Good to hear people are having some luck with Paypal. I got a email from PP this morning asking for clarification on what was purchased, even though I explained it to them multiple times. At any rate I sent them this thread and screenshots of my PMs showing we agreed to the transaction. Still waiting to hear how they decide. Funny enough I just got a payment request from aroxd022 for $40 saying "Pay me". LOL
He just sent me a payment request also. He's trying to save face. Or PayPal seiged his funds.

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Be extra careful with any new members that show up. You know he'll be back under a different name.
I dealt with this a few years ago. this bitch on here was supposedly selling limited edition God of War PS3 controllers. I got 2 members from a collector site to go in with me and we bought 3. They were both from the UK. They Paypal'd me their money, and I sent him half. The deal was that I would send him half now and the other half when I received the controllers. The garbage scammed me and I had to pay back those people, and it made me look bad. I'd love to find out who that shit was.

For large payments, anything $30 and up, never send friends and family. I don't care how much feedback they have and how trusted they are, never ever send that way. Pay the little bit of extra that it may cost, it's better than risking losing more.

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I do not accept paypal. I accept Amazon Credit or see bottom for other interests for trades. I am flexible on prices.


PS4 Season Passes
Assassins Creed Syndicate Season Pass (from Gold Edition)-$10 or fair offer

PS3 Games
Call of Duty Black Ops---1.25 or make offer

Dishonored 2 Imperial Assassin's Pack---$1
Homefront Revolution Revolutionary Spirit Pack---$1
Trials Fusion Season pass (includes first 6 dlc packs)---$1

Amazon GC
PS4 offers (credit, games)
UV offers or vudu credits
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H : Tons of Full Digital Games and DLC (list has been updated, Added Resident Evil 7, Dragonball Xenoverse 2, Guilty Gear Revelator, Street Fighter V and tons of dlc like Dishonored 2 day one assassins pack dlc and Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Day One DLC8


Full Games Digital Downloads / Add On Expansions / Ect.


* Resident Evil 7 Full Game Download - PS4 *$50*

* Street Fighter V full Game Download - PS4 or PC Available *$20*

* Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Full Game Download - PS4 *25*

* Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator Full Game Download - PS4 *$20*

* Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Full Game Download - PS4 *$40*

* Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid VR Missions - PS3 *$8*

* Minecraft - PS Vita / PS3 *$10*

* Saints Row : Gat out of Hell - PS4 *$6*

* Sly Cooper 3 HD Remaster - PS Vita *$6*

* Mighty No. 9 Full digital game (plus exclusive dlc, retro beck character and Ray character missions) - PS3 *$10* (sold out)


DLC Add-On Content


* Dishonored 2 Imperial Assassins Pack DLC - PS4 - $5

*Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Day One DLC (Goku Black and Tao Stick Vehicle) - PS4 *$15*

*Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Terminal Bonus Map DLC (Also comes with Alien Mixtape Camo, Octonian blaster player card and fate and fortune card pack) - PS4 *$3*

* Saints Row gat out of hell exclusive plague of frogs / devils workshop pack dlc - PS4 *$3*

* Fifa 17 Deluxe Bonus dlc content : 20 Fifa Ultimate Team Jumbo Premium Gold Packs (One delivered every week for over 20 weeks), 3 Match Team of the Week FUT Loan Players (Up to 1 per week for over 20 weeks), 8 Match FUT Loan Player and Special Edition FUT Kits - PS4 *$10*

* Overwatch Origins Edition digital goodies DLC, Skins and extra blizzard game bonuses - PS4/PC ( code) *$10*

*Overwatch Widowmaker Noire Pre-Order Skin DLC - PS4 *sold out*

* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Mutants in Manhattan Rock N Roll Exclusive Costumes Pre-Order DLC - PS3/PS4 *$7$

* Doom Demon Multiplayer Pack DLC - PS4 *$3*

*Uncharted 4 Libertalia Collector's Edition Exclusive DLC Pack - PS4 *$20* 
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Have PS4 codes for:
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5

$15 Amazon GC each or $40 Amazon GC for all three games bundled together


Have PS4 Code for:
Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition

$29 Amazon GC
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Easy way: next time pay $1.50 extra for Buyers Protection program (money request or seller's invoice). I'll never again send more than $5 F&F, with exception of my regular providers.
Buyers Protection program does not cover sellers at all, that put sellers 100% vulnerable to scammers

Last month Dec I sold an xbox 12-month code to someone, but few days later he filed me a "item not described" PP case .
I checked the code was fine and I asked him to explain, also uploaded screenshot to PP too, including the code card, chat dialog .. etc .
He ignored me and uploaded a screenshot showing his account has no membership added (silver status), and asked PP to finalize the case and got refunded.

Few hours after the case closed I checked xbox again and the code shown redeemed !!!
and he doesn't bother to message back until today !

PayPal says nothing they can judge over a digital code, What can I do now ????

I would have posted all his info here if it isn't allowed to, he used a verified PP account.

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wait, are you sure?

Say when you input the code on PSN website, it either shows the code status or says " invalid or redeemed " , right?
Yes, I'm sure. First step: the system shows for what the code is, or shows as redeemed. Second step, if the code is not redeemed and the code is not activated by the retailer, you will receive an error on redeem "invalid or expired".

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H: RE:7 PS4 DLC Codes (In game content and RE: Retribution VUDU code)

     Strider PS4 Code

     Mega Man 9&10 PS3 Code

     Remember Me PS3 Code

W: Paypal/Steam/XBL/PSN key trades/credit


Doom + Season Pass
(Single code includes base game and season pass)

Destiny - The Collection
(Single code includes base game with all DLC, Iron Gjallarhorn Rocket Launcher, and Iron Gjallarwing Sparrow)



Send PM if interested. I will try to reply within 24 hours.


Destiny code is sold.

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Feist $5 Amazon 

Hand of Fate $10 Amazon

DriveDriveDrive EU $5 Amazon

#KillAllZombies Vita  Just trade

Supermagical VIta  $3 Amazon


Looking for PSN Digital games

Or Amazon US. 


Other PSN Games

Have PS4 codes for:
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5

$15 Amazon GC each or $40 Amazon GC for all three games bundled together


Have PS4 Code for:
Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition

$28 Amazon GC
Arkham knight playstation exclusive skins and harley quinn story pack $4
Shadow of mordor dark ranger pack and playstation exclusive missions $3
Lords of fallen demonic weapons and monks decipher $3
Ps3 diablo 3 infernal helm $1
Ps3 arkham origins deathstroke pack $1

1 month PS Plus trial codes

They will only work on new accounts that never had plus before. You can setup a new account, redeem the code and then set the account to primary to gain cheap 1 month ps plus on your main. No credit card required for redemption.


$2 paypal

Battlefield 1 Early Enlister Edition Code (DLC) - $8 Paypal\AMZ (open to offers as well)

Battlefield 1 Early Enlister Deluxe Edition includes the Red Baron Pack and the Lawrence of Arabia Pack - containing themed weapons, vehicles and items. Plus five Battlepacks containing combinations of items. Also exchanges the visual appearance on three of the largest vehicles in the game.

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Have: Gears of War, Gears of War 3 and Gears of War Judgment $2 each

Want: Paypal, Xbox or PSN credit.

Or trade for PSN digital games.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
bread's done