[quote name='gutter2d']One thing that looked really dumb in this game was the method of throwing grenades touching the screen with your fingers. I don't have a Vita yet, but I have a PSP and I definitely wouldn't be happy with fingerprints all over my screen. Does anyone know if you can map the grenade throwing to a button?[/QUOTE]
I've now played through this game and I can tell you that you cannot map grenades. It sucks because mostof the time when you feel like lobbing one you are being swarmed. Unless you have humongous hands or hold the vita awkwardly you will hardly ever hit what you want to. Add if you use: your right hand you are no longer ducking or firing and if you use your left you are standing still (sitting duck).
The graphics are subpar when compared to Uncharted or Wipeout, colors look washed out. The guns sound like snare drums. The plot and subplot made little sense. Minibosses are hardly any fun to fight. Multiplayer leaves a lot to be desired, IF you can get into a match.
The final boss and voice acting are pretty great though, I'll give them that much. Everything else is average at best.
I've played and beaten 1, 2, 3, and Retribution. This game ranks at the bottom. Retribution had a great story and characters, add the infected mode and Cross Controller support, it blows this game away.
I would recommend it for $15 or less.