NOTE: Everything listed below is a PSN code

UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception Game of The Year Digital Edition (The Game of The Year Digital Edition includes all of the original UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception components as well as Flashback Map Pack #1, Flashback Map Pack #2, Drake’s Deception Map Pack, Fort Co-Op Adventure, Co-Op Shade Survival Mode, and over 40 additional Multiplayer Skins)

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Saints Row IV

The Last Of Us Reclaimed Territories Map Pack (do NOT buy if you have the Season Pass)

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut

Star Wars Pinball Pack (Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett, and The Clone Wars)
Furmins (PS Vita)


Rock Band Blitz

BreakQuest: Extra Evolution (PS3/PSP/PS Vita)


Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand
Crash Bandicoot (PS3/PS Vita/PS1)
StarDrone Extreme (PS3/PS Vita)

Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection

Tiger Woods '12 online pass

Uncharted 2 GOTY content voucher
Want (in order from most to least):
$$ PSN code
Battlefield 3 Premium (Origin) (I already have the base game)
Destiny Season Pass (PS4)
Watch Dogs Season Pass (PS4)
Amazon.com code

Okami HD

Uncharted 3 Game of the Year Edition Extras Voucher

Resistance 3

Guitar Hero World Tour import code
Far Cry (I already have Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition)
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition and Shadow Warrior Classic Redux from Humble Bundle
Don't want:
static or dynamic themes, avatars
I will gladly trade Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection or Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand ($15) for
God of War III Kratos Skin: Dominus & Challenge of Exile Arena DLC ($2.99) and God Of War 3 Kratos Skins:
Phantom of Chaos, and
Forgotten Warrior DLC ($0.99 each) (total $5.96).
PSN games and DLC can be purchased on GameStop.com or Amazon.com