unless you have credits with Amazon I think you should just grab it now.. who knew how long the deals last? tax would probably comes to $2.xx for most... maybe even below $2 to some..
[quote name='confoosious']thank you OP. Already told Amazon about it.[/QUOTE]
cool. will you get us updated? I have a friend that's eyeing on the PS3 version.
I know music games are dying, but RB is practically the only game I play most of the time now (have 3 other friends that are into it so that helps). I bought mine for $47 from ebay 1 week after launch and don't regret it one bit.
[quote name='mitch079']Amazon PMd the wii version so far.[/QUOTE]
I was debating about getting this but like a sign a linkin park 6 pack was announced which is a song pack I have been waiting for for a while now so I had to bite.
opted for shipping to my house for .97 since I would rather spend the extra buck then deal with site to store (at least my store always seems to screw it up or have no one back there)
you can call and ask... I'm suspecting this is online only since the link said not available in stores.
[quote name='secretvampire']Dumb question, are Walmart.com prices the same in-store? I need this today or else I'll wait, so the ship to store thing isn't going to work for me.[/QUOTE]
Do all the Rock Band packs work for this? Even the ones for previous versions of the game?
[quote name='secretvampire']Dumb question, are Walmart.com prices the same in-store? I need this today or else I'll wait, so the ship to store thing isn't going to work for me.[/QUOTE]
You may find your Walmart offering it for the same price but Walmart considers its site to be a separate entity and therefore does not pricematch it or offer the same price usually.
you need to export the songs first to your console. after that you can access the songs through rb3. all the songs will have pro drum mode, but the pro guitar and keyboard will only work with rb3 songs and dlcs after the release of rb3
[quote name='GenPirate']Do all the Rock Band packs work for this? Even the ones for previous versions of the game?
You may find your Walmart offering it for the same price but Walmart considers its site to be a separate entity and therefore does not pricematch it or offer the same price usually.[/QUOTE]
oh wow... I've been checking Amazon WD daily for this to get to about $35 or so. Had to bite at $30 with site to store. Hopefully this arrives at the same time as the 2 1600pt cards I ordered earlier!
[quote name='GenPirate']Do all the Rock Band packs work for this? Even the ones for previous versions of the game?[/QUOTE]
All DLC and all downloads from the retail Track Packs (Vol. 2, Metal, Classic, Country, AC/DC) will be available immediately in RB3 with no extra cost.
There are one-time export fees for tracks from RB1, RB2, and Lego RB. If you've previously bought the exports for RB1 and Lego RB for use in RB2, you do not need to pay again to use them in RB3.
Is it me or does Rock Band 3 do a really bad job of compelling you to play the game than the previous games did. All it really does is give you a list of goals and a handful of mini tours.
I thought it's better. I hate RB2's career mode and never ended up finishing it. In RB3 you can just play any mode and it will net you some kind of progress. Your 'career' is not locked to 1 mode only. Very nice and refreshing change.
[quote name='FadeToOne']Is it me or does Rock Band 3 do a really bad job of compelling you to play the game than the previous games did. All it really does is give you a list of goals and a handful of mini tours.[/QUOTE]
agreed. I was thinking of grabbing the keyboard as well, but then I watched the youtube videos. doesn't look very fun, so I decided not to get it. pro drum with an e-kit is good enough for me.
[quote name='oiskaio']Not if I don't want another plastic instrument that I'm never going to use in my house.. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I'm also waiting for a drop for the keyboard bundle. With music games sales being lackluster I am guessing we'll see a sale or even clearance at Target or Amazon within the next few months
Shipping with standard shipping was faster than ship to store for me. It was also cheaper than driving to Walmart, sinc shipping was only .96 cents. Thanks OP!
[quote name='kampretkampret']agreed. I was thinking of grabbing the keyboard as well, but then I watched the youtube videos. doesn't look very fun, so I decided not to get it. pro drum with an e-kit is good enough for me.[/QUOTE]
My experience with the keyboard peripheral has not been good. The beauty of these games was that even first-timers could pick up the guitar, drums or mic and have a good time. With the keyboard people are going to suck the first few times through a song, even on easy. I can't wrap my brain around their charting method yet - I wish they would have sheet music above it or something. Honestly, why they don't have sheet music when you're playing is beyond me, since they're making you play the actual keyboard parts.
That said, I can't wait for the Squier to come out. I think that's where this game is going to shine... for the 1% of people who don't get priced out and who actually want that feature.
Thanks Op. Best Buy price matched w/o any hassle. Picked up 2 copies, one for myself, one for a friend who's bday is coming up. All paid with RewardZone certificates!
Yeah thanks a ton for the heads up Op. I wasn't willing to pick up the game full price and this is just the kind of deal I was hoping would pop up. I really want that ing keyboard but it'll just have to wait.
That said, I can't wait for the Squier to come out. I think that's where this game is going to shine... for the 1% of people who don't get priced out and who actually want that feature.[/QUOTE]
I really want the Squier... and if my wife gets the phatty job she interviewed for today, I may still... But I wonder just how much content will come out for it, since it's a. pretty expensive (for a Squier) and b. only going to be really exciting for a very small fraction of RB players - when RB3 has obviously not been exactly lying off the shelves.
I guess I'll see when it comes out and make a decision then.
I realize that it's a very specialized Squier, but I paid less than that for my American Strat brand new from Guitar Center (it was $249 on clearance down from like $1200). I'm going to have a hard time overcoming that...
[quote name='bh47']Thanks Op. Best Buy price matched w/o any hassle. Picked up 2 copies, one for myself, one for a friend who's bday is coming up. All paid with RewardZone certificates![/QUOTE]
what did you bring/show them for them to price match it? was it a print out of the website pic or did you just show them it on your phone? looking to use some of my best buy gift cards!
Was planning on waiting for a deal on the keyboard bundle, but is there any reason not to buy this for $30 and pick up the keyboard by itself for $70 on Amazon? Does anybody think we'll see the pair for less than $100 any time soon?
Get the game now. The keyboards aren't really that great--- and pro keyboard isn't very much like real keyboards since you aren't playing with both hands.
Amazon had a bundle for $150 a month ago that included Rock Band 3 and the Pro drums. I jumped on that deal with all of my amazon credits I had accrued. The game truly rocks. Pro drums is very fun.
The singing is all very fun-- it is great to try to change it up and sing the harmony section.
I'm also waiting on the Squier to come out in another couple months. If the Squier works how it is supposed to, I probably won't even play any other games than Rock Band 3 for the rest of the year.
I have a feeling that we'll be seeing this game around this price point for some time as it continues to plunge. As much as I'm tempted to pick this up, I'll hold off for now.
Great timing. Was at a friend's house playing this game last night. I had the bug to buy it today. Checked CAG first. Found deal. Purchased. Thanks CAG!
[quote name='Gojimaster']Get the game now. The keyboards aren't really that great--- and pro keyboard isn't very much like real keyboards since you aren't playing with both hands.
Amazon had a bundle for $150 a month ago that included Rock Band 3 and the Pro drums. I jumped on that deal with all of my amazon credits I had accrued. The game truly rocks. Pro drums is very fun.
The singing is all very fun-- it is great to try to change it up and sing the harmony section.
I'm also waiting on the Squier to come out in another couple months. If the Squier works how it is supposed to, I probably won't even play any other games than Rock Band 3 for the rest of the year.[/QUOTE]
I bought the Mustang, and immediately regretted it, should have waited for the Squier. I can play basic chords, and scales on real guitar, I can't tell where my hands are placed, and which "strings" I'm playing on the mustang.
I know this would be way easier on the Squier because my fingers would be hitting real strings (the weight and width of the string really helps your placement) as well as holding a real neck.
I really want to buy it, but I've become such an Amazon snob, that I hate buying anything elsewhere as shipping takes so long (compared to Prime) and having to pay tax...