PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


293 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I use Atlantic Oskars for my 150+ Vita games. They work really well, and the shelf height is adjustable; makes it easy to put multiple consoles' games on the same shelf unit.:
Unfortunately my Oskar (the original model) is already occupied by other games, and even have power ups on top of it. ;D


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Unfortunately my Oskar (the original model) is already occupied by other games, and even have power ups on top of it. ;D
I thought I have a crazy collection of anime/japanese games. But yours is awesome! I also collect chinese subtitled japanese games that do not have English translations (like xbox 360 memories off). I love playing visual novels in chinese subtitles. I like to read in kanji.
Unfortunately my Oskar (the original model) is already occupied by other games, and even have power ups on top of it. ;D
I just meant that it's a still-in-production alternative to the shelves you'd mentioned earlier.

Phenomenal collection, by the way! I'm a big handheld fan myself, and I'm practically drooling at that haha

I just meant that it's a still-in-production alternative to the shelves you'd mentioned earlier.

Phenomenal collection, by the way! I'm a big handheld fan myself, and I'm practically drooling at that haha
Oh true.

I didn't mean anything by my comment neither, just thought I'd relate since we share the Oskars. ;D

The only downside is that they're kind of expensive, but still, good shelf. I just wish the new ones didn't have the shallower shelf boards. Drives me nuts. :*(

Also, thanks! ^___^

Unfortunately my Oskar (the original model) is already occupied by other games, and even have power ups on top of it. ;D
Weird to see those GBA games in DS cases. Did you get into the GBA after the fact and have to buy cart only or is there a box of the original Cardboard boxes somewhere else? I love having my old GB/GBC/GBA games in their cardboard, though the DS cases definitely take up less space on a shelf and look nice.

+1 for too many anime to list, but special shoutout for DNA^2.

Also, I'm just gonna ask. Can I have some money?


Weird to see those GBA games in DS cases. Did you get into the GBA after the fact and have to buy cart only or is there a box of the original Cardboard boxes somewhere else? I love having my old GB/GBC/GBA games in their cardboard, though the DS cases definitely take up less space on a shelf and look nice.
Some of those have boxes, but a lot of them don't because as you've noted, I did get in a bit late.

However, unless the GBA box was sealed, I basically just folded them up and pop the GBA games into the customer boxes more for a sense of a symmetric look on the shelf, and also, they save so much more space comparatively. XD

But yeah, a bit of both, for looks of how it fits in with DS games, and to save space. XD

Was trying to clear my GS credit, new games came in sealed as LE and preowned came in complete. Lucky!

*Focus on waifus is deliberate, because they are the main thing I wanted, rest of the games rode along just so that I can justify the $5.XX shipping, which eventually got bumped to $7.XX, but whatever, Gamestop gotta Gamestop. I generally don't harbor the hate that most do here against Gamestop, but now that they rarely carry exclusive Vita games, and got rid of the Vita section for most stores I frequent, I feel my credit will probably sit there for years. 

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Who has played Psycho Pass: MH and enjoyed it? I am generally a fan of the anime. Started playing since it was free on PS Plus, just wondering others' thoughts, especially fans of other visual novels.

Finished Drive Girls, started Mary Skelter since I just got it for $30 from GS.

Sometimes you just crave for non-stop waifus. But so far, disappointed in the waifuness in Mary Skelter. I don't get a girls licking girl's blood CG ten minutes into the game? lame.

I'd show a picture of my collection; but it would be a photo of Odin Sphere lying on my couch, a couple games in a stack near the TV, some on top of some 3ds games, and inside a storage container, and in a stand near the desk, and...
Since we're all showing Vita games! My collection is 'complete' (for what I want) save for games that are not yet released. I prefer better FPS/Resolution in many cases, so many of the games that one would expect me to have are sitting on my PS4 shelf, instead ;). There are also several LRG/PA titles that I have not yet received in the mail. Picture is 4k, so you should be able to zoom in and read the spine of each title.

(And ignore the 3ds games. Probably blasphemy in here, but that's where the sets intersect on the shelf haha.)

Tapatalk compressed it quite a bit, so here's the raw photo, too.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8 using Tapatalk

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Damn was going to post by collection but its not nearly as good as everyone else so I will just go back into the shadows and feel bad :whistle2: 

Damn was going to post by collection but its not nearly as good as everyone else so I will just go back into the shadows and feel bad :whistle2:
Do it. I’m 3 games away from complete US right now and like to see all the collections. Squares’s novel collection alone destroys everyone’s
Damn was going to post by collection but its not nearly as good as everyone else so I will just go back into the shadows and feel bad :whistle2:
You definitely should post it. I like seeing people's collections because it shows their taste and what they value and are into. (Unless you buy every game, buy things just because they're limited, etc. That breaks that whole thought process lol).

Since we're all showing Vita games! My collection is 'complete' (for what I want) save for games that are not yet released. I prefer better FPS/Resolution in many cases, so many of the games that one would expect me to have are sitting on my PS4 shelf, instead ;). There are also several LRG/PA titles that I have not yet received in the mail. Picture is 4k, so you should be able to zoom in and read the spine of each title.

(And ignore the 3ds games. Probably blasphemy in here, but that's where the sets intersect on the shelf haha.)

Tapatalk compressed it quite a bit, so here's the raw photo, too.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8 using Tapatalk
Thanks for posting, now I have to track down a copy of Atelier Shallie. Also, if you've played through them, which Demon Gaze did you like better?
Thanks for posting, now I have to track down a copy of Atelier Shallie. Also, if you've played through them, which Demon Gaze did you like better?
The Atelier vita games can be quite spendy. I didn't even realize that Escha & Logy Plus got a physical release--since that was the first one that did in NA--so that was tons of fun to go pay eBay prices for a year after the fact... lol.

I have not actually touched Demon Gaze 2 yet. I'm very iffy on first person dungeon crawlers, but I liked the first one a lot. I think it has a lot going for it to keep it interesting and user friendly. That difficulty is still a PitA, though haha.

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Not the greatest picture or collection (actually been collecting for less then a year now) but thought it would be nice to share (ignore the non Vitas)...[attachment=29463:52D1BDD6-6B45-488E-BBBD-11E946414E4B.jpeg]
This thread makes me want to post my vita collections as well. I mostly collect japanese visual novels (my favorite genre) and RPGs. Gotta make it presentable first though.
All of LRG's Round 1 quantities of Home and Factotum 90 have sold out at this time. Took under eight minutes for Factotum 90 to sell out, not sure how many minutes it took for Home to sell out as I was away from my computer when that happened.

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It doesn't look impressive but that's actually 77 games of the 78 in my collection. They are so tiny!  My copy of Ninja Gaiden Sigma+ isn't shown.  Also not counted are my kickstarter Muv-Luv games which hopefully will start shipping next month.   74 of my games are regular US retail games that actually appeared in stores, two are LRG games (Breach&Clear, Dragon Fantasy TBTOI), there's Shovel Knight in there, and the last oddball is a japanese import (AirshipQ).  No duplicates.   When the entire retail vita library was about 125 games deep for the USA, it seems liked it might be fun to just go ahead for a full set and I was already over the half way point.  I'm glad I gave up that dream as that would have meant buying a bunch of games (like the lego stuff) I know I wouldn't play.  As is, I think the only games I own that I normally wouldn't have bought are Breach & Clear and MLB14.  MLB14 was just dang cheap and I do sometimes enjoy a baseball game... and B&C was to show my support for the dream LRG was selling.  I plan to pair all of this down this year... but I need to play more to determine what I want to keep and what I don't care as much about owning physically.

It doesn't look impressive but that's actually 77 games of the 78 in my collection.
I know what you mean. I have so many Vita games, but it doesn't feel like I have that many since the cases aren't only thinner, but also not as deep as regular cases.

I mean, it'd probably fit better now if they were propped up next to Switch games, but that's about it. XD

I plan to pair all of this down this year... but I need to play more to determine what I want to keep and what I don't care as much about owning physically.

Sold... :beer:

Now I'm glad I opted out of buying it at launch. Saved $15. This is a pretty great game. Thanks.

If only I could just focus on the Vita for a couple months it would help make pairing down easier.  Right now I'm playing Shenmue 2 on the original Xbox.... and Cytus 2 on my iphone... so probably not making any progress this month.

Finished Drive Girls, started Mary Skelter since I just got it for $30 from GS.

Sometimes you just crave for non-stop waifus. But so far, disappointed in the waifuness in Mary Skelter. I don't get a girls licking girl's blood CG ten minutes into the game? lame.
Mary Skelter has some great waifus! That's the best part of the game, actually.

bread's done