(NOTE: these are for redemption in the USA/Canada PSN)
Black Rock Shooter (PSP/Vita - looking for $16 paypal)
Disgaea 2 (PSN classic game - looking for $5 paypal)
RC Motorstorm Complete Pack (with all DLCs for both PSN and Vita - looking for $4.50 paypal)
Dance Magic (PSN Move - looking for $6 paypal)
Little Big Planet Vita DLC for Bioshock costume (looking for $4 paypal)
Dr. Who: The Eternity Clock (looking for $5 paypal)
Wicked Monsters Blast (looking for $5 paypal)
(NOTE: the one below is for Europe PSN)
Voodoo Chronicles: The First Sign (looking for $5 paypal)
I am willing to bundle my psn/vita codes for the following
USA 3DS Card codes
USA or Canadian PSN Card codes
USA 3DS card codes
paypal, amazon credit, and/or MSP (for USA Xbox Live)
other possible offers as long as they are reasonable (but no game shares, or online passes because I think they are garbage!)