Rock Band compatibility


91 (100%)
Several places have the PS2 Rock Band bundle for sale and I was thinking of geting it to play on the PS3. Anyone know if this will work?
I've read the instruments work with the PS3 version of the game--no idea if the PS2 game is fully compatible with the PS3.

But I've seen many people pick up the PS2 bundle, and then buy the PS3 game, and have it work flawlessly. Same instruments, I guess. I'd research it a bit, but I'm pretty sure that's what I've read.
yeah its the same instruments. I purchased the ps3 version and on the package it says compatible with ps2 on the instruments.

good luck. i say you just get the ps2 version of the bundle and pick up the rock band 2 game itself and the new guitar when it comes out
My wife and I did this today actually (our ps3 mgs4 bundle is in the mail).

when you open up the ps2 rockband box, the drums/mic/wireless guitar all say "for PS2 and PS3 use." And they all connect via USB which is included. So the instruments will definitely work.

i'll update about the game when we get the system in. Even if it not compatitble you'll still save a decent amount of cash ($20 or so)when you'll just have to buy the RB2 game in October.
[quote name='d3adliner']I thought that the PS2 guitar wasn't compatable with the PS3. But I may be completely wrong.[/quote]
I think that is just the PS2 Guitar Hero Controller.
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