Codes that have been traded
Velocity Ultra
Final Fantasy III (Psp)
La Pucellle Tactics (PS2)
DeadSpace Ignition
Wheels of Destruction
Rainbow moon
Final Fantasy VI
Ikari Warriors x2
Sonic CD
Dead Rising 2 Off the record (full retail code)
FFXIII-2 Omega
FFXIII-2 Noel Space Time Outfit
FFXIII-2 Lightning Amodar battle
FFXIII-2 Ultros Battle
FFXIII-2 Genji Bow x3
Mighty Flip Champs DX (Mini)
FFXIII-2 Serah's Summoner Outfit
Marvel Pinball Vengence and Virtue
Tekken Tag PS Home items/avatars
Worms Crazy Golf
Final Fantasy Tactics
Yggdra Union
Subway Nathan Drake Skin
Toki Tori (EU)

Subway Custom Weapon
Burnout Crash x2
COD BlackOPS Escalation PS3 DLC code x2
Alien Zombie Mega Death
Limbo x3
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
COD BlackOPS Annihilation PS3 DLC
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012
Yakiniku Bugyou psx import
Rapid Angel Psx Import
Black Op first strike map pack
Medal of Honor Preorder code
LocoRoco 2 x2
Blacklight: Tango Down x2
Coconut Dodge (mini)
Uncharted 2 DLC: Siege Expansion Pack
Transformers: War for Cybertron DLC map/char pack 1
Transformers: War for Cybertron DLC map/char pack 2