I do not use amazon due to not using a credit to debit card so the cards areuseless to me. Lol That's why or I would.
um if you have an amazon card you can just redeem for a psn card on amazon using your amazon money so I don't understand your argument I do it all of the time

um if you have an amazon card you can just redeem for a psn card on amazon using your amazon money so I don't understand your argument I do it all of the time
Seriously? Lol Last time I tried adding amazon to my account to make a purchase, I could have sworn it still needed a debit or credit card number. But maybe I did something wrong. That would definitely be more convenient than trying to find traders on here to swap as I have in the past. Thanks for the info though, I'll try it again then. Much appreciated!
Seriously? Lol Last time I tried adding amazon to my account to make a purchase, I could have sworn it still needed a debit or credit card number. But maybe I did something wrong. That would definitely be more convenient than trying to find traders on here to swap as I have in the past. Thanks for the info though, I'll try it again then. Much appreciated!
Just to clarify what they are saying to you.

You want a PSN card, correct? Go on Amazon and using your funding choice (guessing debit/credit card or whatever) buy a $20 PSN card or $50 PSN card (or a $10) and check out. It'll take you to a page where you sign off on the TOS and then click a button and after you've paid you get the PSN code revealed and you can then use THAT on your PSN account.

EDIT: re-read your post. It may initially say that your funding will be via the debit card, however on your checkout page select gift card and enter in the card # and it should deduct from that, not your debit/credit card.

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Want: $20 US PSN

Looking to pay $18 for it (PayPal and I'd cover whichever fees).

I'd need it in the next few hours, before the current sale ends (which is in about 12 hours).

Well, I played the Hardline Beta and now I remember why I hate playing FPS online. I always get killed within 30 seconds of spawning without ever seeing a single enemy on the map. N00bs like me don't stand a chance without having played every COD released in the last 20 years for 24/7. LOL! :p


:ps3: Call of Duty: Ghosts Hardened Edition Bonus Digital Content [Player Patch, Player Card, and Player Background]

:ps3: Grand Theft Auto V: Atomic Blimp DLC


PSN Card


you can also send me some offers too


:ps3: CoD AW PS3 Day Zero DLC pack

:ps4: CoD AW PS4 Day Zero DLC pack

:ps3: Ducktales Remastered download code


Paypal offers

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NOTE: Everything listed below is a PSN code

:ps3: UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception Game of The Year Digital Edition (The Game of The Year Digital Edition includes all of the original UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception components as well as Flashback Map Pack #1, Flashback Map Pack #2, Drake’s Deception Map Pack, Fort Co-Op Adventure, Co-Op Shade Survival Mode, and over 40 additional Multiplayer Skins)

:ps3: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

:ps3: Saints Row IV

:ps3: The Last Of Us Reclaimed Territories Map Pack (do NOT buy if you have the Season Pass)

:ps3: Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut

:ps3: Star Wars Pinball Pack (Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett, and The Clone Wars)

Furmins (PS Vita)

:ps3: Storm
:ps3: Rock Band Blitz
:ps3: BreakQuest: Extra Evolution (PS3/PSP/PS Vita)
:ps3: Malicious
:ps3: Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand

Crash Bandicoot (PS3/PS Vita/PS1)
StarDrone Extreme (PS3/PS Vita)

:ps3: Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection

:ps3: Tiger Woods '12 online pass
:ps3: Uncharted 2 GOTY content voucher

Want (in order from most to least):

$$ PSN code

Battlefield 3 Premium (Origin) (I already have the base game)

Destiny Season Pass (PS4)

Watch Dogs Season Pass (PS4) code

:ps3: Okami HD
:ps3: Uncharted 3 Game of the Year Edition Extras Voucher

:ps3: Resistance 3
:ps3: Guitar Hero World Tour import code

Far Cry (I already have Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition)


Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition and Shadow Warrior Classic Redux from Humble Bundle

Don't want:

static or dynamic themes, avatars

I will gladly trade Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection or Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand ($15) for God of War III Kratos Skin: Dominus & Challenge of Exile Arena DLC ($2.99) and God Of War 3 Kratos Skins: Morpheus, Phantom of Chaos, and Forgotten Warrior DLC ($0.99 each) (total $5.96).

PSN games and DLC can be purchased on or

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Far Cry 4 preorder DLC from Best Buy (Butcher's machete) - $2.50

Dying Light preorder DLC from Best Buy (Secret Agent and Ninja outfits) - $7.50


Paypal or Amazon credit

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Looking to sell a voucher code from the 4 games pick 1 bundle.  

Paypal or Amazon.  First person to send me an offer within my range of letting it go.


Have: Nba 2k15 code (Ps4)

Want: Far cry 4 code (ps4)
Amazon credit
PSN credit
Ps4 game codes
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I need ps plus subscription codes preferably a year unless it's cheap, no trials as I'm allready a member. (need asap)

Also still looking for dying light ps4 full game (possibly two)

Have Paypal

PS4 games

Destiny season pass

Dying Light season pass


$20 PSN card


Assassin's Creed Unity Chemical Revolution Mission- $3 paypal

Hit me up, let me know what you have!

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All codes from the US

30-Day PS+ Trial - $3 *(only works for new members)*


Assassin's Creed Unity - Chemical Revolution Mission - $3

The Crew - 3 Cars (Mini Coop, BMW Z4, Dodge Ram) - $3

The Crew - 10,000 Bonus Crew Credits - $3

Destiny - Vanguard Armory - $3

The Evil Within - The Fighting Chance Pack - $3

Infamous: Second Son - Cole's Legacy - $3

LittleBigPlanet 3 - Day 1 Edition - 9 Bonus Character Costumes - $4

Lords of the Fallen - Demonic Weapons Pack DLC - $3

Lords of the Fallen - The Monk's Decipher DLC - $3

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Dark Ranger Pack (Playable Character Skin and 'Test of Power" Challenge Mode) - $3

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Blood Hunter Warband and Flesh Burner Warband Missions - $4

Murdered: Soul Suspect - Digital Strategy Map - $1

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected/Gat out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack and Plague of Frogs Pack - $4

Watch Dogs - Breakthrough Pack - $3


Batman: Arkham Origins - Deathstroke Challenge Pack - $1

Batman: Arkham Origins - Tim Drake Robin Skin - $3

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Shock Drop Slaughter Pit challenge map - $2

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - Online Pass - $2

The Darkness II LE dlc (2 unique character abilities - Gourmet Hearts and Relic Hunter / Alternate Darkling outfit) - $2
Darksiders II - Argul's Tomb - $2

Diablo III - Infernal Helm - $2

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z - Goku Naruto Uzumaki Sage Mode Costume - $2

Far Cry 4 - Hurk's Redemption (3 Exclusive Single-Player Missions) and The Impaler Harpoon Gun - $3
God of War: Ascension - Online Pass - $3
GTAV - Atomic Blimp - $1

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Music Album Download (from Ultimate Edition) - $2
L.A. Noire - The Consul's Car - $1

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Dark Ranger Pack (Playable Character Skin and 'Test of Power" Challenge Mode) - $3

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Blood Hunter Warband and Flesh Burner Warband Missions - $4
Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty - $3
Resistance 3 - Online Pass - $2

Saints Row The Third - Online Pass - $2
Saints Row IV - Online Pass - $3

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack - $3

South Park: The Stick of Truth - The Ultimate Fellowship Pack - $2
Tomb Raider - Shanty Town multiplayer map - $1

WWE 2K14 - Online Pass - $3

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KickBeat Special Edition 

Table Top Racing (PS Vita)

Adam's Venture Chronicles

Toki Tori

Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge


Wakeboarding HD

Planets Under Attack



PSN Credit (€/£/$)


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:ps4: Saints Row IV Gat Out of Hell - $10 PayPal please
:ps3: CoD AW PS3 Day Zero DLC pack
:ps4: CoD AW PS4 Day Zero DLC pack
:ps3: Ducktales Remastered download code

Paypal offers
Have - 

Trials Fusion Season Pass for PS4 -  $4.75 Paypal/Amazon Credit

Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty - $1.25 Paypal/Amazon Credit

Infamous Second Sun DLC - Cole's Legacy - $2.00 Paypal/Amazon Credit

Want - 


PSN Credit, Xbox Credit, eSHOP credit

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- PSN Plus 30 Day Trial (US)

- Paypal


- Advanced Warfare Season Pass (PS4)

- PSN Credit

Shoot me offer on what you have. 

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US codes:


COD:BO First Strike Map Pack

EU codes:

1 Month / 30 Day EU Playstation Plus Trial

ModNation™ Racers: Road Trip PS VITA


Paypal (concrete offers only please)


PSN Credit


Xbox Live Gold

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PS4 Resell
Driveclub us version

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor
Dragon Age Inquisition


$15 paypal for each game

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I have a code for Fat Princess for the PS3, I'm looking to trade it for a UV.

I'm looking for 

The Winter Soldier, Amazing Spider-man, TMNT(2014), or The Dark Knight

or movies similar to the ones above.

:ps4: Saints Row IV Gat Out of Hell - $10 PayPal please
:ps3: CoD AW PS3 Day Zero DLC pack
:ps4: CoD AW PS4 Day Zero DLC pack
:ps3: Ducktales Remastered download code

Paypal offers

bread's done