[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Unfortunately, that's how ALOT of games(GTA games seemed to start it though, I think)seem to pad their completion hour numbers to say that they have a ton of stuff to do.
I liked the swimming in San Andreas to collect the hidden items at the bottom of the ocean, since they were challenging, but many of these seem to just be fluff side missions and quit tiresome and boring after a while.
So I started making up my own mini games, like seeing if I can get my horse to crush me when it comes flying over the side of the canyon when I whistle for it at the bottom.
Yes. It's sadistic, but do you know how many times one of my horses has ran past me when I was on the walls of the canyon and trotted to its death?

Thats what I did yesterday. I was hunting elk near tall trees and decided to climb to the highest snow peak I could find then I decided to fling myself over the side over and over again (there is a challenge for that..fall to your death 25x). Sometimes with my horse. Gawd, I miss San Andreas.
The bears in this game are genuinely scary. I though cougars were bad. Sheesh. I was looking for elk and someone on gamefaqs mentioned that he saw a lot near the Bearclaw Camp. So I head over there. Needless to say, there's a reason its called bearclaw camp. I think I hightailed it out of there with 5 bears chasing me.
You just seemed to be really enjoying Free Roam so I though I was missing some other things to do. I guess I'm not alone. They definitely have the carrot on a stick/WoW system in place to gain levels, earn skins and mounts. Its the only reason to keep going.