[quote name='mxpowar']Picked up RB3 and HP. Now all I need is the keyboard for cheap and I'm set. Thanks, Cheapy![/QUOTE]
[quote name='DarkonJohn']Awesome price on RB3, especially for PS3....had been waiting for that and Guitar Hero WoR to get at 50% below full price. Didn't expect RB3 to get there first, but I'll take it. Now I just need to find the keyboard on sale somewhere.
Real pisser about no GD:RB+ for PS3 though. Might check by the BestBuy store when I pick up my RB3 to see if they have an in-store and if they'll sell me one at that price.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='DarkonJohn']Yeah, even though I'm not that good at these music games, I still like playing them because I like a lot of the songs and by playing along with them it forces me to listen to the rhythm more closely than I do when I'm are just listening w/o playing, so for me, it helps me enjoy the music at a deeper level.
Just wondering if anyone has seen some good deals on the RB3 Keyboard accessory for the PS3. My wife would love playing with that.
But I really want the latest GH WoR game because it include Rush's 2112 set, which I simply must have. It is almost at my 50% off retail threshold, but not quite.[/QUOTE]
Check Walmart! I picked up a GH:WoR band bundle for $40 tonight (360)! they also had:
RB3 keyboard/game bundle (360) $65
GH:WoR guitar bundle (PS2 or Wii) $20
This was in Poinciana, FL...