
1 Month PSN+ Trial (PS4/PS4) - $5.00 PayPal or Amazon GC

(a valid credit card must be file BEFORE you enter the 1 Month PSN+ Trial)

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (PS3) - $1.50 PayPal or Amazon GC

Toy Soliders Warchest "Legendary Heroes" DLC Pack (PS4 - includes GI Joe, Cobra, Assassin's Creed, and Masters of the Universe DLC) - $2.75 PayPal or Amazon GC

Trials Fusion Season Pass (PS4) - $1.75 PayPal or Amazon GC

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Have: Cammy Battle SFV Skin

MLB 15 The Show Vita

Google Wallet, Paypal, Etc.  

Want: Google Wallet or Paypal 

The Witness 

Dying Light Complete 

Just Cause 3

Uncharted Collection

Super Mario Maker

any one got a %20 off coupon for sale ? offering paypal . got a problem with my pp account so not buying for now .

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$10 psn credit ($8.5 each)
$20 psn credit ($17 each)
$50 psn credit ($42.5 each)
$100 psn credit ($82.5 each)

Google wallet

:ps4: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Season Pass - $20 Paypal please (firm)
Final Fantasy XV Episode Ducae demo code - $8 Paypal OBO
Call of Duty Black Ops full game download - $7 PayPal please OBO
Madden 16 Preorder Pack (includes 10 MUT Pro Packs + Playmaker Pack) - $5 please
Madden 16 Preorder Pack (includes 10 MUT Pro Packs + Playmaker Pack) - $5 please
FIFA 15 PS3 Ultimate Edition DLC code (40 gold packs + more)
CoD AW PS3 Day Zero DLC pack

Paypal offers:

All codes from the US


Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Darwin & Dickens Conspiracy Mission - $2

Assassin's Creed Unity - Chemical Revolution Mission - $2

Batman: Arkham Knight - 2 Exclusive Skins (Justice League 3000 Batman and Classic TV Series Batman) - $1

Batman: Arkham Knight - Scarecrow Nightmare Missions - $2

The Crew - 3 Cars (Mini Coop, BMW Z4, Dodge Ram) - $1

The Crew - 10,000 Bonus Crew Credits - $1

Destiny - Vanguard Armory - $1

The Evil Within - The Fighting Chance Pack - $1

Far Cry Primal - Legend of the Mammoth Missions - $3

Just Cause 3 - 3 Exclusive Weaponized Vehicles - $2

Lords of the Fallen - Demonic Weapons Pack DLC - $1

Lords of the Fallen - The Monk's Decipher DLC - $1

Mad Max - Ripper - $1

Mad Max - Road Warrior Pack - $1

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Day 1 dlc (ballistic shield/cardboard box/snake costume fatigues/mgo boost/adam-ska special) - $3

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Dark Ranger Pack (Playable Character Skin and 'Test of Power" Challenge Mode) - $1

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Blood Hunter Warband and Flesh Burner Warband Missions - $1

Murdered: Soul Suspect - Digital Strategy Map - $1

Rainbow Six Siege - Gold Weapons Skin Pack - $2

Toy Soldiers: War Chest - Legendary Heroes Pack - $3

Watch Dogs - Breakthrough Pack - $3


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Shock Drop Slaughter Pit challenge map - $1

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - Online Pass - $1

The Darkness II LE dlc (2 unique character abilities - Gourmet Hearts and Relic Hunter / Alternate Darkling outfit) - $1
Darksiders II - Argul's Tomb - $1

Destiny - Vanguard Armory - $1

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z - Goku Naruto Uzumaki Sage Mode Costume - $1

Far Cry 4 - Hurk's Redemption (3 Exclusive Single-Player Missions) and The Impaler Harpoon Gun - $1
God of War: Ascension - Online Pass - $2
GTAV - Atomic Blimp - $1

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Music Album Download (from Ultimate Edition) - $1
L.A. Noire - The Consul's Car - $1

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Dark Ranger Pack (Playable Character Skin and 'Test of Power" Challenge Mode) - $1

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Blood Hunter Warband and Flesh Burner Warband Missions - $1
Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty - $2
Resistance 3 - Online Pass - $1

Saints Row The Third - Online Pass - $2
Saints Row IV - Online Pass - $2

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack - $1

Tomb Raider - Shanty Town multiplayer map - $1

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Call of Duty Black Ops full game download - $7 PayPal please OBO

Paypal offers:
Just a heads up two other people are also selling the PS3 BO1 one for $2 and one for $1.50. If you really want the game sold you are gonna have to play hard ball with them.

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Have for PS4:

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition (US) -SOLD-

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 - Deluxe Edition (UK code, open to offers)



PSN US Codes

Playstation Plus US codes


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🎲 Have:

-Wolfenstein The Old Blood (PS4) Digital Code


-30 Day EA Access Pass Code (Works On Xbox One/Xbox 360 Only)

-Halo Reach (Xbox One/Xbox 360) Digital Code

-I will also throw in Gears Of War 1 (Xbox One/Xbox 360) Digital Code Free With The Transaction

🎯 Want:

20% Off PlayStation Discount Codes
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Rainbow six siege season pass $ sold
Trials fusion season pass $ 4.00
Batman arkham knight: Harley Quinn , scarecrow , 52 skins , and the ps exclusive skins $ 2
Batman arkham knight: scarecrow $ .50
Batman arkham knight: ps exclusive skin. $ .50
Batman arkham knight: Harley Quinn. $ .50
Batman arkham knight: Scare crow + Harley Quinn + ps exclusive all on 1 code. $ 1
Mad max: road warrior pack + ripper dlc $ .50
Metal gear solid phantom pain day one dlc $ sold
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 nuketown bonus map $ 1.00
Evil Within fighting chance pack dlc $ $ 2.00

PayPal or Amazon
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[SIZE=12pt]I have :[/SIZE]

- Wondershot (PS4 - US) : 10$

- Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (PS4 - US) : 32$

- Infinifactory (PS4 - US) : 10$

- Yasai Ninja (PS4 - US) : 8$

- Superbeat XONIC (PSVita - US) : 18$

[SIZE=12pt]- Alien Shooter (PSVita – US) : 2$[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- Velocibox (cross-buy PS4-PSVita - US) : 3$[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey (PS4 – US) : 3$[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I want :[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- Paypal [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- Digital PS4 or PSVita game offers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- Fallout 4 PS4 code[/SIZE]

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Batman: Arkham Knight + Season Pass (PS4)

3 Months PS+ 

Lego the Movie (VITA)

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time (VITA)


Drake Collection Digital

PS Credit$

Digital offers (PS4 and/or Vita) or Paypal.

No DLC except for black ops 3.

bread's done