[quote name='Sparta Omni']I love how you say "grow up", yet here you are, on a public gaming forum, calling some random person an "a-hole", just because he's selling modded controllers.
Yeah, most people hate them, including myself, and they are known for ruining games online, but hey, guess what? Name calling isn't going to change a thing, so what's the point? To make yourself feel better? Try to scare him away?[/QUOTE]
Here's the thing... these kinds of devices are useful for
one thing: cheating in multiplayer games. That's it. And what they do, essentially (as you've seen people explain here), is that they
ruin those games. But you already know that, and seem to be fine with that...
More than that, sometimes people just need to be told things. i.e. This guy needed to be told that he was, and is, an asshole for trying to mod and sell controllers for this reason. And this isn't trolling... I'm not going into a thread where people are talking about wrestling games and calling them $$$$$$s because I hate wrestling and think it's little more than an excuse for guys to watch other guys roll around with each other. See, that would be trolling. What I'm doing is setting a
ing boundary for, as you stated, a "public gaming forum" in which I'm sure that most of the people here have the same opinion that you and I share, which is that these kind of modifications are
ing lame as hell and should not exist.
You see, I know how nice a sentiment the old adage of "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is, but that has a time and place. In this case, it did not apply because the poster was already offending me... and not on some kind of unquantifiable opinion-level, but on a
ing moral level. He was asking for the means to implement and profit off of the ruining of an experience that this board is fundamentally built upon: playing
ing video games for the shear enjoyment of the passtime.