(RIP) Offical Disney Movie Rewards Code Thread

I'm finally able to sit down and submit some movie tickets on DMR, but it looks like all they offer now is to submit tickets for Thor Ragnarok?  Am I using the website wrong, or did they remove all other recent movies from the list?

I'm finally able to sit down and submit some movie tickets on DMR, but it looks like all they offer now is to submit tickets for Thor Ragnarok? Am I using the website wrong, or did they remove all other recent movies from the list?
It seems like it

Also the Blu rays that were removed a few days ago were put back. They took the old pictures of the rewards out and swapped them with new ones not showing the slip covers but that's it it seems. More Christmas Blu rays were added too
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Heads up, there's a few items on sale right now. Most or all seems to be old stock that was pulled and brought back. Also seems limited mostly to apparel (Hulkbuster shirt, BB-8 shirt, Star Wars hoodie) and collectibles (a few of those Traditions by Jim Shore). There's also a Santa Mickey plush and some Frozen TV trays. Almost everything is 20-25% off.

Notable deep discount deal is the Tink Memento Box which is 680 instead of 1375.

No DVDs/Blus that I saw.

Check your points, mine were expiring end of month, luckily I turned in some tickets from Star Wars LJ movie or I probably wouldn't have noticed, grabbed a blu ray with it.

Points expire on an individual account after 210 consecutive days of inactivity so there is no one set time for everyone’s points to expire. As long as you log in to redeem points, order items, take part in the trivia, etc. you are good.
Points expire on an individual account after 210 consecutive days of inactivity so there is no one set time for everyone’s points to expire. As long as you log in to redeem points, order items, take part in the trivia, etc. you are good.
good to know, thanks.

Points expire on an individual account after 210 consecutive days of inactivity so there is no one set time for everyone’s points to expire. As long as you log in to redeem points, order items, take part in the trivia, etc. you are good.
I think merely logging in counts as activity.

Plus you get 10 points  a month through trivia. That's 120 a year. Not much, but extra points are extra points. Trivia is rather short as well. Not even 5 minutes.

Where does the trivia stuff show up?  People keep mentioning codes for points and other ways to earn small slivers of points but I never get any notice about them, even though I receive e-mails from Disney all the time.

Where does the trivia stuff show up? People keep mentioning codes for points and other ways to earn small slivers of points but I never get any notice about them, even though I receive e-mails from Disney all the time.
It's under the "Earn Points" tab. Clicking on it eventually leads to the game on-site.

I have codes for pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 on dvd. Will trade both for any 1 dvd code I don't have.
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I'm finally able to sit down and submit some movie tickets on DMR, but it looks like all they offer now is to submit tickets for Thor Ragnarok? Am I using the website wrong, or did they remove all other recent movies from the list?
I did Thor today and Last Jedi a week ago, both worked fine.

But that's because they showed up in the drop-down list right? Were there any other older movies in the list?
Coco, Thor, and Star Wars (each with standard and 3-D versions) are all that are available right now under submit tickets. Black Panther, despite not being out yet, is shown under the direct online ticket purchase. I don't know how that works: whether they award the points upon advance purchase, or wait for the release date/ticket redemption to get them to you.

I have over 1800 points but nothing to use them on that I want sadly. I’m thunking of waiting a few months till coco is on DMR so I can use them. I just have to make sure my points don’t get taken away
I have over 1800 points but nothing to use them on that I want sadly. I’m thunking of waiting a few months till coco is on DMR so I can use them. I just have to make sure my points don’t get taken away
Log in every 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. Take the Trivia Challenge. You'll gain 5 points each time, and guarantee your account's still active. Then you're points stay safe and increasing.

I have yet to receive a monthly newsletter so I am pretty happy they decided to offer the trivia on the website for free points.

Jommy said:
Does that trick where you redeem on Amazon first still work to get double points from a code?
Nope they killed it with the switch over to movies anywhere. You no longer get points for digital purchases.
Just a heads up, we only have until the 28th to switch over to movies anywhere. I never did disney movies anywhere and although I have over 20 titles, only 2 show up in 'movies anywhere'. I assume the only ones that work are ones that are bluray/DVD/digital copy versions? I could have sworn we used to be able to watch disney movies for any code we entered on DMR.

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You would probably have luck in the digital code b/s/t thread on these boards or if you go to the Blu-ray.com forums there is a thread specific to b/s/t Disney codes
Anyone guess how long it would take for coco to be on DMR ? Once I use my points on that I think I will be done with this program as the only things that interest me on there is the Pixar stuff and I already have the rest of their films
Hard to say. I don’t think two years but probably at least a year. Seems they may take back any overstock from stores and offer those through DMR. The Force Awakens was released on blu in April 2016 but not offered on DMR until the latter half of last year.
was the movie club topic deleted?

anyways, sorry if i bring that up, but it seems they may have changed their enrollment selection process. This was like my 5th time enrolling with the club. Used one of the promo codes that let you do 5 for $1 and then only 3 commitments. This offer also lets you bick a 6th title for $11.95 that counts as one of your 3 and then a 7th movie for $8.95.

anyways.......... the layout when enrolling seems different now and it doesnt let you add your 6th and 7th title till you checkout. And when you do that it gives you a selection of like 20 titles only for the 6th and 7th movie. Was a little disappointed as it seems theres no way to cancel your order once you get to the stage on if you want to add a 6th and 7th title as it gives you a timer to pick your 6th and 7th title and if you dont then you just get charged $1 for the 5 titles. I ended up getting Beauty and the Beast live action, Cars 3, The Good Dinosaur, Pirates Dead Men Tell No Tales, and Disneynature Born In China as my initial five titles. Was going to pick two other disneynature or some muppets movies as my 6th and 7th title..................but they werent part of the select titles they offered for the 6th and 7th, so just got Hocus Pocus as a 6th and just decided against a 7th since i already owned like 80% of the titles.

if this is going to be how the enrollment process is from now on Ill probbaly stop enrolling. 

bread's done