[quote name='TctclMvPhase']
Siliconera just posted that Sony has finally announced the Japan and other Asian "Welcome Back" programs. Bother areas get a similar choose two from each list.
Japan will have:
The Last Guy
Loco Roco Cocoreccho!
Wipeout HD
Hustler King
What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord?!
Loco Roco: Midnight Carnival
Everybody's Stress Buster
Patapon 2
1 Free Month of PS Plus and 1 Free Month of Toro Station
What looks to be the rest of the Asia region will have:
The Last Guy (Chinese/English Version)
Come on, LocoRoco!! BuuBuu Cocoreccho (Chinese/English Version)
Trashbox (Chinese/English Version)
Hustle King (English Version)
WipEout HD Bundle (English Version)
Everybody’s Stress Buster (Chinese/English Version)
LittleBigPlanet (Chinese/English Version)
LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival (Chinese/English Version)
Modnation Racers (Chinese/English Version)
1 Free Month of PS Plus
Some Items for PS Home and a “Dokodemo Issyo Spring Theme”
Neither has had their PSN brought back up (PS HK's last post on the subject was the Hirai video from half a month ago), so theres no date on the store's return yet. However it does look like the PSN itself should start going up for Japan starting tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
damn and people were complaining about the eu/am welcome back offerings we deffinetly got better game options.