Ok, I'm new to the collectable aspect of video games. I'm sure most of the folks in this forum are aware of the Fatal Frame 2&3, Nocturne, and Digital Devil Saga 1 reprints that are now available. Is there any point in keeping a reprint sealed? Is the collectable market smart enough to assign one value to an original print and some lower value to a reprint? Or, is there no real way to distinguish the difference? I just see some ridiculous prices for the games I mention above on Ebay or Amazon, and I'm guessing the sellers are just hoping that some buyers are unaware of the reprint. I just don't see how a used, abused original print of Nocturne costs over $100 on Amazon, when I can get a perfect reprint for under $50 from Gamestop or Play-Asia.
I'm guessing the video game collectable market is rife for abuse, but any thoughts on whether a perfect reprint is worth the same as an original copy would be appreciated.........
I'm guessing the video game collectable market is rife for abuse, but any thoughts on whether a perfect reprint is worth the same as an original copy would be appreciated.........