It's basically this one,

but not the Sauder version, and it was way cheaper.

What you see in the picture is actually just multiple ones of these shelves put together to make them a singular one. But man, they were so cheap, it was worth it. When they were clearancing them out (wish I knew those were the clearance price T___T), they were under $10 each, if I remember correctly, as low as $8.xx. of which I bought 4 of at that point, lol.

Man, good times... :*(

But yeah, the Sauder one is as close as you'll get now with that, but they're way more expensive. Even the regular prices for the Mainstays one was just a few dollars over $10 each, which was still a great deal.

Le sigh. :*(

One shows a store with allegedly 2 still in stock near me for 7.50.

That one is the bookshelf, but the ones I got were the multimedia towers.

It's basically this one,

but not the Sauder version, and it was way cheaper.

What you see in the picture is actually just multiple ones of these shelves put together to make them a singular one. But man, they were so cheap, it was worth it. When they were clearancing them out (wish I knew those were the clearance price T___T), they were under $10 each, if I remember correctly, as low as $8.xx. of which I bought 4 of at that point, lol.

Man, good times... :*(

But yeah, the Sauder one is as close as you'll get now with that, but they're way more expensive. Even the regular prices for the Mainstays one was just a few dollars over $10 each, which was still a great deal.

Le sigh. :*(
Dang! When you said they were cheap I didn’t think it would be $8-10 cheap. I wish I would have know about that, but sometimes you miss out. I’ll just have to keep an eye out for something similar and that’s cheap.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it!
Dang! When you said they were cheap I didn’t think it would be $8-10 cheap. I wish I would have know about that, but sometimes you miss out. I’ll just have to keep an eye out for something similar and that’s cheap.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it!

Also, glad to see you're able to post.

Yeah, it’s nice to be able to post. I think I had to wait 48 hours after creating my account.

I checked that brickseek link and sadly no stores had them near me. Thanks for posting though, Mitch
This one seems pretty nice too,

and looks like they'll ship to home, or at least it shows for me.

Only on sale for the next 37 minutes or so though, so not much time to think about it. XD

Definitely the cheapest out of anywhere though, if that helps.

This one seems pretty nice too,

and looks like they'll ship to home, or at least it shows for me.

Only on sale for the next 37 minutes or so though, so not much time to think about it. XD

Definitely the cheapest out of anywhere though, if that helps.
I think I’m going to go ahead and wait on it. I do appreciate you looking and posting the deal though.

I think I’m going to keep an eye out for something like this on Craigslist and the Facebook Marketplace. Who knows maybe the one you posted will go on clearance at Target sometime in the future.
I guess you are not a gamer! Only PS4 & Vita released for this game. X1 is a mistaked. Also, amazon is price match right now. Good luck :)
I know, I'm fucking around. I pre-ordered both for Vita, played through MoD, and am 18 hours into MoT, so don'tont you question my credentials. Good day to you Sir.
bread's done